FFXV has good comba-

>FFXV has good comba-

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which Turok is this

There were people saying XV has good combat?
Regardless I miss Versus XIII

Nobody thinks it has good anything except that one retarded faggot who calls everyone "Antikun"

>FFXV has good monster desig-

I love Kingdom Hearts and FFXV!

Yeah it does.

dont do this

You can only reply to me if you're XV-kun also

>OP is not a faggo-

Looks fun. tonberry a cute

I'm XV-kun but black

i love tonberries. my favorite food

FFXV's combat has potential, it's just ruined by infinitely spammable items.

Can't believe Square Enix dropped the ball so hard after making several well-balanced Kingdom Hearts games.

You played Versus?

That Wyvern design has literally existed since Versus.

Oh come on, you can shit on a lot of things about XV, but the monster design was solid.

Hey look who's here.

What's up XV-kun?

I love Sora!

not this shit again

The monster designs are some of the best I've seen.

XV's combat feels like it was made for a different game altogether. Fuck, half the mechanics feel separate from the other half. The obnoxious parry QTE doesn't have any business being in a game with actual guard shields and the hard to-enemy tracking has no place being in a game with direction input-dependent moves. It's a fucking mess.

He's not XV-kun, I'm XV-kun

To be fair, trying to fight tonberry's normally is just going to have you end up spamming healing items.

Monster design in XV is fantastic tho

At least the Tonberries look good.

You can't be XV-kun, cause I'M XV-kun.


Sounds like great balance, at least they're not as bad as the yoda tonberries

I like xv so far. I can't get that parry thing down. I don't block I just phase when I press square.

NO I'M XV-kun


There's no manual "parry" unless you have a shield and even then it doesn't really act like the HUGE BUTTON PROMPT parry that shows up randomly

The demo's should have clued people in. Anyone who thought the combat was good hasn't played a decent AJRPG.

>I don't like discussion on a website made for discussion

Hey man, you can like things but still criticise it, which a lot of people here don't understand

>FFXV has good summon desig-

They better reuse a lot of the enemy models, they'd be wasted if they only use them for a single game

>literal reskinned griffin
>Reskinned again for maze dungeon youtube.com/watch?v=PKj7QodiN_A
>good monster design

>a decent AJRPG.
Like what?
Asking this without sarcasm.


Final Fantasy XV

A number of the Tales games and Star Ocean games have all around better gameplay than this.

I had such high hopes for armiger jesus christ what a let down

This. Those fuckers shank you at the speed of light if you don't have your thumb glued to the block button.

But it has good combat.
Is not the game's fault if the person that is playing sucks.

I mean the block then parry. Do I press a button right before they attack?

If you have a shield yes, if you don't have a shield the only way to parry is to hold square while the big square prompt shows up on screen

What else is he supposed to do? Use magic and instakill all of them?

He's saying it's too easy you idiot

Ys games should really be the minimum target for any JARPG combat system, it's simple but well-implemented and balanced.
But for a game like XV, building on something like Dragon's Dogma's mechanics would've been a good point of reference.

Regardless, no one should have to tell Squeenix how to make party-based ARPGs when Square was one of the pioneers with the damn Mana series.

>the person that is playing sucks
user, four tonberries at once. Each one refusing to get stunned by your attacks and a knife poke away from ending you. It's either blocking like crazy, nuking them with magic or dying.

So only some enemies get the big square to pop up?

ASSassin creed did the same thing with parries ten thousand years ago and everyone praises it as a great game series.

Most of them, but they're always random. You don't have control over it except for some enemies like tonberries who basicly only have parry attacks that why they're so boring to fight

No, every enemy does, but not every attack will trigger the prompt. However luckily, dodge and block use the same button and having the dodge button pressed when the block prompt appears will count as successful block input. So basically if you have mp replenishing items (which you will have, lots of them) you just have to stand around keeping the dodge button pressed to win every fight you'll ever get into without getting a single scratch.

No one praises the AC series combat.

Asscreed's combat was trash since the first game, it was a dumbed-down version of the PoP games' combat mechanics that somehow had even less sophistication than that of Sands of Time.

Not him but AC1 was praised because it was new. DMCfags of course rightfully said it was shit but generally it got a good reception.

That's the reason so many games copied the style and the reason why all those games also sold gangbusters.

That said, FFXV has worse combat than AC which is hilarious to me.

It's not really discussion or criticizing but empty arguments.


>I miss Versus XIII
How? Whatever made it appealing is still in XV.

>literal reskinned griffin
No it isn't, it has completely different model and animation.

The top plays exactly like Kingdom Hearts.

The bottom plays like FFXV which is to say, pure shit.

The combat was good.

A highly accessible combat system that looks impressive and gives the player the impression that they accomplished something worthwhile despite really just completing an elaborate version of Simon Says is an easy sell to video game journalists and casual gamers. See also: Batman Arkham games.

