Why is this game so FUCKING good?

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Music, artstyle, characters

It has more personality than MGSV.

cuz platinum

That's it.

I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP. Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.


Because it was a spin-off. Gameplay-wise it wasn't a MGS title. There where no expectations to be met or whiny fans to please. It was basically made by a group of people that said "Fuck it, let's do this shit, with no brakes" and started doing the gamedev equivalent of shitposting at full force.



Go kill yourself. This is the epitome of shit shovelware

Music panders to the lowest common denominator anime watching teenagers, gameplay is buttonmashing dogshit with tacked on tools and stealth mechanics, graphics/ artstyle are abhorrent at best, every character is throwaway dogshit and dont even get started on the "story"

only reason anyone gives a shit about DMC4 and MGRR is because theyre the only hack and slashes on PC that work out of the box

>Because it was a spin-off. Gameplay-wise it wasn't a MGS title. There where no expectations to be met or whiny fans to please. It was basically made by a group of people that said "Fuck it, let's do this shit, with no brakes" and started doing the gamedev equivalent of shitposting
this guy disagrees. full force.

Does Neir have a parry or interesting dodge mechanic?


I think you're singing the wrong song, mate.

If you dodge, you avoid all damage

Its an RPG, so you can invest to give yourself witchtime aswell, or a counter move when you dodge forwards


Because you don't play a lot of action games.

Or because Zandatsu is a fairly unique application of aiming mechanics to a melee game.

Assuming you mean Automata, it has a parry that interrupts enemy attacks, and a dodge similar to Bayonetta's.

I normally despise QTEs with every part of my being, but in this game I really enjoyed them.

Platinum learnt how to do QTEs well after bayonetta 1

It all added in for scores or sense of damage, and it isnt used for a "gotcha" moment

They're cool and short, the polar opposite of all the other QTEs.

Yes, that includes Bayonetta.

because platinum and metal gear without pretentious kojima

Nanomachines son, that's why.


because it's on PC

The dodge is super easy to use and allows you to use one of three counters, a stab, a launcher or a grenade.

There is a parry, it's damage depends on how upgraded the chip is and also how much damage the enemy does. It goes 0%,10%,30% and I would imagine 20% after that per level of the chip.

It has a parry you can buy, which is moderately interesting.

It has a dodge too but it's not interesting at all, it's basically an unlimited ocean of iframes.

Because it's totally fucking radical that's what

It's not, it's boring as fuck
Combat can be literally buttonmashing light attack and parrying is easy as fuck
Every PG game after that just copied that shit, so fuck them
Only Capcom and Team Ninja are competent in terms of good combat

>Capcom and Team Ninja are competent in terms of good combat

Why not just consider the game as non-canon since it's a spin off, instead of making an autistic 2 hour video about it?


t. easy modo babby

he might actually be autistic but I'm not sure of it.

also he actually took story of MGR:R seriously.

>Combat can be
>Combat can
There's your problem. You aren't doing anything fun. The game has literally dozens of combos for you to use, but you choose not to. You don't blame the grocery store for you only buying cup noodle and boxes of mac'n'cheese, so don't blame a game for your way of playing it.

Fully and unashamedly embraced its own cheesiness.


Worst camera in gaming

This is what's called camp, and I love things that do it.

Even on hard mode; you just mash toward WHILE you mash attack. The game still auto-parries only when a parry is appropriate and queues an attack if it isn't.

>dozens of combos
It literally doesn't. There are like, 6. MGR's "combo" system is just an endless string of randomly cycled swipe animations, along with a few special attacks that use the heavy/alt attack button.

The most interesting thing about MGR's combat (with Raiden, anyway) is Zandatsu because it's actually skill-driven.

>You don't blame the grocery store for you only buying cup noodle and boxes of mac'n'cheese, so don't blame a game for your way of playing it.
Harvest Moon is the best action game ever. You have to play it blindfolded with your toes, but it's not my fault you choose not to play the game the hard wY.


l fucking mao

at no point did i think that or had any issues with the camera.

and for the worst camera in gaming, i just played kingdom hearts to see what's all the fuss about and THAT camera was utter trash, mashing buttons hoping you'll hit something.


HOLY FUCK! I still can't beat the android Monsoon! And every time I die I have to defeat android Mistral all over again!

Play any good action game and you'll understand why MGR has a fucking awful camera. Platinum learned to fix it in Nier by adding like 10 different sliders to customize it properly.

like what?


it still sometimes manages to get stuck when you attack an enemy behind you

If play it like that and it's fun, then that's great. But if you choose to play a game in an un-fun way, that's your problem, isn't it?