Looking forward to playing in a year when it's £5 and maybe even fixed a little bit.
Someone's shy.
>A patch will fix the underlying issues of shitty animation, pacing, and boring gameplay
That's an odd way of saying paid DLC
>nagging developers like this
I hate you fucks
He didn't say anything about facial animations.
They won't fix it. They'd have to re animate basically everything for it to be a "fix".
Also can't patch shit writing.
>There are people that think that awful animations can simply be fixed in a quick patch
If they can't bother fixing the running animations in 3, nothing will be done about this. The most they'll do is probably fix some of the t-stancing and npc's appearing out of thin air.
>No one is pathfinder until they pathfound something
>Ask for steak medium rare
>Takes an hour before you finally get it
>It's well done
>Complain that it's not what you ask for
This can't be easily fixed with a simple patch like most people have been saying.
It would take thousands of manhours to reanimate a large portion of the game
I very much doubt they are willing to spend several thousands of dollars to fix this considering how little return would give them.
It's a great game and I wouldn't mind paying extra for them to tidy up some minor bugs.
I love posts like this
>censoring their usernames
Who started this shit?
>food analogies
A delayed game will eventually be good, a bad game is bad forever.
>I wouldn't mind paying extra for them to tidy up some minor bugs.
>He doesn't understand food
Quality bait familia
best you'll get is some more features in the character creation. facial animation will never be patched.
They shouldn't fucking lie. There's no patch they could do to fix anims unless they redid almost the entire game. EU or someone should sue them for false advertisement.
Wow. I love Bioware and accept shitty company practices now.
How old are you?
It honestly feels like everything was going fine for 4 years and then like 2 months before release someone flushed all the hard drives in the building down the fucking toilet and they had to scramble something together.
>ask for an user on Sup Forums to give you a food analogy
>he gives you a car analogy
>"user this isn't what I asked for"
>"Stop being entitled you little shit"
Will the patch fix the horrible story, characters, dialogue, voice acting and gameplay too?
holy fuck, its been a while since I've seen bait this potent.
I'll come back, when you have acquired 10 (You)'s
I want to see the sales figures for this piece of shit, it'll let us know how dumb people are.
No everything was not going fine, they just made it look like everything was going fine in reality people were quitting left and right, none of the original team left from the original trilogy, staff are now replaced with under qualified quota hires.
lol you actually think they can fix an entire games worth of problems with a patch
>can patch in new animations
>cannot patch in skin colors
>0.0001 rupees have been added to your designated shitting account
>i routinely eat shit and ask for more
>false advertisement
so what category does "Shit animations" fall into, user
im fucking curious
>seem confused
I'm not sure if there's really a worse thing you want to hear about your game. If you fuck up, people will recognize you fucked up, but to fuck up so bad people aren't even sure how much you fucked up a good 2 and a half hours in is something magical.
Thats DSP though, people are always confused in his streams
>I'm not sure I've had any fun yet
How do you not know if you're having fun or not?
As of now we have wiped over a BILLION DOLLARS off EA stock with meme magic alone.
But the market is all about confidence so do us all a favour and repost this image until the opening of trading tommorow.
EA may be too big to kill, but if we fuck there stock up enough, then Bioware is dead.
/our guy/
dude, ALL the gameplay trailers...LEGITIMATELY ALL did nothing to hide the fact that the animations and characters were shit.
it says more about the stupidity of people that they still bought it thinking it would magically be better
Remember to only buy this second-hand at Gamestop in a years time. Don't give them your NEET bucks!
Im not going to even waste a second of my life playing this garbage and I want to kill myself
I don't even want to pirate this shit.
>1 month overview
Go back to /biz/ with all the retards.
giving anyone any amount of money for this spits in the face and on the grave of anyone who actually cared about video games.
The game isn't frustrating or unpleasant to play, but it isn't really attention-grabbing either. It's just sort of bland and unimpressive. You can play it to kill time, but you might not honestly say it's 'fun'.
Diogee, go home.
Beautiful that should be a review.
Man this board has really become sony central.
Daily reminder that some of the greatest minds humanity has ever produced used food analogies
Here's Cicero, Rome's greatest orator using a food analogy
Around December I felt like I might eventually pick it up on sale. Now I don't even want it for free.
I'll watch CrowbCat's video if I really want to see a compilation of the shitty qualities for a laugh, I don't need to subjugate myself to the torment.
