Why are you on Sup Forums instead of playing a video game right now?

Why are you on Sup Forums instead of playing a video game right now?

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Playing TF2 in another window right now.

Have you ever tried to fight Shulk when you're a lone engineer and he has enough for a rage?

im too tired to live

I'm playing zelda even though I should be in bed sleeping

because I don't have the gumption to open an emulator and finish Seiken Densetsu 3 when I could keep my browser open in the vane hope of a cheap laugh

The madman.

Fuck you, stupid little girl.

Joke's on you nerd, I'm playing TLR and only alt-tabbed out to drink my tea

eating. getting back to nier afterwards.

I haven't been gaming all week.. and I'm on spring break. The most I did was play a bit of Scott Pilgrim and Charlie Murder on my 360 again.

I.. haven't even plugged in my Ps4 since I came home what is wrong with me.

Too late for vidya, too early for bed
Considering ditching work tomorrow to play Nier and maybe work on my car a little bit



>fight Shulk

>playing video games
heh what do you take me for? some useless degenerate that sits around all day


How about you come a bit closer and I'll explain why.

I'm waiting for somebody to connect.

I beat BotW, did a 3 heart run too, and now I don't know what to do with my life

I'm guessing he's playing on those custom vsh servers.

I'm pretty tired and I don't like playing games in such state
I'll play some automata tomorrow


I'm about to shower, then get back to playing games. Just need to charge my phone for a minute.

I stayed up until 3 last night playing Nier, didn't get any sleep, and now I feel too shit to do anything else today other than browse Sup Forums.

Why are you on Sup Forums asking questions instead of playing video games?

because i wanted to see you being cute

Honestly I just don't feel like booting up the consoles nor the games.
I really enjoy playing videogames, but it's like it's only addicting while you're playing, you feel me?

It's so much easier to just dick around youtube or Sup Forums or whatever.

what's the name of this anime?

That's Yuru Yuri, the favorite anime of our boy pannenkoek.

I actually know exactly how you feel. I love games but I'm just so lazy to push myself over the threshold to start playing a game when making posts takes much less effort. But when I actually get started I get really into it, so the key is making myself take that first step and loading up a game.


Holy shit this site is great. Time to search every picture I have saved.

why do people watch this thing?

Cute girls doing cute things

who neeet masterrace here?

I've played everything I own/am waiting for Demon's Souls to arrive in the mail, should be any day now.


Why don't you watch it for yourself and find out?
In my experience, the people who are most confused are the people who ardently to refuse to try anything outside of their comfort zone. They have preconceived notions and they refuse to let them be changed.