Have you made the /Switch/?

Have you made the /Switch/?

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Did you spill bleach on your hand or something?

I've got 5 digital games but only BotW physical. Not even sure where the case is 2bh.

Nintendo should have gone full digital.

It's not the same if you're not black.

>that autistic joycon cover

>one port
>another port of a pc game on (almost) every other relevant console
>pintendo swap
>pintendo swap case
>pintendo swap condom
Good goy.

Is the new edition of Issac have anything new or is just a port of afterbirth? Also, I'm just waiting for goNNER and Puyo Tetris.

Sure did, said "Fuck you Nintendo" after the WiiU and went full PC and some PS4 for exclussives.

I'm an idort but yes I did buy one.
Not disappointed so far. It'll be even better once more games are released.

>N O G A M E S

Be honest with me, those who have one...

Is it worth it?

No, can't find it in stock anywhere, and I don't want to buy one of GameStop's jew bundles

Rule of thumb: If you have to ask yourself if it's worth it, it's not.

implying anyone would take advice from someone with the judgement to buy a WiiU...you bought a WiiU...there's your problem.

That makes no sense.

Not really, No.
Just wait until there's a few games you really want before purchasing it.

I'm not a big fan of zelda, I only got it because my friends were.

Who'd you steal that Switch from?


I took one from best buy as they were bringing in the shipments

Have you made the /Switch/, my nigga?

What do you think senpai?

>have BotW
>ordered Binding of Isaac

Is I am Satsuma worth it? I haven't played it yet

It makes plenty of sense.

Worth is subjective as fuck and if you have to ask something as general as "is it worth it" then you're clearly not sure on how much you want it anyway and it's probably not worth it for you.

I got one on release and it's great, love the freedom to use it wherever and its specs make it really fucking impressive as a handheld - considering the likes of Gravity Rush 1s open world was considered impressive for the Vita, it's amazing to see a world like Zelda Breath on the Wild on a portable now too. And the upcoming line up is definitely enough to keep me using it. So it was worth it for me, but whether it's worth it for you would vary.

How is Super Bomberman? I've been wondering about that game.

I got it release day, but haven't played any of the games yet. Still working through my backlog.

No because I wasn't smart enough to get one at launch. Trying my luck with Gamestop but my nearest one is like "Oh well... we didn't get confirmation until like Sunday and they're saying it's shipped so... we don't know when it's coming in."
Advice? Try tomorrow to be safe? just wait until Thursday?

how could they go full digital with 32 gb of hard drive space.........

Nintendo is paying me to say yes.

nor worth 50 dollars lul

put your hand in that picture right fucking now

Based black user triggering faggots on Sup Forums

Yes, BoTW is addictive

aw nice dude im also white, cheers

I miss you in the Drakengard threads

Kek. I did that with my PS4 collection earlier and got yelled at for not being black. Can't win.

I like setsuna, but all i really play is rpgs so im biased.
it has a bit too much unnecessary dialogue and it's impossible to really lose against anything but bosses/mini bosses

pretty much what said.
I like the series but this game isn't worth full price.
I will say that it's harder than it looks though.

Can you play Fast RMX with a single Joycon?
I'm looking to get a multiplayer game, right now I only have Zelda.

Do you like Zelda?

If not, wait a bit.

>doing the hand meme
>not a nigger

But there are experiences that one may know very little about. I've never been skydiving but it would be absurd not to ask someone if it's worth it or not before paying a lot of money to jump out of an airplane.

Yes you can.

You can do 2 player with the joycons

Some of us are on 3mb down...

Yeah, you can. Boost is mapped to clicking in the analogue stick so it's a bit more annoying.

I can't keep avoiding going back to Zelda. I'm going to have to at some point.

Neat, I'll probably get it sometime this week then.

>at gamestop
>trading in games for store credit
>autistic QT and fag hag with man bun talking about switch
>reserve opinion because I dont want to be that guy
>start chatting up socially akward QT
>"Yeah it could be fun to play DS3 on the go"

She replies

>"yeah switch is getting all the major games."

>all the major games
>major games
>all of them
>on the nintendo switch

Mfw. Didnt want to dissappoint her by saying that the switch has the power of an average tablet with a tenth of the build quality. Got her number though ;)

micro.... sd..... card......


I heard it had control issues.

Unless you really like Zelda, no. Wait until this winter. Then it'll be worth it.

No video game company should ever go full digital. Stop

getting so jewed by nintendo you're ok with buying 100s in extra shit

He switch will be on life support by then. Screencap this post.

>and then you woke up

Been patched.

To PC? Yes.

There are better android tablets for cheaper.

And yes, it is Android-based.


>Its based on android therefore its comparable
I bought a dreamcast instead of a windows pc

They don't have Zelda BotW, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2 or Mario Odyssey on there though do they.

Getting pretty sick of this meme desu
The game is garbage. No one's buying a system to play it. Fuck off.

