Air Gear

Why didn't this get any vidya even though skating was a trend back when it came out?

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>skating was a trend when it came out
no it wasnt

skating was barely a trend and dying at that when Jet Grind Radio came out on the Dreamcast

also idk it should have, but the manga wasnt well developed on its battle system which ranged from brawling to racing to some other kinda racing

Ikki (and Ringo, I think, Hentai Kamen version) are featured in a PSP fighting game with other manga characters. I think Inuyasha is in it, too

Also, it would never really work. Too many battle systems and it goes kinda full retard towards the end

Because Air Gear is shit?

I'd rather just get a new Jet Set Radio.

This is the closest we'll ever get.

I wish they continued the anime as well.

>why didn't a cancelled show get a game



Skating is like shit tier skateboarding, only trick is doing retarded poses

Because Oh Great is a lunatic who turned a manga form of jet set radio, into the shittiest and most uninterestingly absurd power creep manga of all time?

Even Bleach doesn't outdo Air Gear in sheer "this bullshit is just retarded as fuck" content.

While wanking reading a wikipedia article on a weather or physics concept and bullshitting it into infinity. His porn told better if edgier stories. The OP was great though.

It was fine when they introduced stuff like the roads.

I think it went downhill starting with Sora's betrayal and introduction of Gravity Children.

Like seriously, what the fuck.

So around the same time the two best Kings got killed off? Sounds about right.

Oh great has good art, but the story was meh

The art also ended up being boring, as even thought is was still really fucking good, it was pretty much the same. Hitman Reborn suffered the same fate.

These kind of artist should just pair with a writer.

Man I loved early Air Gear.

Kazu vs Nike redeemed the shitshow that was the aircraft carrier arc.
Best fucking character in the series

You have Jet Set Radio for that

shame best girl lost

hitman reborn had a trash ass cast with a shitty MC

it's not even in the same category

Air Gear was an awesome show/manga with a hilarious dub.

>Remember this shit was made by Oh Great

>Remember that he made Tenjho Tenge

Well suddenly it makes sense.

Jesus Christ that ending dropped the ball hard.

even though i liked how they made best boy the protag in the end.

>Hitman Reborn suffered the same fate.
The only decent arc that KHR had was the Varia arc the rest what shit

I thought Ringo won though?

>Best girl

>best girl

It was always either Kururu or Simca.

When the fuck am I getting Barrier Magic vidya

Never, It's the manga any good?

I liked it a lot.

Adachi best girl. Prove me wrong faggots.

Oh Great is retarded. Tenjou Tenge had the simplest, most effective setting for a martial arts manga and he still managed to fuck it up.