It's out. What's your excuse for not buying this?

It's out. What's your excuse for not buying this?

I am not human garbage

I am not human garbage

I'm an adult with a GF that doesn't need to fantasize about little 2d girls.

I am not human garbage

Because you didn't tel me. Is Yuugi in it?

That I don't know what the fuck this is and I really don't like loli in my hentai.

I dont own a ps4. But am interested

That looks like some cheap bootleg shit.

Is this related to ZUN at all?

You don't need her.

This looks like something that gets me into jail

What kind of games are these even?

I'm going to the doctor to make sure I'm autistic. My mom says if I am we can stop at gamestop and get this on the way home.

I am not human garbage

I bought Genso Rondo and it was shite

i've had sex

I am human garbage. Still not buying this, tho.

I don't really care for 2hus.

Have fun though.

Because this looks like shit.

>80 smackaroons
I should've pre-ordered this for the discount.

I hate female characters and won't buy anything that has a majority of them on the cover.

what is it?

Because I only fap to the porn and bullet hell outside some game arcade games was never my thing

lots of Sup Forumstards itt