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boring and buggy


Hey Holt, what's your take on the Cartels using quinoa factories to smuggle coke? Does that sound right to you?

This, open world filled with boring filler content and a completely forgettable story as well as luke warm graphics and sound design.
Ubisoft pumps out 7/10 after 7/10 game at this point.

Go back to Sup Forums thanks bud

hey guys lets take far cry and change it just barely enough to make it like a tom clancy game but preserve all the open world slogging we're known for!

>I haven't played the game, please pay attention to me

Never change /vee/

fun for operating with friend kind like the division but with a bit more content

Does anyone want to buy my UPlay account with this game for $25?

It hits many of my favorite autistic things on vidya. Plus it is fun to play with friends, I give it 8/10 due bugs

Feels like co-op mgsv without all the weird japanese crap (mecha, incest, lolis)

Anyone who says it's boring is either boring or ronery.

Fun with friends, shit without. Like most MP games.

Surprisingly enjoyable

whats it like single player

Haha no you fucking fag. This game is nowhere close to MGSV's gameplay. These characters control like fucking shit compared to how buttery smooth Snake was in MGSV.

I played the demo, and there's nothing that will convince me this isn't Far Cry in 3rd person + some tacticool shit

I wish you could turn the shitty military jokes off

that's pretty devious if you ask me

painfully mediocre when playing alone but pretty fun when playing with friends™. if you can get over the fact that it's a standard ubisoft open world then there's nothing wrong with it. feels a lot like a coop mgs5 with less polished controls.

>not liking Ubishit means you're X boogeyman
You shills are fucking pathetic. Enjoy your shit game.

It's good for short sessions

>tacticool quasi-RPG FPS
How can a genre die before it even got popular?

It's fun. Not worth full price yet, and the ubi cash shop is idiotic, but it's certainly fun. Already at 50+ hours, nearly finished.

Alright, so I got a question.

I like this game. It's not perfect, by any means, but I'm 70 hours in, and I've more than got my money's worth.

What else would I like? I'm looking at possibly getting MGS V, but I've never played a single MGS game.

7/10 should be considered above average to pretty good.

You mean 5/10 games.

depends. did you enjoy sneaking and going stealthy? then mgs5 is everything you hoped for.
but as usual, the mgs series is best enjoyed in release order.

if you went in guns blazing all the time then pick any of the new far cry games.

You still understood what I meant so what's the point in changing it?

wildlands 2 will be good

Why do they continue to drag Tom Clancy's name through the mud with these games? Just make a new IP and leave the Tom Clancy franchises alone, all they do is piss off actual fans of these franchises.

I enjoyed creeping around and being all tactical and shit. so yeah, I guess I should go for MGS V.

Then again, maybe I should look at playing the older games first.

I fucking wish this was like co-op mgs v. The controls on this are 100% pure anus

A very bad arma for consoles.

But MGS1-4 are nothing at all like Ghost Recon, they are linear and there is a big focus on boss battles and character development. It's more like playing a tacticool anime.
You could definitely still enjoy them but they're really not similar apart from the tacticool aspect.

Zero replayability, and it's honestly a fucking chore. I had more fun playing Silkroad Online than this game once I got 60% through the missions.

Because it makes scores of 5 or 6 irrelevant.

You wouldn't buy a below average game and thats what 5 and 6 become on your scale.

Everytime you fire a rifle it doesn't shoot the bullet itself but the entire round with the case and primer attached still to the bullet.

You can see it in one of their trailers.

>they control slightly differently, so your whole comparison is invalid and you're a fucking fag!

Yeah, sure. But you're still third-person soldiering around the countryside scoping out bases and shit and dismantling them how you see fit, just like in MGSV. Obviously it's not gonna be exactly identical because it's on a different engine from a different developer in a different franchise, you fucking idiot.

It's not my scale is the scale that anyone who has looked at game reviews for the past 10 years has used.

Obviously it's a shitty scale but it's what everyone is familiar with.

Fucking this. Every "Tom Clancy" game that has come out since he died is bullshit. I remember seeing Tom Clancy as a sign of a rad tacticool game that I'd love. Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon used to be great games. I hate the new ones. I'm fucking T R I G G E R E D

Pls show pictures

the same reason why people still buy cod games. name recognition.

if you care about the story then you should absolutely play mgs1-4 & peace walker first. they play nothing like wildlands though.

