What are my options if I want a multiplayer card game on PC that isn't complete shit?

What are my options if I want a multiplayer card game on PC that isn't complete shit?

pic kinda related, I think Hearthstone is alright but I'm looking for something better

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shadowverse if you want hearthstone with less RNG bullshit and less jewery
eternal if you want MTG

Hearthstone is your worst option. Duelyst, Faeria, Shadowverse, TES Legends, and Gwent are all better

KrosMaga is you like Wakfu/Dofus.

So did they finally release something worth using other than a Foltest Siegemaster deck?


git gud

Fuck off weeb

Is Skellige still bottom barrel tier?
I still can't recover from the nerf to the Axeman long ago.


I tried shadowverse but it's literally just a less polished weebshit version of hearthstone. Wouldn't dare play that shut in public it's literally dad-walks-in-tier weeb shit

The problem is that despite all of hearthstones flaws it has the largest community of any game and the highest production value/

MTG clients are hot ass, Shafowverse has terrible visual choices and also looks like hot ass, Elder scrolls is boring as fuck and two lanes is a gimmick, and Duelyst makes HS look balanced and the pixel art is trashy as well.

Just avoid Hearthstone.

The answer has always been, and still is, Magic Online. No other card game comes close in terms of general mechanics and deck designs, but it comes with the drawback of not being F2P and having a game client that visually looks like it belongs on the other side of the millennium.

Objectively correct post

>recommending people play "haven automatically wins games because most classes don't have amulet removal of any sort"


>highest production value/

This means nothing when the dev team is shit

Every other option has a more responsive team, and a more fun game as a consequence. What does the size of the community matter?

Be honest, when was the last time you logged in to SV?

i liked the game more than hearthstone at first because it had more variety, more interessing class and it gave you free packs like candy

then the expansion hit and everyone started playing elana,dimension shift and roach over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over

it was terrible

These are posts with correct answers

Yeah, HS has way more deck variety

You got jade
and pirates
and jade

not him but i last played about 5 months ago and thats literally how it was

when darkness evolved was new, and i noticed they still did nothing about being able to remove amulets (BANISHMENT not DESTRUCTION which still triggers their fucking effects), and i quit again. as soon as seraph hits the field you might as well concede unless you are running odin (who is way too slow in most decks)

OCTGN if you want some paper card games uploaded into digital.
Tabletop Simulator if you also want board games into the mix.

Enstatued Seraph decks aren't that good desu

>hearthstone is only for playing the autistic ranked grind

Sure, months ago. The meta has gone through multiple shifts since then. It's a cardgame with a genuinely fluctuating meta and devs who can balance decks without nuking them into oblivion.

Seraph isn't even a tier 1 deck, bro. Midrange Sword is king right now.

explain how this banishes seraph again?

Do I even have to point out the hypocrisy in this?

I know its kinda obscure, but I reaaaaally like Spellweaver on Steam. It's really fun to me and I like the quaint presentation.

>complain that hearthstone has no deck diversity when you obviously only play ranked, the mode specifically meant to remove deck diversity

i have been playing retarded shit like weapon warrior and burgle rogue for a long time. try playing something that isnt ranked if you want a more diverse array of opponents, i have literally never once seen jade in casual because it's free wins in ranked

so is there actually a good amount of proper counters for amulets now or what
i mean even if there were it would still be the same kind of boring board-clear every turn garbage hearthstone is but it'd be nice to know

Yeah, that's great thanks for your addition, but the original post I was responding to was complaining about the SV ladder. The exact same responses work here.

How you like them eggs dragonbros?

If you're playing a control deck Odin is amazing. If you're not, you should be outracing Seraph anyway. It's that easy.

you didn't answer the question

No, they didn't suddenly introduce a massive amount of amulet hate. They don't really need to.

Glad that dragon is finally getting a decent turn 1 play.

so its still the exact same garbage as before and you literally lied when you said it was different

>outracing seraph
how do you do that when their board is completely full at all times from all the other amulets that, if you destroy instead of banish them, trigger early and give them an enormous tempo swing?

>shadowverse is boring
>s-so is hearthstone

The meta has changed multiple times. The decks you were bitching about aren't dominant. The game is different than when you were playing. You're just a whiny cunt.

he did. If someone drops an enstatued seraph, they just wasted 8 playpoints and their turn on that. They can only win if they already set up an advantage

SV is pretty boring honestly. They should think about rotating cards out since RoB power creeped the meta very hard.


If you can't figure out the answer to this question, you're actually too stupid to play card games.

Your next response to this post will undoubtedly be inane, and I won't be responding to it.

Have you played recently? Its is almost nothing but pirate spam, even at the low ranks. Everyone netdecks now, even fucking normies. You will be going against legend tier pirate warrior at rank 20.

no man its cool, you like the game and want to defend it
i understand
but it still has the same lack of amulet removal and you literally tried to say that changed
don't lie to defend your sacred cow

playing Faeria atm. best digital CCG I've played till now.

the buildable board gives this game a certain depth that makes your typical CCG-bullshit less frustating than in similar games

SV is your best bet if you want a Hearthstone clone with less RNG.
Try our discord if you want some help getting started discord.gg/PJbrWam

I'd suggest Eternal personally if you want something else.

At least dragon makes the best use out of the neutral legendaries.

