Fuck Twitch

Who in their right mind thought an uncloseable sidebar was a good idea

right click -> inspect -> delete

fuck off

what shitty platform are you on
never seen twitch look like that

Twitch just updated
>impermanent solution
fuck off

how is that impermanent

Because it's back the moment you load the page again.

BTTV allows you to permanently minimize it

Are you retarded?

Are you? you're thinking of ublock.

That's exactly my point, user
If you have ublock or anything like it it's not coming back when you refresh

>Twitch just updated
Not for me. Get rekt.

I'm not going to switch browsers and install a plugin just to have a feature that should already be there.

The fuck, do you use Microsoft Edge or something? What reputable browser these days doesn't have uBlock?

Every browser has adblockers, and if you're not using one anyways you're an immense retard
Like, what kind of a fucking normie do you have to be to not be using an adblocker in 2017

chromium-based keyboard-driven ones.
>using bloated shit when a hosts file works the same for none of the resources

>Using Twitch

>complaining about video games

>Implying watching video games counts

You're silly bro!

>watching high-level play shouldn't count
Come on friend

>he watches strangers play video games
holy shit

Quick fix is to zoom in
for some fucking reason

There's are apps on the Windows store that let you browse twitch without the shit website and without any ads on the stream


get bttv and fuck off

who thought it was a good idea to make a website where early 20s slobs play video games badly and provide asinine commentary in a vain attempt to make a living doing nothing

the website is lighter than any client, and no one uses the built in player anyway.

bttv is not a client

>using ddg
truly a cuck

Well I can't tell what the fuck it IS. All I see is muh custom emotes.

it's a fucking browser extension

Well then refer to

>Watching shitch
Wow, it's fucking nothing

Also, normalfags please leave

Instead of that sidebar, what really bothers me about Twitch is pic related.

Twitch lets these gambling games be displayed in the same directory as regular video games where young kids and young teenagers can easily see them and click on them as an easily accessible introduction to online gambling.

Kids can simply come home and get on the PC, or access it outside on a tablet or laptop, see these entries with no icons, watch these people gamble there money away and pretty soon, these kids are gambling on these websites too and ruining their and their parent's lives.

Not sure what you're talking about user, there's a little arrow for me.

>linux fag still has ancient resolution on an ancient computer

kill yourself luddite

My man

>he fell for the poor build quality meme

At least that's difficult to fix. They don't have an excuse here.

Hover over the side bar and you can close it after a moment. It's fucking stupid.

Well imagine how many thousands of kids have been exposed/are being exposed to this every single day.

It may or may not be difficult to fix but, they should do something about it.

Use mpv or streamlink. There's literally no reason to browse the site. Chat is for retards.

This. The only thing I ever visit on Twitch is the following page, front page is nothing but garbage or shit you already know about.

How do people even watch this shit? Literally every stream on twitch has half the fucking screen taken by facecams, chat, donation popups, stats, etc.

I used to watch let's plays that were just game footage with voiceover commentary so I can get that, but this is just stupid.

Pic related, 2nd highest Nier stream.

I bet you're one of those fags that are glad valve took down all those gambling/betting related websites

>not using livestreamer
it loads the stream directly without any of the bloat of the main site itself
you also don't have to deal with injected ads nor faggots spamming fake emotes

>2nd highest Nier stream.
so a dude with 20 viewers?

the OP pic is the directory. I like to see who's playing anything I like, since sc2 is still a little cathartic.


What? I don't know about that. How the fuck would Valve even take down websites they don't own?

Anyway, I'm just concerned how Twitch nonchalanty puts these gambling games right next to video games on the same directory.

It's like if a supermarket put suicide pills on the same shelves as candy.

they were betting steam inventory items.

Well, was Valve showcasing these gambling websites on their Steam store? If not, it's not the same as what I'm talking about regarding Twitch.

Anyway, OP started this thread with his problem with Twitch, so I chimed in with mine.

>chromium-based keyboard-driven ones
god dammit, dude

It's cool. This ended up being a pointless bitching thread anyway, since no one here can really do much about what twitch does, so I don't mind.

>he will have arthritis by 30 but he makes fun of things he doesn't know about so it's ok

god dammit, dude


>he will have arthritis by 30
forgot to add: wrong

we're the first generation to use keyboards and smartphones every day for more than ten years, it could happen.

I'm just concerned about the young kids and teenagers, you know.

I don't want a new generation of gamblers silently and stealthily growing up in their rooms when their parents think all they're watching is video games. Shit, I know how easily influenced kids and teenagers are, especially from my own experience. Doesn't take much to get them to try something and then latching onto it.