Think the game is over

>Think the game is over
>It's actually the half point

Other urls found in this thread:

>Think the game is at half point
>It's actually over

What is Kid Icarus Uprising

Fucking FFXV

>Think the game is over.
>It's actually the one fourth point.
>Think the game is over.
>It's actually the half point.
>Think the game is over.
>It's actually etcetera, etcetera.

>Game appears to be over.
>Credits start rolling.
>The credits rewind themselves as the true final boss appears.

Command and Conquer 3
Fable 3

>think the game is over
>it is

Literally me with Metal Gear Solid V

Name ten games that do this.

>Start game
>One cutscene later
>Credits roll, back to title screen

>Think the game is at half point
>It never ends
Quintazillion playtime

I know some people that played RE7 felt that way.

Fuck you Dude Sex HR

Golden Sun.
Seriously, I was level 30 and getting prepped for the next boss battle only to find out that it was the last.


>Think the game is over
>White text appears: "Welcome to Chapter 2"

a tomato

>Think the game is at the 1/4ths point
>It's mostly over
Fucking Dragon's Dogma

>Win badass final showdown with antagonist
>Staff rolls
>That was just half of the main quest
>Turns out you could lose and keep playing as the antagonist too

>Think the game is over
>Your twin brother busts your ass taking a shit and makes you fight him in the parking lot to the death

>First leave Midgar
>I thought it was the end
>It was only the beginning

>think you've completed the game 100%
>82% completion, and you can only get the bad ending without 100

Fucking Hollow Knight. I hate you, but I love you more.

I'd love to see that.
Any game that does this?

Tell Tale Games

More like
>think game is over
>the "final boss" just unlocks the everfall and shits up the world

Fucking disgaea

SaGa Frontier

>Start playing pic related a while ago
>Leveling system and balancing is really weird.
>15 hours in
>Feel like I've played through an entire individual game
>Feels like I should be at least halfway done
>Realize I still haven't covered the whole top left corner yet

How fucking long is this game? It can't be this packed with content the whole way through. Can it?

tales of symphonia got me this way pretty hard.

Is that game any good? I heard it was like single player WoW.

Thanks Halo 5

More like 1/3.

not that user, but i had fun with it for about 20-25 hours and then just got tired of it. there really is just too much content to push through.

It's a single player MMO.

Oh you mean Kid Icarus Uprising ?

Not him but I enjoyed it. I also enjoy solo playing MMOs until endgame too tho and it was sort of like that. It's not great, but it's not terrible. That's why it's never really discussed here.

>would you kindly reveal
>bioshock land is falling apart
>feel like i'm right at the end of the game so rush through it
>it doesn't end for another 3 hours

exact same shit happened to me. the problem was that even on the hardest difficulty it was a complete joke.

Why does I feel like this has been the case with nearly every game I've played in the past few years?

What a weird ride bro

Because half of the game has to be sold later as DLC now.

I fell you there. Hephaestus should have been the end. Fuck Atlas.

I'd do that broken glass microphone thing for Mal any day. Post more.

>Finish first main-quest boss fight
>fade to black
>"New Game Plus Unlocked"

Fuck you Mankind Divided.

Pros- Pretty good combat, beautiful and comfy environments, good music, good writing

Cons- Weird character designs, combat (mostly dodging) can be pretty inconsistent at times, pretty buggy, doesn't autosave often

Beyond that I don't know, I still have to play the rest. If you want a good rpg it definitely is one but there are a few other things wrong, but I feel it might just be nitpicking

>those vocals that kick in when you accept help

>think entire game is gonna be in a slumish city
>it opens up to a whole world

I want to nestle my face between those thighs

>achieved what you came to do, killed the two most direct threats that you faced
>on your way to kill the main villain
>"I must be only halfway through!"
fucking what?

>replay childhood game
>get up to the part you thought was the end in less than 3 hours
Who else /suckedshitatvideogamesasakid/ here?

>late at night
>"I'm clearly almost at the end. I'll just power through the rest of it now"
>more than an hour passes, it still isn't over
>"Okay well I've GOT to be near the end now, no sense waiting til tomorrow if there's only 20 minutes left"

Fucking MGS4 cutscenes.
I'm pretty positive that one where ocelot takes over the guns of the patriots or whatever literally lasted an hour.

