So did Bioware release any statement after the bad reviews from (((videogame media))) and the shitload of flak from regular people all around the internet?
What about "the white tears" mug Paki who was always mad on twitter?
So did Bioware release any statement after the bad reviews from (((videogame media))) and the shitload of flak from regular people all around the internet?
What about "the white tears" mug Paki who was always mad on twitter?
Manveer Heir? He left BioWare the other day.
I'm starting to grow more and more attracted to this autistic piece of shit. I want to trick her into sucking my cock or something.
Was this their master plan all along?
>What about "the white tears"
He is no longer working for NuBioware.
And Sam "Virtual Rape" Maggs is gonna be next, after the critics due to writing.
Can I have a quick rundown?
The media praised the diversity so it was a win for Bioware in the end
Also gamers are weak minded people with little morals (especially whites) so this game will still sell well
Sorry, but this game wasn't made with racists in mind.
that's ok for me. I'm just complaining about the fact that it looks like shit.
IT'S 2017! COME ON!
>Manly tears dances with his pet newt.jpg
>What are you doing in Andromeda?
Is this the biggest shitshow since sonic boom?
As of now we have wiped over a BILLION DOLLARS off EA stock with meme magic alone.
But the market is all about confidence so do us all a favour and repost this image until the opening of trading tommorow.
EA may be too big to kill, but if we fuck there stock up enough, then Bioware is dead.
You call?
The call that killed bioware
>Was this their master plan all along?
Not initially, but once the online marketing team discovered that Sup Forums and various other online communities had an affinity towards autistic girls, they proceeded to inundate them with memes suggesting that she was autistic.
A stroke of brilliance if you ask me, it will surely drive sales.
Can you give me a quick rundown on this character?
So...they are in contact with aliens.
EA can afford releasing trash like MEA every year as long as FIFA keeps selling.
Don't know how things go on Murrica but in Europe almost every owner of a console gets FIFA every year to play football.
Why do people feel like everytime a new ebin maymay pops up you have to run it into the ground as fast and hard as possible?
Get this hothead out of here
Not really, If NuBioware doesn't sell games EA will butcher it, like in the past with Pandemic and so on.
Good, BioWare has always been worthless and they have yet to deliver a decent videogame.
There's no reason why they should continue existing, nor that there was any reason they should have existed the past 21 years.
You think that's a dead meme? You haven't seen dead memes.
Can I get a brief synopsis?
>letting your kid wear a shirt with "fuck" on it
Don't make me fucking post it again
because we're all chasing (you)s
Maybe you are you faggot
>being a conservative cuck
>meme magic
Oh yeah, I bet the game being garbage didn't have anything to do with it, it was le epic threads in Sup Forums
This is unironically degenerate.
the yes men give it an 8 out of 10
>meme magic
>complains about degeneracy in Sup Forums
Where did these cringeworthy soccer moms come from?
They're still a little better, if not, about the same as they were a month ago.
This is just on low setting, right? RIGHT?
>right? RIGHT?
What compelled you to type like some numale on Twitter?
I bet you also forgot to type
fuck off and die please
*gasp* You caught me
Oh no, I hate SJWs, that's why I hate people who type like them.
You hate them too, right? RIGHT? RIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT?!!?!!?!?!?!?!?
Bite a bullet.
So why did they choose to go from relatively good looking to abysmal cartoon looking?
How the fuck did you get triggered over something so fucking inane?
Kotor 1&2
Dragon Age:Origins
Mass Effect 1
Everything else has been complete shit
Also that guy from twitter was fired
The Illusive Man bows to Bogdanoff