That's how I felt in FO4. I played for a few dozen hours, kind of just to see what happens. It wasn't until I hit the institute that I realized I didn't enjoy, like, any of it and that most of my time was spent shuttling back and forth between stores looking for resources to build my settlements.
Nigga you didnt ask for steak. Its some store advertising steak. Don't like the product, don't buy it. You are aware its shit before buying it so damn right you entitled little piece of shit if you think you can nag someone into changing their product into what you dont like. If you know something is shit, don't buy it.
He's not supposed to shitpost on Sup Forums
Rome was a place full of homo sex and degeneracy, you don't want to be a homosex do you?
Oh boy, it's a Sup Forums doesn't understand how the stock market works episode!
People are selling when the price is high. The price is not likely to go higher than just before a major release. Literally every single publicly traded company has had their stocks drop like that after a major game or product release no matter how well received it was. Talk to me again if it doesn't start going up again in a couple weeks.
dont worry user, its only small minds that cannot grasp correlation. like using a food analogy to describe the plight of a game
>large investor sells $450,000
EA is a company valued in the billions
a few hundred thousand are inconsequential. certainly not "large investor" tier.
Patch to play as a white person when?
go look up how a crash works faggot, then come back and apologize for acting like you know shit
Cicero is literally using a food analogy to preach against excess there. He's saying that even though sweetness is a taste we all enjoy, too much sweetness becomes unpalatable, even nausea inducing. Fucking Sup Forums, hating food analogies on principle out of contrarianism.
That's what upper management and publishers will never understand about video games. A good team is a valuable asset. One guy can add so much to a game; whether it be his writing, his audio, his art direction, his coding ability, any person that does these exceptionally well cannot just be replaced. Each of them are literal artists.
Would you fire Michelangelo early in his painting of the Sistine Chapel and hire some cheaper artist? They're fucking idiots.
>developing a shitty game and selling it for money
>expecting nobody to give you feedback
Yeah, but homosex.
>Not being a homosex
Your missing out lad
Can't fix writing and VA.
It will be really cool in six months once it's $29 for the complete edition with all 300+ DLC's.
>normies think the facial animations can be fixed via a little patch
They have to redo the whole game. get it, there wont be a facial animation patch, you fucking shitters.
>Sup Forums now considers that potent
Am I the only one depressed that effortless shitposts like that are now succesful baits?
When did people here become so fucking gullible and thin skinned?
Why do people now bite every single baitless hook posted in here?
>Put out a game with OBVIOUS defects
>T-they said they're gonna fix it! A-pologise!
Include me in the screencap too!!1!1!1!1!11 xDDDXD
>make a girl
>call it boy
not homo
nice digits
Where the fuck are you user? Don't you fucking dare fucking lie to me.
>We're fixing it but I can't say more
It's bullshit, they're not doing shit.
These are the posts i'm talking about in here Did people here reach that point in the spectrum where you are no longer capable of understanding the concept of sarcasm, irony and jokes? least they slightly improved on the "Liquid teleports into glass after 2 seconds of pouring animation" from Me 1-3.
That's not $40 million of improvement though.
That's like £2.50 of improvement.
Nice b8. Look at all of these morons think u r srs
Now this. This is the kind of bait that they write stories about. Stories that endure for generations. Stories that become religions thousands of years down the line. This is infinite bait. This is bait that could change the fate of humanity thousands of years down the line.
This is art.
That fucking face
EA DAMAGE CONTROL. Stock loses a BILLION DOLLARS in days and is in constant decline....
....And you daft cunts think you're Gordon Geckho.
>keeping this in game
If a superfluous animation looks that bad just cut around it. There is literally no reason to include it.
I still think the animation that plays right afterwards is a million times more damning. Fucker can't even animate someone DRINKING.
>not posting the full travesty webm
>!!1!!11 XD
Do people seriously still do this? Like, I haven't seen that kind of shitposting since forums 10 years ago. Did you time travel from 2003 or something?
You could have said "u mad" and it would have been less cringy.
Seriously, please leave. Please.
Excellent, this industry is worthless.
Top secret patches m8. They're having the CIA work on them.
This whole thing is a MK ULTRA level experiment to see how much you can get society to defend and apologise for any and all actions the more you stick gay people in it. They want to use this information to be able to make a gay Gestapo who will publicly execute US citizens while Twitter defends them completely.
Link is distinctly male, take that back
why dont you actually wait until they fix it before you ask anyone to apologize faggot
And another one I was talking about in
>That cloud of dirt when she sets her feet down