>stop liking what I don't like


>enjoy your game

I do. You could learn something.


was meant for

That was sniper 3

>peace walker
shit game not worth playing.
One of the reasons MGS5 is so unlikable is because almost all the characters are from peace walker.

Fair enough lads, thanks.

I'll probably still look into them though, I'm always on the look out for good games.


5/10 at best

why though?

your post is shite

5/10 at best

>open world stealth
Such a shit idea
All of the challenge is removed from stealth when you can just crawl around in the grass with a suppressed gun.
>Uh oh, enemies are coming to investigate my position
Oh it's okay because I can literally just crawl in ANY direction except towards them and remain hidden, they can only see me if I'm 4 feet away from them after all.

this game has absolutely nothing to do with ghost recon. why it's masquerading around with its name is beyond me. it's TPP with less features.

>7/10 should be considered above average to pretty good.
>7/10, a "C"
>should be considered above average to pretty good.

you dont even get to kill sueno/10

>I use it because everyone does it
Doesn't make it any less wrong.

Why use a scale from 1 to 10, if you're only going to use half of it? That's exactly the reason why all these babies whine about Zelda getting anything below a 9 when even a 7 means that a game is good. Everyone with a brain knows that so it's really not a good excuse to use these ridiculously inflated scores.

I've heard it's fun. However this doesn't look like the game I would pay $60 for, nah.

>4 feet away

confirmed for playing on babby mode

turn up the difficulty, wuss.

could you fucking spoiler that you faggot?

oh he can die, but even if he does its all a cutscene and its not even you who does it.

You're splitting hairs, I don't give a fuck.

Can we compile a list of the worst missions in this game?

I'll start:

>The Truck Depot in Koani

>Muh arbitrary scholastic grading system

Just because that's what's been taught to you doesn't mean it's correct.

>he dies in a cutscene

so fucking what?

>not even you that does it

credit is failure

Any mission that requires you to stealthily place or steal a vehicle. There's no way to duck in the car and the enemies automatically known its you so you have to kill everyone. Defeating the purpose

escorting that one fuck to the airport.

>the first 'meeting' with el sueno

Here have 4 shitty cars in the middle of fucking nowhere, even though you can call in a heli anytime you want

And no mission, just a phonecall

Ironically, the only time stealthily stealing a vehicle works is in the truck depot, but you BEST NOT FUCKING CRASH M8 BECAUSE FUCK ME, YOU ARE SO FUCKED THEN

Mediocre as all fuck. Why play this when better games in the same fucking series exist? Baffling.

70/100 was a D in my schools.

>There's no way to duck in the car and the enemies automatically known its you so you have to kill everyone.

I did the steal the car mission in Inca Camina with a buddy last night, on Ghost difficulty. We got our shit pushed in by snipers and mortars trying to fight our way through to it until I just said 'fuck it' and stealthed my way in. Got in the car with zero kills and without being spotted, and being in a faction car gives you a small window before being recognised. Drove it right out through the front gate, under their noses.

That's fine, but you really should just rate things out of 5 then since essentially that's what you're doing.

Can't stand it for more than an hour at a time.
>The Grind that is the end-game
>Those random Unidad patrols
>Glitches down your throat
>SAMs out the fucking ass

It's a good thing we're fighting a cartel, because otherwise I can't excuse the light-speed reactions and that AI movement speed with anything other than crackcocaine.

mission/scenario editor when?
this game could turn into arma 3 light with an endless supply of fan missions.

Nah, in fact I'm going to push my rating scale even harder now.

Anything below 7/10 is absolute trash
710 is bad
8/10 is okay
9/10 is great
10/10 is unachievable

>not worth full price
>50+ hours
>not finished

>another lazy sunday in the cartel
>listening to the radio
>start taking fire
>2IC asks: should we send a squad and flush them out?
>nah that would be too hardcore lets just sit here and get fucked by sniper fire

is that what you want?


Any of the "Deactivate this radio transmitter here then deactivate another one 10 miles away in 60 seconds" missions

you're retarded


>And yes, I have been on Sup Forums

I've done all the missions, only a fair bit of the side stuff left such as weapons/parts/documents and I'm about 60 hours in.

Coop is great, pretty fun with a few mates but started to get repetitive after a few sessions. I just went offline to do the missions, the sync-shot is OP.

