What the fuck was his problem?
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Anyone hear anything about Trianthology? Is it good? Going to be translated?
Uncle Yasu touched his peepee.
>intelligence: super genius
His hand stuck in his pocket.
Nobody knows.
Never ever.
Name 1 (one) Umineko character who isn't retarded
>can ignore the concept of speed
Jesus. Shit like this drives me nuts.
>hey battler can you prove to me magic doesn't exist
>sure beaturiche these closed rooms could actually be...
>summons demons, 50ft towers and turns the entirety of hell into cute girls to kill for her
>also all servants are now straight out of Naruto
>can you still prove to me magic doesn't exist :^) what the fuck is this shit. Halfway through chapter 3 and this is fucking ridiculous.
That article has got to be ironic. I refuse to believe the intelligence part isn't a joke
low iq
oh to be young
the ride's only just begun
Would you suk whatever is left of Yasu's feminine dik?
His problem?
Tfw too intelligent to live
>He thinks that's ridiculous
Ah, to be young again.
>tfw too intelligent to accept magic
That's a large big mac that Battler is holding.
Battler can be pretty smart when he wants to and isn't clouded by him being buttblasted.
But yeah, above average should be enough, clever at best.
If you think that's ridiculous you have good times ahead my son
Chiru is just insane
He gave me duct tape
I played it and posted images on /jp/ back when it came out. The galge story was shit all the way through even when a meteor threatened to blow up the planet and the country story got really silly towards the end. The one Ryukishi actually wrote + Alice's trial at the end were both good.
>Episode 5 and 6
What a ride. I felt my brain getting hotter during knock-knock with letter and Logic Error parts in episode 6.
Really makes you think
>You will never read Umineko again for the first time
Feels bad, man.
the worst feel. Compounded by the fact that I think I've finally exhausted all the translated mystery VNs out there.
>Logic Error
man that part was fucking wild
I live for moments like that
It's good to know that there's at least some good parts. I was afraid it would be total trash all the way through.
It's been almost two years since I read umineko all within the span of a week and it feels like these two years have gone by in the blink of an eye.
When will we get to punch god in the face?
This is complete autism.
Only reason he was ever able to land a hand on Bern was because they were just playing a magical board game.
It has literally nothing to do with his power.
That's EP8 Endless Sorcerer Battler, not piece Battler, which is broken as fuck and can beat Bernkastel, a Multiverse tier witch, which is one of the strongest tier in terms of powerlevels in existence.
Lambda. Bern. Aurora. Erika.
As much as 6 sucked overall those parts with mindbroken Battler alone in the room were 10/10.
No one likes a sore loser, Bern.
>Erika will never be animated by a competent studio
>I read umineko all within the span of a week
fucking hell man
it took me six months
You know they have these things called books which are like VNs but without the weeb parts. I even hear a lot of the best mystery VNs like Umineko were in fact inspired by some of those books.
I just started reading the manga 4 years after finishing the VN. It's obviously not the same but it's something.
How many universes implode when those two get each other to orgasm?
What VNs are you guys looking forward this year?
Dies Irae is looking pretty good.
Oh, I hadn't heard.
I've actually read a good selection of Christie / Sherlock Holmes / some other classic mystery series, they're fine but they kind of lack substance beyond the mystery most of the time.
I appreciate them for what they are, but I also appreciated Umineko's buildup of characters (not named Ange) and the Fantasy vs Mystery elements.
I haven't found a book that I feel really has both good characters and an interesting mystery.
That never happened.
So how do I get into this "game"? Anyone want to spoon feed me with links + maybe an english patch? From what admittedly light googling that I've done, there's an old-ass version, and a PS3 version with updated graphics. My PS3 isnt modded
It feels like a pretty dry year for VNs besides Dies Irae and New Danganronpa V3. I'm hoping they manage to finish translating Shiei no Sona-Nyl this year.
And in my dreams we'll finally get Mahoutsukai no Yoru
Hopefully I'm forgetting some good mystery or scifi VNs on the horizon, but I can't think of any.
I'm waiting for that second part of Ne No Kami and WWE for the Vita.
Also, the otome games for the Vita.
Forgot Dawn
You've been BATTLERD
Ryukishi is such a troll.
>mfw my PC just tried to open those .torrent files with MS Excel
wtf did you just do to me
That's a surprise.