Respond to this post if you aren't a fat gay autistic liberal

>The meta has gone through multiple shifts since then.
Pretty sure the same T1 decks (tempo forest, mid sword, dshift, and bird haven) are still at the top and have been so since October :^)

The counters are playing new and better decks. The amulet removal they added isn't even good, because it's such a highly specific tech choice. You're fucking stupid.

make spellboosting not exist and limit/errata a couple of other cards like roach. there i just fixed most of the problems

>If someone drops an enstatued seraph, they just wasted 8 playpoints and their turn on that
and then you lose the game because they spend the next 3 turns healing, controlling the board, and laughing at you because you lack banish to stop them from winning

so fucking true

Are you a shitter? Who the fuck even uses Fotlest currently?

card games with noncard mechanics always fail hard because the majority of card game players don't care about that shit. look at what happened to duelyst

out of those only midrange sword and dshift are T1

Duelyst is a blast. High deck variety, most cards feel useful, and their current expansion model is very new player friendly as it gets around crafting requirements and gives you full playsets of the cards.

They just released a tribal based expansion a couple of days ago, cards are cool.

>tempo forest

Mid sword and bird haven dropped hard during the Daria meta
Dshift has, like, a 45% winrate

nice meme

Shadowverse will stay pretty one dimensional as long as Dshift and Roach exists desu. One makes control mirrors an absolute chore to play and the other guarantees a class as T1 since fucking June 2016.

You seriously sound like you never made it out of C rank

Duelyst should die in a hole, it's a shit game with shit cards and shit framerate, no balance, and jew devs

why are you so desperate? what are you trying to prove?
the game lacked amulet removal when i played, and you lied and said that changed
i don't care whether amulet removal is good or not, if you can't answer a simple question without lying you really need to step back and reevaluate your emotional relationship with this online card game

And if you're playing aggro a turn 8 of them doing fucking nothing should be gg, if not then that means they've basically already won regardless of Seraph
If you're not playing aggro then why the fuck don't you have Odin?

Elder Scrolls Legends is stupidly good.

no shit? i quit after darkness because haven is beyond broken lmao, why would i keep playing and ranking up in a game that is almost as unbalanced as hearthstone

nah, you lose because you suck

You asked for amulet counters in your initial post. I told you what the counters were, and you claimed they didn't exist.

You specifically want amulet removal now. I don't know why. Probably because you're a shitter who thinks the best way to design card games is with highly specific counters to the things that make you mad. I recommend you go play the first five years of yugioh

>tfw not intelligent enough to play Duelyst
Its a really cool game though, I love all the sprites and the mulligan mechanics.

>Daria meta
Good thing Daria is gone since it was singlehandedly killing the game then :o)

>Dshift has, like, a 45% winrate
D0 detected

>i quit before i learned how to play why does no one agree with me that this game sucks?

Its not that bad. The card design is pretty solid overall, and it has one of the largest "tier one" of any card metagame.

Eternal has the best mix of everything.

>A core game that's fun and has the potential to grow

>decent polish

>Super generous with it's rewards (like, you'll probably get all the common and uncommon cards after a few days of play

>A decent amount of players and a ladder you don't have to spend your life to get to masters

>The best draft system I've ever seen in a f2p card game- you get the freedom of a irl magic draft with the convenience of hearthstone's arena

As far as pure gameplay goes I like Hex a bit better but you absolutely have to pay if you want to draft or be competitive in pvp.

I want to try it and Gwent but
>no mac client
I know I should just kill myself, I'm getting a new computer soon I swear....

It's funny because Seraph is one of Dragon's worst matchups.

user why. Are you gay?

>The counters are playing new and better decks.

>the counter to the old OP decks is the new OP decks

who ready for the rise of control blood

You're missing my point. I'm not saying that decks aren't too good from time to time. I'm saying that the meta isn't locked in place like a dead whore on your dick. It actually shifts without having to delete decks from the game. That's pretty good.

>having enough of the right cards on turn 8 to do 20 face damage because haven constantly heals itself to full so you can't deal meaningful chip damage

>If you're not playing aggro then why the fuck don't you have Odin?
why is the only card with amulet banishment an 8 drop at legendary rarity?

Gems of War
Lots of card. It mixes RPG, CGG and a gem cruncher.

t. not skilled enough to go to starcitygames mtg regionals so you shitpost on Sup Forums about weebstone

I've been playing Blood Control for a while now. I feel like my deck is already good enough without Blood Moon

jesus christ thats disgusting

>I'm saying that the meta isn't locked in place like a dead whore on your dick.
The meta has been mid-sword, dshift, and tempo forest trinity since June. It was only for the 2 month stint during RoB where they got pushed out because two top-tier cancer decks that make Hearthstone look balanced (Daria and Roach) were allowed to roam free.

Shadowlog already shows a significant rise in the original T1 decks with the exception of Forest, but despite being least played it still has a positive win rate as tempo.

I know I'm retarded, it was a gift though. Can probably just play them in wine or parallels or whatever but this piece of shit almost explodes from streaming or hearthstone as is.

>I told you what the counters were, and you claimed they didn't exist.
no, you claimed they existed and they don't
straight up beating the other player is not a counter for amulets, it's just winning the game
countering something is specifically dealing with it, and you said the game suddenly had that since i last played. you lied.

Because amulets are slow and clunky, and if you made it too easy to remove them you'd completely gimp the class designed around them. Haven is not a broken class at this point, so why murder it?

t. someone who hasnt pulled odin

>amulets are slow and clunky
>you can play your own destroy effects on them to trigger them early and steamroll the game

>pic kinda related, I think Hearthstone is alright but I'm looking for something better
shadowverse is your game

>synergy cards help overcome innate weaknesses


Once again, Haven is balanced, making it too easy to banish amulets would destroy the class, and you're a complete shitter

HS used to be so fun how did they fuck it up so bad


i pulled only one back when i played
why should i have to be wasting time trying to get a specific legendary for this single extremely important effect to any non-aggro deck by your own admission

I have all the legendaries and I agree that more amulet removal is needed in this game.

Sorry :)