It's out? Wew fucking lad. Are you guys at ubishit spent all your shill resource on For Honor? Literally no one talking about your new """""game""""


>have a helicopter
>mission complete

radio defense is by far the worst rebel op mission.

This. It never even gave you a hint as to what you're doing until he's in the car making a break for it.

Why aren't you using a chopper?

She truly was the Beauty Queen. I killed her kid the first time doing the mission by accident.

Oh boy, it's "everyone who talks about an ubisoft game is on ubisofts payroll" guy again.

Can you just fuck right off you stupid nigger?

Oh hey, so how is your turd of a game going on? Gonna patch all that shit just like Bioware, right?

Tons of fun with friends, final release was actually perfectly stable which is shocking because the open beta was a disaster

>gun variety and customization is great
>no bullet sponges on any difficulty, six bullets to drop a 'heavy' on Ghost difficulty at most, still seen them go down with two shots to the chest
>player customization is great if you want to look faux tactical
>open world is huge with lots of variety
>quality military bants like when one of the Ghosts mentions wanting a giant mausoleum after he dies, another says "what are you a SEAL?"
>freedom to approach most missions how you please
>occasionally beautiful, good performance though I have a 1070

>vehicles handle terribly, motorcycles are dangerous as fuck though they at least make you look pretty cool
>writing is pretty boring, they try to make the cartel members unique but it just comes off as trying too hard
>bullet drop is nice at first but you quickly realize that it's so powerful you don't really need anything beyond the starting rifle because bullets simply drop straight down after a while
>variety of things to do is okay but all of it involves shooting cartels, no distractions
>Pat Katari or whoever sounds like a white guy trying to do a native american stereotype voice and is ion the entire game, so have fun with Runs With Bulls talking about the cartel
>checkpoints are entirely random, some MULTISTAGE and highly difficult missions have zero, some easy short tailing missions have multiple checkpoints
>deaths sometimes feel cheap due to AI spawning in randomly on occasion

Fun/10, I've made a new outfit and loadout for every area and I'm still enjoying the unlocks. I almost shit myself when I found a 1911

>your game

I bought it you faggot, I didn't create it.

Also, it's pretty fun if you have friends (you wouldn't know)

~90 hours so far but some of that is idling

>vehicles handle terribly, motorbikes are dangerous

My flatmate said this, and I almost believed him until I saw how he fucking drives. You're in bolivia, on unsealed roads. If you don't go WOT everywhere and actually watch where you're going it's pretty tight. Ditch hook like a boss. (Also, he was using a keyboard. I found driving to be 1000% smoother with a DS3, probably any controller would be just fine)

>Also, it's pretty fun
Oh please do tell me more. Im all ears Mr. Totally not a shill.

Oh I agree that it's not as bad as people say but they still don't handle very well at all.

We just take it carefully now aside from bikes, too fun to take a hairpin at max speed and spit dirt everywhere.

Why the fuck are you even in this thread?

Tell me faggot, what do expect will happen when you go into a thread about a game and just tell people they're shills if they like it?

I'm an electrical technician for a major telecommunications company. Ubisoft can't afford me.

Don't act like the AI and detection still isn't complete ass on the hardest difficulty. I literally bailed out of a car which then crashed into a post 2 feet from 3 cartel thugs who didn't even blink at the burning wreckage gently smouldering next to them.

I then proceeded to gun them down with a supressor on. Repeat this supressor genocide on every base you find, and congratulations you've beaten the game. Also...

>the driving physics

>repeat this suppressor genocide on every base

good fucking luck with that.

seriously, your easy difficulty is showing.

My experience has been wildly (ha) different

>open world
>giving Ubisoft money after their 2014
It's not horrendous (minus the driving and radio stations, the latter is quite truly the worst I've experienced in a game) but it does nothing above average either. Fun for maybe $20 with buddies, but otherwise it's slop you've all played before.

>I'm shit at video games, the post

I'm shit because I haven't experienced the same AI glitches as you?

I'm just saying, I play on the hardest difficulty, and I haven't had any of the things that you are describing happen.

Snipers see me from ~300m, unidad patrols and cartel groups do in fact notice if you crash a car in front of them and proceed to engage with extreme prejudice. Enemies will attempt to flank and flush you from cover.

I kill them all anyway.


yes an open world ubisoft game what a breath of fresh air