So after all the hubbub of MEA, I realized i've never played Mass Effect- any of them even. Should I play them? Are the DLC's worth it?

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I loved the original trilogy. I have severe reservations about andromeda though.

Mass effect 1 is a good but janky game

Mass Effect 2 is more technically polished but is otherwise a step back from the first in every way besides shooting

Mass Effect 3 is complete garbage and not worth touching

Andromeda isn't actually as bad as the memers trying to force another Tortanic like to pretend, it's definitely better than 3

Why are they so good? i have a craving for a good WRPG after devouring Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines in like 6 sessions. I hear that the first game is good but flawed and that 2 is the best, with 3 being good until the ending (which has been fixed by DLC)

Im pretty sure the only worth while dlc is the ME:2 shadow broker mission and the ME: 3 prothean squad mate.

Everything else is really meh.

Only 1 is good

Don't bother, my man

Just play them, you won't be disappointed.
Well you will be disappointed but they're still three games that range from great to mediocre.

I disagree about mass effect 3. It gets a lot of hate for ending, but the gameplay is great, the dlc aside from citidel is great, and the story and characters are great.

v always represents the worst shitposting.

Play the whole trilogy, OP, decide for yourself.

DLCs are cut content basically.

The expanded endings really do help.

Play them all.
Even 3. Its something you have to do yourself to accept why people shit on it so much.
Don't buy them though.

A lot of them were made like 6 months after release. The day one stuff was slightly BS, but don't be overdramatic.

All three are worth playing especially to understand the frustration of what I can only describe as unfulfilled & wasted potential.

Most of the DLCs are worth playing. ME1's 'Bring Down The Sky' was very meh but not terrible, even has nice music. ME2's DLCs are all worth playing especially Overlord, Shadowbroker and Arrival. ME3's Leviathan DLC is the dev hitting you over the head with them insisting their narrative isn't poorly written but still worth playing. The fanservice Citadel DLC is hit or miss depending on how serious you feel about the trilogy and how hungry you are for fanservice.

But I want to import my character from the last one. Does pirating even allow me to do that?
Plus the first two games are like $35 on G2A and ME3 probably goes on sale a lot

yes and yes

Yeah you can pirate and still follow character builds however if need be you can download savefiles that checkmarked the desired choices/decisions you made/wanted to make


Play 1, ignore the rest.

>gameplay is great

the core shooting is fine. The level design is atrocious and is basically just corridor shooting. The roleplaying is virtually nonexistent due to binary dialogue choices and the existence of "action mode"

even Andromeda has more open ended level design and more options to roleplay.

They make them worse. At least the original endings had vagueness to masquerade as intelligence, when expanded upon the endings become a million times more retarded

>How does the Normandy get to Earth in 5 seconds?
>Why does Harbinger not shoot it?
>So the whole plan after the Crucible was activated was to just abandon the troops on Earth? Is Hackett really that callous?
>Why did the Normandy get stranded and not the rest of the fleet?
>What is the point of destroying the Mass Relays if "we can just rebuild them lol"

there's more, but I haven't played ME3 since 2012 so I don't recall them atm, I tried to put that game out of my mind

just use a save editor

This guy is spot on.

This guy is not. ME3 is bad not just for the ending, but for all of the corners they cut too. The game itself is just a shoddy piece of work that was pushed out of the door due to time constraints. It deserved better.

>Does pirating even allow me to do that?
Why wouldn't it? It's just save files, nothing to do with online profiles.

And pirating is better because you get all DLC, something which never goes on sale.

>andromeda better than 3
kill yourself, contrarian shitposter
me3 might have been bad but it's nowhere near as bad as the trainwreck that is andromeda

Do yourself a favor and don't play any of them. 1 is great, and just goes downhill from there, leaving you with an empty space in your soul where hope and optimism should be

yeah seeing how shitty andromeda turned out to be made me want to replay the trilogy

So Sup you?

I really wish they'd release a trilogy remaster on console


neck yourself

! is fantastic, 2 is okay but casualised.

3 fuck no, ME:A fuck no.

