Why do game developers have such a hard time representing the trans community in their games Sup Forums?

Why do game developers have such a hard time representing the trans community in their games Sup Forums?

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Trans people are mentally ill and in 50 years the entire revolting SJW crowd will be diagnosed with Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

>trans character



arent there a bunch of dudes dressing up as girls

>Link crossdresses
>doesn't get called the proper pronouns while pretending to be a woman (aka a tranny)

It article was wrote by someone with a mental disorder, don't give it any attention.

the male gerudo

Because they aren't Japanese, and thus have no talent.

It shouldn't be hard, Bloody Roar did the whole trans-species things rather well.

Shit hits the fan when you try to push any agenda tho.


Because only like 0.2% of people are trans and it's probable they've never met one. Also trans people are awkward, confused retards irl, so introducing them awkwardly is true to life.

>Link reacts in shock. It reeks of ‘90s trans-reveal comedy punchlines

That's because that's what it is. Elevens see people in drag as a comedy routine, not as a social movement. Thank god for that.

all transgendered people are braindead fucktards, just look what comso has become

inb4 screenshoots no one wants to see

because when nobody is looking and it's off the record most people are put off by transexuals.

but for the record? oyup we support puttin trans in yay we love diversity hehe.

>zelda makes fun of a guy who dresses as a girl
>polygon thinks it's trans representation

Not even trans, just a dude pretending


BR5 when?

Is polygon becoming the new kotaku with an overindulgence in clickbait titles, or has this been common for a while?

Also lol trans community. Not even real trans people like "the trans community" because of toxicity.

No, I want people to post them so I can add them to my fucking filter with the rest of the shit.

Hi I'm Stephan.

Elevens? We aren't Britannia

>trans people are such a small percentage that they aren't even a margin of error
>people still bend backwards to please them

>Why do game developers have such a hard time representing the trans community in their games Sup Forums?

Only western developers who have this problem

A better question is why do .01% of the population feel that their mental illness needs to be addressed at all?

I don't demand that my neuroses appear in every piece of entertainment media.

you cant please those who define themselfs in being ostricized.

If we were in Britannia these kind of articles wouldn't exist.

Maybe we should be.

Erica best character.
Never forget.

Because there's TWO ways to have trans characters in your game.

1: They're there and nobody knows because they don't go

2: Erica from Catherine where you don't know until someone else goes
>"Fuck off, Eric."


>Not even trans, just a dude pretending
But that's what a trans is.

It's more about pleasing the white women who are offended on their behalf.

What the fuck, Zelda just has a pervert.


>Because they aren't Japanese, and thus have no talent.

But lets be real, you really mean UGLY trannies.

Representation shouldn't be forced.

AKA don't walk into a fucking room and have the character announce it to you like its their favorite color seriously Bioware that's gone past bad representation and just went straight to shitty writing and you should be ashamed on a writing standpoint.

You won't be able to appease this audience. There's no way to win. They feed off this attention, and they'll never stop until we stop.

I know this is probably supposed to be another Sup Forums MUH SJW bitchfest thread, but here's a serious answer for you OP: transexuality as an "issue" basically comes down to technology limitations and our own culture, and in tons of games that is a complete non-issue which changes the entire basis of discussion. Fundamentally what a trans person is is someone who has a mismatch between their brain self-image and body phenotype, and right now there is nothing really we can do about that. But in a world with fucking magic, or advanced tech (not even super advanced, maybe another decade or two) then bodies can just be changed or swapped easily. At that point "trans" ceases to exist right? Ie., if someone ends up wanted to switch to a different gender they just can, and that's the end of that. They'd be by definition perfectly indistinguishable from anyone "normal" of that gender because their mind and body would be aligned.

Gays and lesbians and straights and bi and all that could all still be things because they're all fine in their bodies and with other people as they are, they just have distinct tastes in sex. But trans is fundamentally just a basic medical issue that could be trivially solved at a young age with magic or advanced tech. So trying to shoehorn it into those settings makes no fucking sense. Someday soon it won't exist and not for edgy Sup Forums skinhead shit reasons either but simply because it'll be nicely dealt with in a way that's genuinely good and 100% what a trans person wants. You won't see it in vidya/anime/movies except as a historical curiosity like so many other diseases and issues that modern medicine has vanquished.

They've always been the new Kotaku since inception? The fuck are you on about. It's only got a slightly higher brow than the Kotaku/Gawker brand but they're still a load of shitheads that you should never trust, click, or go to the site of.

What the fuck, I hate Zelda now!

One is a way of life, the other is a Halloween costume. You should be able to tell the difference between a mentally ill person and a normal person having fun.

Polygon has always been nothing but a dogshit clickbait site and was founded by faggots with Microsoft shill money.

Not sure if bait or retarded. I'm getting too old for this shit.


>baiting Sup Forums is just this easy

Polygon has always been known as the worse Kotaku.

It makes the least sense why they have trans characters do it.
Passing as the opposite sex if the entire point. They tend to not announce "BY THE WAY I HAD A SEX CHANGE" to total strangers.

And this is Bioware's go-to method of using them.

This right fucking here.

It's the new "goth" or whatever. Just a cry out for attention.

Ignore it and it goes away.

They do it wrong.

>introduces a strong, female main character
>"woo! woo! girl power! this truly shows that developers are heading to the right direction!"
>"but wait, wheres the trans characters?"
>"BOOOO! BOOO! Horizon is because no focus on trans characters!"

I liked it better when video games were a niche thing. once more normies got into it, things just got worse.

Wait, you're telling me putting on a dress won't make me crave cock? Who would have known.

There is literally nothing feminine about that individual. Shit.

>Mass Effect Andromeda dialogue

> (((Laura Dale)))

I didn't even think the character was supposed to be trans.
Just a woman who pretended to be a man because she wanted to be a soldier.