Tales of the Abyss


Brutally long

>wish the game would just end already
>there's 4 levels worth 10 hours of content left to endure

sometimes I wish games were shorter

i was so pissed when i found out

Uncharted 2 no joke

Fuck MGSV, I'll never enjoy that shit of a narrative.

Fuck Donkey Kong

>whole game going through thousands of guards and strong bosses
>main bad dude is lead up to be some badass cool guy
>finally reach his chamber
>he runs and cowers in a corner and you can kill him with 1 shot
fuck you neon chrome still a fun game though

>Game makes a big deal about this being the final battle that will resolve everything.
>Currently on disk 2 of 4.

Seriously it felt like they completely cut the game partway through with the only attempt to give closure being that ending cuts cent
>Boss fight is a terrorist who is alluded to being manipulated
>Side quests are left unresolved
>Jensens Augs and lost year of memory are left unexplained
>Only hub world is prauge (and golem city if you are reaching like a motherfucker)
How did square Enix gut this game so bad? I understood breach mode and even the retarded microtransactions but how did they think cutting the story in half would make it anything but shit ?

>think game is over
>entire world flips upside down and you play it again

The cynic in me always sees this as a cheap way to reuse assets unless things in the world actually change it to the point where there's a reason to actually explore the changed world rather than just rush to the end


Pokemon Gold. It's a shame Kanto was undeveloped and a lot of shit was blocked off, most likely due to storage limitations.

>5 hours into the game
>final boss out of nowhere
Sonic Generations.

This is one of my favorite tropes. Unless the organization's hierarchy is explicitly based on strength or combat-related skills, there's no reason to expect the leader to be especially tough. I'd rather have a really threatening dragon like in Fallout 2.


user it did.

Is there another game besides SotN that did this? I though it was a great twist and it had enough entirely new enemies, bosses, and equipment to keep things interesting.

As a kid, I thought that disc 1 was gonna conclude after beating the boss following the bike scene/minigame.

the song that plays for the first time when the team is outside the midgar gate was very well fitting. felt like a new adventure was about to begin

>mfw seeing the overworld and walking around for the first time

I really hope SE doesn't fuck up the remake

>think game is over
>it is
>but only because you didn't get the real ending faggot
>go figure out how to encounter the real final boss you pussy

>Think the game is at half point
>plot line climax out of nowhere
>think the game is about to be over
>nope it's not over ye-
>5 min. later it's actually over

I think almost any Tales of game does this, and I like it.

Pikmin 2

Pokémon Sun & Moon

Destiny, I know thy well

what game(s) do this?

>not thinking after a killing wave after wave of Prometheans that a game in the middle of its trilogy isn't going to leave you on a cliffhanger
u wot m9


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

>It was true
>Disks 3 and 4 were just artwork and extra minigames

Oddworld : Stranger's Wrath

You have to consider that the entire design included making the game upside-down viable, so it's not that cheap in reality. Things that would have been very simple to solve for the first half probably gave the devs a headache when they realized it wouldn't work upside-down.

The Order 1886

>tfw no asian br indian white (????) gf

The problem with the upside-down castle was that all the plot pretty much dried out and the rest of the game was rushing around for remaining upgrades and bosses before tackling Dracula for realsies.

Love when this happens.
Beating games is more pleasurable than playing them.

god of war 3

castlevania SOTN

>KH2's 4 hours prologue is infamously legendary for throwing everyone for a loop as one of the most memorable yet controversial parts due to not playing as Sora the entire time and giving folks a mindfuck
>FF7's most memorable part that fucking everyone that's ever played it can almost recall scene for scene besides a character's death is the first 4 hours in Midgar before you hit the world map

deus vult: middle east divided

This got me good as a kid, although I could never pick up that last treasure that required 100 purples until years later.

fucking red steel 2

Harmony of dissonnance did this too, however rather than flip its 2 of the same castle. Its done way better though.

>Think the game is at the half way point
>It's actually over
Fucking RAGE

>just remembered how terrible the ending was

>Final boss is a complete joke
Why did they do this

Suikoden II is a fucking masterpiece.