If you play 1 and 2 on PC the DLC's are free I think? I dunno, but they let you download them here:

I will after the FF7 remake

DLC is free for 1, but 2 still has paid dlc.

Mass Effect 1 is a pretty good rpg but the combat is a mess.
Its always a toss up if the AI is manageable or they are going to spam grenades to 1 hit ko you, and the shooting is terrible all around.

Oh. How does it work with those downloads? Like, how do you unlock them if you have to pay?

>tfw they removed the how unique weapon handling from 1 and changed it to thermal clips.

They could have used both. The rifles unlimited fire but overheat, but if you're in a pinch, you can swap the clips, but this can be done only so many times.

Also I want my omni-gel back REEEEEEEE

Play the first game.

Ignore the rest.

2-3 are just generic shooters with zero RPG or world building elements.

If you have origin Mass Effect 2 dlc is all free or at least it was when they were offering the game for free aswell.

All 3 are phenomenal, all DLCs are needed;
Everyone else is larping

larp on my dick you fag

If you're being honest then ask yourself this: do you like being raped in the ass after a fairly pleasant night with an acquaintance you barely know?

If the answer is no then no you shouldnt buy this

What? Story is trash that makes no sense from beginning to finish and gameplay is just a generic as fuck console shooter.

>2 is bad meme
Why? Best squadmates (besides Wrex), squadmates are more developed, and more squadmates.
Not only that, you can kill 305,000 Batarians.

>daddy issues the game

I'm not interested in a giant side quest you nigger.

The side-quests are the best part, mega-faggot.

Mass Effect was never good.

Only few of them are good.

All of the loyalty missions were good.

Why did the stranded crew Jacob's Dad was watching over have swapable thermal clips? They were stranded for over 10 years, but swapable clips are only 2 years old.

this unfortunately.They set the bar too high

>Many decisions lay ahead
>None of them easy...

Thermal clips were always a mass effect thing, they just weren't swapped out like in 2

And they were all a massive side quest. Neck yourself. The entire game is a side quest.

Right. They were not swapable. So why could you take the clips they had? Their weapons weren't built to eject clips.

The good: great plot, cool companions (the aliens at least, the human companions such), brilliant music, pretty damn comfy atmosphere, new and interesting gun heat mechanic
The bad: awkward as hell romance, clunky shooting, bad animation, inventory management is awful

The good: better gun play, the only game in the series with a good human companion (jack), some of the companion loyalty missions are brilliant (tali's, legion's and samara's stand out the most)
The bad: the main plot is funking retarded, working with Cerberus is funking retarded, changes to the biotic mechanics makes playing as an adept a chore, scaling back of the RPG elements, to many useless companions (I might get a lot of flak for this but I thought some of the cast didn't serve much point in game, there was two much overlap in capabilities)

The good: some really good missions, best gamplay
The bad: the plot, the ending, the further loss of RPG elements, the frustrating lack of closure

Honestly I don't know if I could recommend the series. I love the first game, the gamplay is a grind but the setting and characters really carry it. The second game is a mess but there are so many great moments that it makes it worth having to deal with the retarded plot.
The third game though, it's the culmination of all the mistakes in ME2, playing it will probably leave you feeling hollow and lamenting what might have been.

There is nothing wrong with side-quests you moron.

because every single planet is a series of hallways and the sense of exploration you got from ME1 was lost completely. ME1 was a janky piece of shit with reused assets up the wazoo but at least you could go to a random planet, explore in the mako, and then find decent story content

any sense of discovery is lost when every planet is just corridor shooting

There is when your entire game is a side quest you mongoloid.

Then why is BOTW amazing? The literal entirety of that game is a sidequest

>exploring on the mako
Removing the Mako was the second best idea ME2 had. Probing planets and finding a reason to go there and shoot everything that moves is great. There is actually shit to do besides find 3 resource caches, look at an abandoned base, and fight one thresher maw. You can explore empty planets in Mass Effect until you happen to find a side-quest. The same is true with Mass Effect 2 but it cuts out the monotony of using the incredibly clunky Mako.
The story content you find on the planets is back in Mass Effect 2. Look for logs or datapads or anything that can be added to the codex during missions.