>No one's buying a system to play it
I already did, plus thousands of testfire downloads can't be wrong. You have shit taste.


I'm sure that has nothing to do with BotW bandwagoners bored after finishing it.

I didn't have to switch anything. I still have my PC and PS4, the Switch is a welcome addition to my battle station. Now that I've finished Zelda the wait for Mario Kart is gonna be excruciating. They really need to bump that shit up to early April.

Yep, keep making excuses. Faggot.

No excuses, only tears once sale numbers are out and it's carried exclusively by retarded aidoru addict japs.

>micro sd cards

You're going to steal a Switch anyway mexianon, so why not steal the cards to go with it?

Here in the UK they have been running commercials on TV for Mario Kart since before the Switch was even released and people come in to where I work daily asking where it is and when we say it isn't out for another month and half, they get pissed. Nintendo should have held off the marketing for a little while. Zelda was more than enough,

>buying a console that has no games

I didn't buy a PS4.

Go play Candy Crush on your shitty Android tablet or something.

Try again.

>walking simulators
>weeb shit

bing bing

>buying TBoI on console
A true shame indeed.

Is there any difference at all between the South Asian Disgaea 5 release and the upcoming US one?

The system itself is easily the best Nintendo has produced, I say this as someone who was adamant that Nintendo should stop trying to make consoles and focus on making games. What sets the Switch apart from their other ill-conceived gimmick consoles is that the Switch's gimmick is actually incredibly practical. Being able to play the same exact Zelda on a handheld (that you can take anywhere) that you were just playing on a TV is something that needs to be experienced first-hand to really feel the gravity of. Is it worth it right now? Eh, it really depends on how big of a Nintendo fan you are. I'm already feeling the pain of having to wait an entire month for another game, but I don't regret my purchase in the slightest as I've enjoyed my time with the system immensely and more good stuff is on the horizon.

I don't have a Switch to play Snipperclips, sorry.


man of taste

Oh boy.. where to begin..

Thankfully it was patched. It actually feels good to play now. Content-wise it's absolutely not worth the asking price, but it's still Bomberman and they've basically got you by the balls because no noteworthy games are coming until Mario Kart 8.

Don't know about the Asian version but the Jap one has the full English localization, voices and all.

Look at all those filler games

Really proved him wrong with hits like uh, fifa, and.. the crew.. wow

And? Most I get is 2.5 megabytes/sec. My first internet was dial-up, like 15-25 kilobytes/sec. I didn't even see more than a megabyte/sec until I was already 18. And that was in 2008. You fucking faggot suburbanites should suck a dick, I had to work for my vidya and internet.

Japan begs to differ. And me. But i'm also intrigued by ARMS and BOTW in terms of first party.

You know you're in trouble when Monopoly is the best game in your library.

>The system itself is easily the best Nintendo has produced

Not even reading the rest of your post because I know it's full of shit.

That's not a Xbox one Mini is it? Then you need to waste your time harassing the people at microsoft to make one. Then you can play a real system.


ding dong

>weeb shit
I see 1 single piece of weebshit

Akibas Trip and Final Fantasy

Why? What's wrong with it?
>Can play games with a regular controller on a TV
>Can play games with all the buttons on a regular controller on the go
It's better than the Wii and Wii U basically by default, it's portable so it's going to replace the 3DS in time, everything before then is just a box with a controller. When I say the console itself I mean THE CONSOLE ITSELF, I'm not factoring it's library into the value proposition because the fucking thing just came out.


Sure it does. See pic related as an example

>Nintendo should focus on software
>Not realizing that the price gouing hardware (the only company that makes a profit off the console itself at launch) is what keeps the company afloat
Hardware and repacking the same fucking snes and nes games are Nintendos bread and butter. They'll go bankrupt before they pull a sega

I see you let Thief still your time and your money. After Sony got to you I thought you'd have learned your lesson. Glad to see I was mistaken.

nice, you really got me!

I don't understand why having a wider market wouldn't mitigate the problem. It's not like Switch is ever gonna reach PS4 sales levels, everybody likes Nintendo games, no one likes Nintendo consoles. That's why Pokemon Go and Mario Run exploded.

whats the nippon game?


Disgaea 5

The games purpose is to sell the hardeare. They make a much fatter margin off the hardware they can set the production costs of based on what kind of underpowered hardware they put in it and they can set the price point arbitrarily. Videogame development costs aren't variable unless your willing to make them very shit or cut out content (see mankind divided) and worst of all people are much more sensitive about the price point ($60 hasn't risen with inflation and has gone down now that steam/indie games entered the scene. That's not even touching the ridiculous markup they get off their acessories like extra controllers,carrying cases and battery packs and shit like the amiboos.

In addition most Nintendo games are made by Nintendo so they don't have to give any royalties to the console maker and have full control over the game so you don't get Bizzare things like games getting PC content patches but not xbox ones (because Microsoft charges for them)