Is there a JRPG that fits these criteria because I'm struggling to find one that really grabs me?

Is there a JRPG that fits these criteria because I'm struggling to find one that really grabs me?
>No grinding
>Original and engaging story
>Not ridiculously long
>Attempts to make combat varied or original
>Not a dungeon crawler
>Not a tactical RPG
>Not cutesy
>Not hardcore weeb-tier

There's got to be a good one out there

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a nice 7/10 and cheap. Part 4 is alright.

>Original and engaging story
is there any video game that fits this critera

mario & luigi superstar saga

horizon zero dawn and mass effect andromeda

>short, casual jrpg
Well that's just stupid user, it's a hardcore genre.

The real best rpg coming in

What I mean by that is original by JRPG standards, not by book or film standards. God no. I don't ask for the impossible.


I didn't say short, I said not too long.

>No grinding
Maybe a minimal amount, but it's by no means a grindy game. No random encounters.
>Original and engaging story
>Not ridiculously long
>Attempts to make combat varied or original
>Not a dungeon crawler
>Not a tactical RPG
>Not cutesy
>Not hardcore weeb-tier

Literally no jrpg made in the past decade or two has had grinding and if you think otherwise you're just bad at it.

Ocarina of Time

Anyone know the name of this one?

He's just memeing, user. No one considers jrpgs hardcore.

Deadly Premonition and D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die

Persona 4 fails pretty much all of the criteria though OP

MOTHER series?

Mark Leung: Revenge of the Bitch

Honest question what's the difference between a level and a dungeon? That you can leave and return to a dungeon when you feel like it? Also tongue in cheek answer is Nioh

So close lad. I forgot to mention that I'm in the UK. It costs about £50 to buy already imported copies or it's about £20 for shipping alone from the US.

Some of your points are completely opinion based so it's impossible to give you an accurate recommendation.

Ar Tonelico meets 6 of your criteria

A level in a dungeon is still a dungeon.

The difference between a dungeon crawler rpg and a non-dungeon crawler rpg with dungeons is that a true dungeon crawler has you spending like 90-100% of the game in a dungeon.

Thank you for the helpful contribution

Get a flashcart or play on an emulator.

grindy af

Panzer Dragoon Saga fits pretty well.

Just buy one off of ebay dude. They're $25 burger bucks, so that's even cheaper for you, and I'm sure there will be sellers with reasonable shipping to the UK.

Do you even into online shopping?

Not even kidding

Isn't this getting a 3DS remake in Japan?

The first one yeah but Earthbound and Mother 3 are beatable without grinding.

This actually fits all the criteria.


That's exactly where I looked first, and they're roughly the prices.


I like Legend of Legaia

>No grinding
Most semi-modern JRPG don't require grinding outside of post-game unless you are a brain-dead retard.
>Original and engaging story
>Not cutesy
>Not hardcore weeb-tier
These all subjective points.
>Attempts to make combat varied or original
>Not ridiculously long
>Not a dungeon crawler
>Not a tactical RPG
These are all valid points.

I suggest you check out Xillia 2.

Get tales of berseria its pretty cool

you also have dq8 on 3ds or wait for persona 5 or ni no kuni 2

>Not ridiculously long
Those are all pretty cool games, but they are definitively lengthy titles.

Ok, well, that seems dubious to me, but here's another try.

I know this one had a UK release.


What length are you looking for 20-30 hours or something?

The only copy on UK ebay I can see is £160, little bit out of my price range


With criteria like these you're basically saying you dont want to play jrpgs because even the best ones will have at least one of these. Especially with things like
>No grinding
>Original and engaging story
>Not ridiculously long
You're setting the bar not just high but impossible for every game genre.
Stop being a nitpicky cunt and play whats recommended to you or find another hobby.

>Is there a JRPG that fits these criteria >No grinding

27,89 for a brand new copy with shipping from a reliable seller.



>No grinding
Depends on whether you mean no levels at all or whether you can do everything simply by going through the main content


Chrono Trigger

I guess the second one. But I would rather the game encourage me to do side quests

Dark Cloud 2

>No grinding
>Non turn based combat
>Has varied local, but isn't a dungeon crawler
>Steampunk aesthetic

I recently finished it on DS and it weren't bad at all but never grabbed me. The combat never really got boring and the story wasn't complete shit, but it wasn't amazing in any respect, apart from the music. Peaceful Days will never leave my memory.

Are you sure that what you're looking for is a JRPG?

テイルズオブベルセリア is the best JRPG of all time.

Its one of the best Tales games to come out for sure but lets not hyperbole about best of all time.

Maybe if you're a literal retard that'd be the case but most JRPGs can be beaten easily enough by just fighting enemies as you see them. I don't count that as grinding or literally every game ever made has grinding.

は? 何それ? バカじゃないの? てかバカじゃないの? てかバカ。

I wanna say the Megaman Battle Network games but the random encounter rate in it is so high that it feels like a fucking grind at times. It's the only jrpg I've ever played that tried to do some sorta original action-orientated battle system with menu elements and was actually good.

I want to open myself up to genres I don't normally touch, I'm just saying what I don't like from my experience so far with JRPGs, and RPGs in general

Vagrant Story, but it is most likely unironically 2deep4u considering you have to pay attention to the combat

Play more RPGs. It's only in older RPGs where the necessity to grind was the norm, in most RPGs released over the past decade or two you can get by solely through dealing with battles as you encounter them and not just running away all the time. In a lot of them you can choose to grind but it isn't necessary.

That is on my list so maybe it could do the job when I eventually get it.

It could also be considered a dungeon crawler since you pretty much just spend the whole game slugging around underground.