BOTW and mass effect 2 are entirely different games.

In mass effect 2 you expect it to continue the story of 1, but it ends up as a side quest. It's a huge disappointment.

I've been trying to understand what you mean so I can call you a homo or something but I don't understand.
So I ask
>There is when your entire game is a side quest you mongoloid.
What did he mean by this

I only played 1 but I enjoyed it as well as Bring Down The Sky and Pinnacle Station. I hear each game improves on the shooting part of the core gameplay but at the cost of everything else.

Janky is an understatement. The first is still my favorite out of the original trilogy though.

>The rifles unlimited fire but overheat, but if you're in a pinch, you can swap the clips, but this can be done only so many times.

That was the original plan but focus groups didn't understand it. So they changed it to a more conventional ammo system.

Tbqh i loved ME2
It's graphics were good, the atmosphere of each area was goat, the side stories very pretty good, the music was goat and the combat was great.

Story even tho lacking in many ways was actually some what ok. But there weren't any impactful choices like absolutely fucking non.

I loved how if you don't do your companion quest they would die in the ending, if you don't upgrade your ship then your crew might die and if you wait too long your kidnapte crew will die. It was very impactful and engaging to try to save them all

>Removing the Mako was the second best idea ME2 had

No, they should have improved on the Mako and the variety of biomes on planets instead of turning it into a galaxy of hallways

>The story content you find on the planets is back in Mass Effect 2.

It's text on a datapad for the most part, nothing substantial. In Mass Effect 1 you can randomly stumble upon a Space Congressman being held up by biotic terrorists and you can negotiate and convince them to surrender peacefully or kill them all. You can find a PTSD-stricken survivor of the Akuze thresher maw attacks hunting down the Cerberus scientists who did test subjects on him (which provides extra development for your Shepard if he's a sole survivor). You can find scientists who were attempting to replicate the Thorian's mind control and you can take their bribe to ignore it or try to arrest them. It's real content with recorded dialogue, ME2 does not have ANY actual story content out in the galaxy.

>Best squadmates

The game has a squadmate who's whole thing is he's back but isn't a stereotypical nigger. That's it.

That shit is not true even in the first game.

80% of the game revolves around recruiting squadmates and then further doing their loyalty missions, has fuck all to do with the main story.

Then the quests that feel like main missions to do with the reapers, which are few and far between are disappointing. Harbinger isn't as good as sovereign. I can hardly even tell you what you discover about the reapers in 2 because how meaningless it all is. Where as in 1 I can instantly remember things like vigil or the first beacon.

2 adds to the lore of the world, with some good characters. But the game is sidequest.

>favorite companion is Legion
>when you get him an invisible timer starts
>once it counts all the way down you're forced into the end of the game IIRC

wait a minute, exploration is worse in ME2?

That was my favorite thing about the first game.

>tfw if you hack the game you can get him early
>he has dialogue for every main mission
>for some fucking reason they locked him into the endgame


plot is the lowest form of narrative you fucking pleb

the story is not all about "muh main quest"

>plot is the lowest form of narrative you fucking pleb

Neck yourself.

No, see pic related. This franchise is worthless, avoid it and don't listen to neo-Sup Forums

It is, though, you fucking plebeian

protip: stories engage with the audience through its characters and its themes, what """actually happens""" is immaterial

>plot is the lowest form of narrative you fucking pleb
go play cod you nigger, and stay from a ROLE PLAYING GAME

There's no exploration whatsoever.
It's made up completely of linear levels.
ME2 transforms the game into Gears of War with dialogue choices and a few hubs.
Even the Citadel is incredibly cut down.

I had a blast playing mass effect 3 when it came out, even if it was a significant downgrade. I wasn't invested in the story after the second half of ME2 trashed it irreparably. What it did have were solid characters and fun gameplay (where you were fighting along side them). Thinking about it almost makes me want to buy Andromeda, but something tells me I should resist. Honestly the biggest turnoff for me in ME3 is not the bad story but how all the companion characters seem totally boring and uninteresting. I don't want to explore the galaxy with these obnoxious, ugly clowns.