Right now there's 4 ways to play Umineko.
First one is just getting the standard translated version. Comes with zero voice acting and original sprites.
Then there's the steam version. Comes with zero voice acting and new """"""""""""""""""""""improved"""""""""""""""""""""""" sprites. Also bigger resolution. Only includes the first 4 chapters.
Then there's the PS3 patch, which is basically just the standard version, but with the sprites from the PS3 version patched in. Also comes with 10/10 voice acting.
Finally, there's the Umineko Project version. Made by some slavs who basically ported the whole PS3 game to PC from the ground up. Pretty impressive, but it only includes the first 4 episodes like the Steam version.
Works fine on my computer.
You must be doing something wrong.
Nah I got it working, I just found it
All right.
Bear in mind you're venturing into a 80-100 hours VN though, so it can get slow at times.
What's the deal with her?
that's fine; I've lost all meaning to my life so I'm just waiting to die at this point anyways
Just being best girl
Horny teenage slut
Best Seacat.
go to church and stop attention-seeking here
Don't tell me what to do.
And if by attention-seeking, you mean link/spoonfeeding-seeking, then I'm afraid you're too late. I've already won, and I'm waiting for the download to finish as we speak. To the victor goes the spoils
The part in chapter 7 where we're shown Yasu's past gets me so fucking nostalgic, so fucking sad. The general atmosphere present there is so comfy, and yet you know everything will turn to shit, and it's so deppressing. Yasu had a hard life.
>if by attention-seeking, you mean link/spoonfeeding-seeking
I mean acting like an edgy kid.
Boo hoo, you can't find meaning to your life so you assume there isn't one.
We don't care, stop trying to fish for pity and sort your life out
>Yasu had a hard life
So did everyone really
Hence Ange's monologue about stopping the cycle of hate
I want to deito Runon.
Everyone who would like to revive the crazy ride of Umineko.
Read the book House of Leaves. Dont read anything about it, dont spoil yourself.
Just trust user on Sup Forums this time. Also dont look for a ebook - physical book is needed. You will see why when you start it.
>5 episodes in
>still no clue what is going on
Should I press on or am I just too stupid?
Just go on. You'll end up getting it all by the end anyway, whether you like it or not.
Press on
If episode 7 doesn't clue you in you're done for
I've played all the versions
By EP6 you should mostly get it.
If by EP7 you don't get it, then yeah, you're an idiot.
I got to episode 8 and still didn't know what the fuck was going on. I wish the game let you know more that it wasn't going to give you any answers, even at the end. I guess that's one of the themes of the game, but I remember one part where they're talking about how people don't want to try at a problem until they've been told that it can be solved. That's true, but you also need to tell them that you're not going to solve it for them. I probably would have gotten even more enjoyment out of the games if I had thought more during them.
You can mod the steam version to get ps3 sprites + voice acting.
Beatrice glued his hand into his pocket.
Going to check it out from the library tomorrow, user. Thanks.
Ryukishi always thought Umineko as a work you don't read only once. If you feel kinda clueless, then I'd avice on re-reading the parts you're having trouble with. Always read Umineko being completely conscious of what you're doing (and I guess this applies to any piece of literature and whatnot). Don't stop thinking.
I'd actually love to go back and re-read the whole thing, but I really don't have that kind of time. There's also the issue that you want to re-read it recent enough to the first time so that you can get a deeper understanding from your first reading, but not so recent that it feels boring.
>reading through ep 3 right now with a friend
oh man oh boy oh jeez I can't fucking wait
This, Featherine's quote is my favorite quote from Umineko. The one about not relying on characters to think and to think yourself more.
He doesn't want to blame his family. Thus he can't pick a culprit. Culprits are his parents and pee pee fucking up and planting a bomb.
Wow chill out beato geez
>rereading chapter 3
>forgot about the jumpscare near the scene where the cousins were at the beach
I don't remember that
>enjoys shaming people
You forgot
>enjoys bondage
It's pretty crazy when you think about how without Bern she would just drown herself.
I'd make her drown in my cum haha
This VN had the perfect soundtrack, listening to "hope" feels so nostalgic
It has the perfect waifus too.
Many tracks can squeeze a tear out of me, Hope is the best one at that Ricordando il passato is a close second
I want Beato to break me and make me her furniture.