But they still wont have
>Original and engaging story
Because theres no originality in anything anymore or its just trash story with nothing going for it.
>Not ridiculously long
I dunno maybe Setsuna? I cant think of any other title in the past 2 decades thats not at least 40-60hours and OP seems to think thats long.

Every jrpg is bound to have at least 1 of 3.

What I meant by dungeon crawler was games that your goal is to level up and get loot purely to go into more dungeons to level up and get loot to go into more dungeons and so on. No real story to follow or story based goals.

well that shouldnt be a problem then. vagrant story has a brisk, well paced plot and generally even if the systems are a bit obtuse the writing is considered the high mark of the game

i should have been more specific, you need to pay attention to how your weapons work with the combat system or else you'll find yourself with weapons that do 0 damage against enemies with certain resistances. just carry a few different weapons that accomplish different things instead of trying to make a jack of all trades sword and you'll be fine

for being so open you seem very closed to jrpg tropes and style, seems like you just want a jrpg without the jrpg stuff, just say jrpgs are not your thing pick something else.

Lightning Returns.

OP here. I wouldn't say all my criteria are set in stone. I wouldn't have a problem playing an RPG for 40+ hours if the combat was interesting or if the game was well paced. It just seems like in most JRPGs good pacing and combat are mutually exclusive to being a lengthy game

The World Ends With You. It is pretty weeb tier and the protagonist seems insufferable at first though, the tradeoff being that it's significantly better than everything else mentioned in the thread so far.

chronotrigger? I mean you're a group of people from across time teaming up to fight an elder god. No grinding so long as you fight every encounter. depends how you feel about everybody looking like vegeta i guess.

>No grinding
Alright, perfectly doable.
>Original and engaging story
Narrows down the playing field a lot, and entirely subjective for the most part.
>Not ridiculously long
>Attempts to make combat varied or original
Reasonable, and doable.
>Not a dungeon crawler
>Not a tactical RPG
You mean SRPG? Shit taste.
>Not cutesy
>letting aesthetics get in the way of gameplay
>Not hardcore weeb-tier
Then say goodbye to most games worth a damn you westaboo.

7/10 bait, got me good.

See here

I think Golden Sun might strike your fancy, even if it doesn't fit the criteria at 100%. It's been about two years since I played them, but I've played them several times, so let's hope I remember well enough.

>No grinding
Not too much, at least. You can get through the first one at least without much, if any, of it if you know your way around it.
>Original and engaging story
Compared to the old Final Fantasy format of "saving the world from an ancient evil driven by nothing but lust for destruction", it's certainly original enough. Fleshed out too, in the form of a shit-load of text at some parts.
>Not ridiculously long
The first one isn't long, I remember getting through it in a single weekend once, even with all the optional content. If you continue on with The Lost Age however, that might change things.
>Attempts to make combat varied or original
Best part about the combat is that it's fast-paced compared to everything else in the genre. Even aside from that, I think the combat stands out in a good way. Hard to explain why, but you can customize your party's classes and shit.
>Not a dungeon crawler
Not sure what defines a dungeon crawler. but the dungeons are well designed and the puzzles are great, at the very least.
>Not a tactical RPG
>Not cutesy
There is a little bit of romance that doesn't take up much space. No fan service.
>Not hardcore weeb-tier
I've known casuals who liked them, if that's anything to go by.

Grandia for playstation 1

it has one of the best protagonests in a jrpg ever the only problem is the bad voice acting, but you can get over that as very few parts have voice acting

Grandia II also fits most of the criteria. Probably even moreso than 1, actually.

All on my list already. I'll definitely be giving these a try eventually.

yeah im playing through 1 at that moment and loving it, havent played 2 yet

The World Ends With You

>Not hardcore weeb-tier

Oh well

Were it not because getting all the endings require some grinding to max the weapons, and the "engaging" part being completely subjective, NieR would definitely fit that description.

>Golden Sun
The story and writing are atrocious.

heh, Grinding is the trap

Already played it. Already love it. Not really an RPG at all though, is it?

Dunno user. One of the Ys games maybe? A couple of them are on pc

??? nigger how bad at games are you

if you use your goddamn noggin you do not have to grind. hell, you shouldn't even have to use your noggin.

Games need padding OP. Try playing a 10hour RPG, it'll probably be very unsatisfying or one with multiple playthroughs. I was honestly not even gonna suggest anything because I've played all these and they have at least one problem according to your list so in the end what was your OP even for?

And then this If you shittalk my personal fave somewhere along your playthrough I will find you.

Oh, you're right, I'm sorry. I guess I'll have to retract my recommendation now. Thank you for making me see the truth, anonymous stranger with the correct opinion.


According to Gamefags, it's an ARPG, and since it's made in Japan, it's "technically" a JRPG.

My OP was really to see, of the games I'm already interested in, which ones would I actually like. It's hard to tell whether you'd enjoy an RPG after watching only a few minutes of gameplay. I knew some would come up so it was just to help me get to the good ones quicker.

Persona 2

Maybe the first two Shadow Hearts games.

I didn't find them to really be grindy, they aren't cutesy or weeby (they have a but of a surreal jap feel to them, but not weeby), they have interesting settings and plots, aren't super long (maybe 30 hours for 1 and 50 for 2), unique combat, not srpgs, not drpgs. Good games overall, can't believe no one mentioned them.

>is there a jrpg thats not a jrpg
why did you make this thread, why do you event want it to be japanese if you don't want it to be "hardcore weeb tier"

Rogue motherfucking Galaxy


Tales of Phantasia fits your criteria pretty firmly. It's not all that weeb compared to its successors, and at the least was very original for its time. I recommend the PS1 version.