Those are for people who already have the DLC unlocked on their EA accounts and want to redownload them. They don't work if you never bought them, unless you use a pirate unlocker.

Exactly. It was probably the first time I was ever disappointed in a game. The E3 demo of Shepard berating Garrus was neat as well. It seemed there were consequences to actions and interpersonal relations could suffer.

Mass effect trilogy is one of the best series in gaming. Period.
People can criticize a game all fucking day like the braindead edge lords they are, but ME 1-3 are all great. And so far, I'm having a lot of fun with ME: A.

3 was an excellent game, but people are salty about the ending. I won't lie, the ending was bad. But don't spoil yourself.
Also, yes, all of the DLC is worth it. You can play all of it without paying for them if you have Origin Access, but I'm sure I'll get quotes from a bunch of poor fags about how much a shill I am.

>Should I play them?
No, you shouldn't.

>Are the DLC's worth it?
Take a guess.

No they fucking don't.

Back to r/masseffect

When I said ME3 at the end I meant Andromeda, as you probably guessed.

>go play cod you nigger, and stay from a ROLE PLAYING GAME

and people enjoy ME2 because it provides the most expansive, in-depth cast that allows the player to role play through their relationships with said characters

and it's not like the story is nonexistent, it's just character driven through a series of loosely connected events rather than muh reapers and is generally all the better for it, the reaper storyline was already exhausted after the first game

I swear to god Sup Forums is the angriest hive of idiots who don't actually know what the fuck they're talking about I've ever experienced

There's not a single ROLE PLAYING GAME in this series. There's just a lot of shooting in hallways occasionally broken up by

>I will kill you painlessly (Paragon)
>I will kill you
>I will kill you painfully (Renegade)

>I swear to god Sup Forums is the angriest hive of idiots who don't actually know what the fuck they're talking about I've ever experienced

Reddit is open for you.

>get BTFO
>"I'll call him reddit, that'll show him!"

t. faggot who started using Sup Forums in 2012 but calls people reddit so he can pretend to fit in

>And so far, I'm having a lot of fun with ME: A.

They are all great, although 1 has some pretty basic shootan, especially by today's standards.

3 is actually really, really good. Be prepared for the most disappointing ending in vidya history, although for me that doesn't ruin the quality of the journey.

I don't have autism however, which means my opinion isn't accurately representative of Sup Forums at all.

to be honest, every squadmate but Wrex, Garus, Zaeed, and Javik are complete shit and 3/4 of them are only in 1 game a piece

The fact that you don't even get a krogan squadmate in ME3 just helps cement how shit that game is as a whole. Fuck anyone who says just the ending is bad

>and people enjoy ME2 because it provides the most expansive, in-depth cast that allows the player to role play through their relationships with said characters

Oh yeah, daddy issues #737273 is such great, expansive in-depth cast.

>"You're going to go to sleep now, Tabitha. You'll dream of a warm place... and when you wake up, you'll still be there."

ME3 would be a legendary game instead of a laughingstock if they made Indoctrination theory ending real.


Play them all. 1 is kind of a slog, 2 is amazing, 3 is pretty great
The only DLC you should get is Extended Cut(or whatever it is that fixed 3's ending)

The Origin Access versions don't have all of the DLC. They're Deluxe Editions, not Complete Editions (which don't exist). They only contain the preorder bonuses and day-1-dlc.

>random and easily missed side quest in ME1 has more emotion, better writing, voice acting and dialogue than the entire hot mess of Andromeda

really makes one wonder

Sure it would, reddit.

indoctrination theory is the most pathetic example of mass denial I've ever seen

that's not even how indoctrination works in-universe

>implying you've even played Andromeda

>although for me that doesn't ruin the quality of the journey

>Reapers act retarded through entire game so you can stand a chance
>magical deus ex machina Crucible
>Cerberus is suddenly a giant army that can invade whatever they want and you fight them more than Reapers
>butchered characters
>none of your decisions in previous games mattered
>Collectors base completely ignored
>Naruto tier bad guy

Yeah, what an amazing game.

i still don't understand why bioware hasn't released a true complete edition on pc

guessing it has to do with those shitty bioware points