Like if a character literally has gone through the effort to have people see them as the sex they weren't born with...

Wouldn't it make sense for them not to bring it up as much? Like, or at all??

Going back to Catherine, Erica being trans isn't her character. It's only hinted at through Vincent being an asshole, and at the end with the characters poking fun at one of them for fucking her.

It's not ham-fisted, or even forced on the player. Hell at a point its played for laughs in what I thought was kind of a tasteful way, because even Erica joins in.

Also, Erica's character traits werent being trans, it was that she was actually rather intelligent compared to the others at the bar, even trying to help the main character out.

All I'm saying is I really wanna fucking replay Catherine now.


also she's tied into the plot in a cool way having nightmares because she's taking away the dudes chance to have kids.

Why aren't there more characters with mental illness? Why are trans the only ones that get support when they're the shittiest of all mental illness?

Would like to see well-written characters with depression/bpd/schizoprenia/etc. Yet all we seem to get are these faggots who cut their dicks off.

Don't know about Horizon (didn't played MEA but it indeed looks shitty frome the screens I saw), but if the problem in Zelda is the crossdresser Gerudo, I have a hard time seeing how anyone can be ofended. I saw that as a joke and found the character reminiscent of the french movie La Cage aux Folles (Birdcage). In fact the whole crossdressing idea for entering the town was a bit funny imo

Why are you trying to give me cancer user?

Holy shit if you times those numbers by 100 to get the real percentage you get....100.7 percent lesbian or gay and 30 percent transgender!

>horizon the most sjw marketed game gets shit on by sjws

Yeah, and even her having the nightmares makes sense with her because Only 'males' have the nightmares and I sincerely doubt some spirit is looking past the fact she was born one. Spirits are kind of dicks like that, want anyone to suffer..

TransGENDER=|=TransVESTITE. Even fucking polygon gets it wrong. The man wants to wear womens clothing, not chop his dick off and pretend he's female. Transvestites aren't brain damaged asylum patients, transgenders are.




Who cares if you can't do anything about it. Not like you stop looking like a male either

cant wait to pirate this shit. fuck this filth.

If trans culture actually only existed as the medical condition that you've described, you would be right. But the overwhelming majority of the trans community has never even been tested for such neurological disparities, and they in fact create their own definitions of gender that spit in the face of that science. Ask them to define a "non-binary gender" without using the words male, female, or gender. They can't do it, because the only definition it has is "Not male or female" or "not a typical gender" it's all word-play to make themselves feel unique, because being "normal" triggers their autism. So they grasp onto "gender" without actually defining it, then invent their own personal gender that is more closely associated to their actual personality then it is to their actual physical composition.

But god forbid you use the wrong pronoun, and not the new ones that they themselves have invented. They are a joke, with no scientific backing to their claims whatsoever, but they cling to a single physical trait that none of them even have and claim it is proof that they are right, despite the fact that it actually proves that non-binary gender is a myth.

>Transvestites aren't brain damaged

Underrated post


No, fuck off you commie faggots. Crossdressing to fool others is an ancient gag.

>clickbait sites don't give a fuck when japan does it right

Including a [x] for the sake of including a [x] makes the [x] feel awkward, makes the [x] feel forced and quite honestly makes the [x] feel like a grab for publicity.

You can crossdress and not want to have a vagina.

Zelda has some trap dude that gives you the clothes and you have to become a trap to enter the gerudo village

fuck off sjw

>disgusted by it
>will play it anyway

>by Laura Dale

Stopped reading. Kill yourself.

Kill yourself

>Not even trans, just a dude pretending

Yeah, we know.
Trans is a construct and isn't real.
There are 2 genders.
You have a peniii -> you are a fucking male.
You have a vagyaya -> you are a fucking female
You "feel" like anything else -> you are psychologically ill and should be treated w/ electric shock therapy and/or hanged
Gender is a synonym for sex
case closed

'Member when it was considered normal for games to completely ignore social issues as their systems were designed?

'Member when the focus would be on changes and improvements to the actual gameplay experience?

'Member when developers wouldn't thrust up strawman after strawman when confronted about their absurd design decisions?

I. 'Member.


Sorry guys trans link is canon



well I want to play the rest of the game, not give them money.

>wind blows away his face mask and reveals his manly beard and then he tries to cover it up like nothing happened

It's a joke, folks. Not social or political commentary.

Fucking liberals man.

Western developers tend to only included these kind of characters in hopes it'll get them a positive headline.
Making them interesting, thought-out characters doesn't really factor in.

Fuck, Bioware made a huge retcon to their only races not lazily pulled from Tolkien in DAI just so shove in a trans character.
A character who immediately monologues about being trans, and who is universally accepted and understood in this setting.

It's so insulting that it blows my mind a little.

Oddly, only because of her own conservatism. Since Avad would probably be cool with it.

>That one faggot that tried to claim that all the Gerudo Link porn was some kind of protest against Nintendo as well as a "celebration of the queer community"



Becoming a tranny means you have a mental illness fag. You're not actually the opposite gender.

>would marry poison even if the trans thing was canon
>would impregnate her ass everynight and hope she didn't want to retribute the favor

>scene in Witcher 3 where Geralt, Lambert and Eskel get really drunk and put on Yennefer's clothes
>"How The Witcher 3 struggles with inteoducing its trans characters"
>"Is Polish developer CD Projekt too transphobic for the western market?"
>"The Witcher 3 mocks the struggles of trans folk, and that is NOT okay"

Have you seen how companies and studios get flamed for not following the virtual signaling agenda? If you're not catering to that guy in the corner wearing a snail outfit, you're obviously a bigot and it hurts your stock

I honestly can't believe that there are people who devote their life to arguing about this nonsense