PC master race

PC master race



>tfw you'll never be a happy kid playing your vidya again

>me getting euthanized

Nice Nintendo tho


''PC master race''

wtf kids play video games now?


how to trigger Sup Forums: the thread

Cool... What's the problem?




why do pictures of spoiled ass kids piss me off so much

Gee todd how come you have TWO graphic cards?


>average razer consumer

because your mommy and daddy dont spoil you any more and you're jelly

The worst part is that the little shit is Brazilian, so that setup must have cost his parents a fucking mint

I'm sure any parents who buy TWO 1080s are obscenely rich anyway.

>2 1080s to play Minecraft, Runescape, and Overwatch

The only left PC games that could use such over powered hardware

I don't see the N word anywhere in this thread.


does minecraft even have hardware acceleration?

Hint: It rhymes well with trigger

>Two gtx 1080
P-pc master r-race bros!!!

"notices NES".

oWo. What's this?


never mind

why did you post the OP again

Gee Bill!

Where do all these rich brown people get their money? Is it oil money?

I'm a PCbro but I fucking hate sharing a community with the PCMR types.

It took me 20 fucking years to get my first half decent PC in this fucking country and this little shit gets one with two fucking 1080s just to play minecraft. Im fine now that i have a job but still fuck that shit.

>tfw I would have done anything to be able to play any game I wanted like I can now
>tfw I barely enjoy videogames anymore


That kid is white.

>Autism smile

Checks out. Obviously the child is autistic, and his parents feel bad, and have bought him new computer parts so the child may feel happy.

>Bunch of Minecraft shit on the shelf
>Then some funkos
>Suddenly, some good quality Vegeta, Goku, and Piccolo figures

can somebody tell me what's wrong with minecraft?
I mean it's a game for kids and he is a kid, I don't see anything wrong with it

itt: people whose parents didnt love them

>you will never be able to get a cute boy who you supply with games in exchange for sex
Rome fell too soon desu

The point is he's wasting his expensive rig on playing something as resource-unintensive as Minecraft

>if i don't spoil my child i don't love them
what is wrong with you. t
>not raising a child that likes the outdoors who doesn't play vidya all day so they don't end up here

Is it nagger?

Nah parents werent "rich" till I was 15. At that point I was so used to being poor I didnt want anything lol. Funny how that works. Till this day my family trys to buy me shit and such and I always say no. Not cause I dont want it... I just want to earn it myself.

Honestly its a 50 50 shot this kid is gonna be a hard worker or a undeserving fuck. It happens. Not even jelly. Im jappy for the kid. Shit looks lit senpai but I do doubt hes using all that shit to its potential. Not that it matters, hea 12.

Oh and its Sup Forums. Were all salty af for allllll the reasons.

"Hes a spoiled fag"
"Im rich and smart, youre jelly"

Its all bait.

how do you know that kid isnt pulling off a+`s and actually a year ahead. how do you know he hasnt already decided to become a programmer

Yeah. Those damn naggers!


Nobody noticing that he bought fucking pny cards. That actually triggers me

Nigga you retarded, that kid is muslim or paki

>needing 2 monitors for minecraft


this is the thousand yard stare of a kid who gets cool shit from uncle steve because uncle steve likes to sleep over

Yes. Have you ever gone outside and seen what white people look like?

Muslim isn't a skin tone.

Whatever they are called, arabs, sand niggs, dune coons, towel heads, you name it

>T. Argentinian

Hello my fellow white friend!

Thanks doc.

these razor battle stations are a joke right? like these kids won a sweepstakes or something right?

all those desktop icons D:

That's not gonna stop kids. My parents very enthusiastically pushed me into playing soccer and football from pop warner into high school, I still found this fucking place in 2005 and I have been a prisoner since. You would need to keep them off of the internet too.

PC is not about speed,but about doing the fuck you want with it.
Want a monstrosity that will takes millenia to consoles to reach? you can do it.
Want something tiny and weak that can run off a lemon? you can do it.
Want to use 127 joysticks on the same system? well you can do it.
Want to program a game and don't pay a single cent to anyone? you can do it.

maybe the access is the problem. I made fun even if I rented a turd like nes 7Up. maybe privilege does need to be checked in order to enjoy the garbage they make.

he's brazilian.

The best part about this image is that this kids family are "refugees" that get over €3200 a month just for being "refugees".

lol europe is dead


say what you well about this kid, but we can all agree that he has some good tastes in anime

Are you fucking retarded ?

But I'm european.

Thanks Doc

Read the thread faggot

Pee Cee Master "Race"

danke doktor

its ginger isn't it? There is an N in it

Thanks doc.

Post the star wars one with ram power

I completely agree, thanks doc.

thanks doc

Poor guy. How much must your family ignore, belittle and condescend to you if they don't even listen to you the one time of year you're _supposed_ to be a little more important for the day. It's one thing to be ignorant, and another to be actively dismissing

Who makes these threads?

Do people really prefer console over PC?

Things that never happened

i feel for that guy

thats definitely a situation i'd have been in

excellent form of medicinal delivery my good doctor




>Fake story about a kid who's written to be as unlikable as possible
>Sup Forums identify with him

I don't see how hes being unlikable in that story.

ayo thanks for the meds doc

Oh my god

goddamnit, everytime.

>implying your parents respect or love if you they do not hear you
Do not mangle and misinterpret my words. I did not say obey or any variation on a demanding tone or behavior. I said they don't care enough to hear what you'd like and even just say "no" so you know they heard you.

White = caucasian, since when white means pale? or is this a meme?

Spoiled kids grow up to be pieces of shit like antifa or sjws

You'll notice those are both women. Chicks are just spoiled fucks. I'm not saying dudes can't be spoiled, but they're not automatically given special treatment throughout life to encourage their entitlement

I know people like that. If that story IS real, he didn't tell his family anything, he would have quietly grumbled it while avoiding them on a regular daily bases.


Did this guy ever consider not being a fucking assfaggot about his present?

Like fuck, I can understand his parents losing the fucking link to the GPU and trying to remember that he likes games and trying to do their best.

But, fuck this guy, how could he not just say:

"Hey, I appreciate that you're thinking of me, I really do like gaming, I just like to do it on my computer. Would you be okay with me if I just returned this and put the money toward a GPU?"

What's so hard about just taking the high road and not acting like an entitled fucking bitch?

I don't get anything about computers, does his graphic card suck or something?

They never did

>one toy on christmass
>other one on your birthday
>You can keep only one console
>one computer

I could keep going but I'm not feeling so well anymore, thanks user for reminding me