>The top plays exactly like Kingdom Hearts.
You played it? It has the same exact identical swing animations and pace as the final game does, while the final game has manual weapon switch too. And the hud on the left side of the screen in the Versus trailer was pasted on because you can see he never accesses the magic menu.

Nomura even said in 2013 that the game isn't like KH because there would be no point in having two games have KH combat system.

Here we go
Enjoy the thread guys, my bait worked

>You played it?
Don't need to. We know from interviews that it played exactly like KH. But Tabata changed the system to what was in the final game. Which is to say he changed it to be pure shit.

>That said, FFXV has worse combat than AC which is hilarious to me
No it doesn't, not by any fucking metric. XV has good combat.

Would anyone like to talk about backseat fishing?



I'll admit, that was kind of funny.
I haven't seen that fucking hawk in years, feels weird how long it's been.


Please, stop making antishil- I mean anti Square Enix threads. Stop attacking Nier, KH and FFXV combat system!

>Don't need to.
So you're full of shit.

>We know from interviews that it played exactly like KH.
No we don't, Nomura flat out stated in 2013 that it wasn't like KH. Are you incapable of even fucking looking at the webms posted here here and It has the same exact swing animations for ground and air combos on the regular sword, and the same running animation and the same lance animation, while they added far more to it like the warpstrikes and manual weapon switching and directional inputs. In Versus the weapons were entirely automated like they were in episode duscae.

That command menu in the 2011 trailer is never once seen used and was just pasted on, it also didn't have an attack command on it like KH did so that already made it not like KH.

So why does he not keep his weapons permanently summoned during combat like the other guys?

i'm having a blast playing FFXV especially cruising around listening to FFIX tunes and there's nothing you fags can do about it

This game is probably my literally worst open world experience I've ever had.

I'm not even kidding, it has everything an open world game can do wrong, with the added on-rails car to make the open world even more stupid since you spend more time not playing the game then playing it.

I gave up on doing sidequests because they are literally the same. Someone did the laziest shittiest job possible in coding them.

The hole game can be described like this:

>talk to random object near "quest giver"
>watch your car drive for literally 5 real world minutes to the quest location
>walk/ride a chobobo for a few yards in a sterile empty world
>IMPERIALS ABOVE US for the 100th time, just ignore it again
>find a special mob walking in circles around an item on the floor, this is the quest itself
>kill the mob
>spend the next minute jumping around while trying to grab the object with X
>walk/ride a chobobo back to the car
>IMPERIALS ABOVE US for the 101st time, just ignore it again again
>spend an other literal real world 5 minutes watching the car going back
>deliver the quest
>the quest giver gives you an exactly copy-pasted quest but in a different location

This is probably one of the worst games I've ever played. It truly is a massive waste of your time. You spend at least 50% of your whole play time watching the car drive itself.

I did that for the first few chapters until I realised I'd be having more fun playing the old games.
FFIX was so good, man.

>he thinks I'm going to read this complete bullshit

You forgot to mention the minute long loading screens.

Because he has multiple weapons while they only have one main weapon and one sub weapon. And I've seen them all put away their weapons from time to time before resummoning them during combat.

oh oh
Now you've done it

No it didn't, it's actually one of the best ones. The car is literlaly just a point A to B travel system where you can use chocobo instead to go off road, there is literlaly nothing wrong with the way the car functioned since it served its purpose, it feels like you are going on a roadtrip in it with your friend driving you around.

Oh wait your post is copy pasta, post invalidated.

There's fast travel to get past some of the inane driving sequences, but the driving itself is inexcusably poor.

>Because he has multiple weapons while they only have multiple weapons.
Makes perfect sense.

So you have no actual argument.

And there only compulsory loading screen are when you boot up the game or go into a new chapter, once you boot up the game you free roam anywhere on Lucis without it needing to load up, even going straight into a dungeon if you want.

Versus looks more fun

The random encounters in this game are garbage.

>collect quest item in the middle of neutral monsters
>dropship comes and drops off twenty bastards five levels higher than me
>fighting them aggros the monsters around me
>manage to kill them all when suddenly attacked by a pack of wolf faggots
>another dropship comes by

Those dropships are the fucking worst, and more often than not just prolong a battle you're already in.

Gladio has a sword and a shield, Ignis has daggers and a lance, Prompto has a gun and a machine.
Noctis has all weapons plus royal arms.

And again like I said they all put away their weapons from time to time.

>Oh wait your post is copy pasta, post invalidated.

Do you have facts to back that up?

how dare you
no criticism allowed

Stop being contrarian.

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/talk to random object near "quest giver"/

>choosing to spend an ungodly amount of time driving the car instead of a long time in a loading screen

Thanks SE.

>Bahamut, the Dragon King
>is some faggot in armor instead of an actual dragon
>you can only summon him in very specific instances

What's the fucking point?

It doesn't fit his agenda

how dare yo
no defending poor criticism allowed

>So you have no actual argument.
There isn't an argument here, you're just shitposting lol.

Because it was. XV is a shit show.

Are you a parrot?