Should I give drakengard 1 a try?

Should I give drakengard 1 a try?

aged like sour milk and the game is fucking weird. no

What a terrible game that I could never forget

If you're a major masochist. Yes!

I'm playing it myself to see what I missed since I've only played Nier and Nier Automata. It's gameplay is actually fucking ass. It might be one of the worst games I've ever played for camera control and combat. It really is that bad. It gets marginally better when you get better weapons that can take down a whole group with magic, but it's still awful.

If you think you can stomach that, then give it a try. It, like Nier, really does make the story more impactful if you're the one that goes through slaughtering everybody. Otherwise, the story is definitely worth a watch on youtube.

Yeah, dude.
Nier and Automata are great, so Drakengard must be great too.

I have seen this thread three times before..

Is it really four guys asking the same question, Sup Forums? Or an autistic fucker shilling an old shitty game for free?

How is it compared to both niers and drakengard 3?

Pure suffering in the form of a game. On the bright side your partner is best dragon.

Sucks hardcore, but the best story

I played Drakengard 1 a few weeks ago to catch up with the whole series before Nier Automata.

The gameplay is pure garbage. I have a large tolerance for playing bad games so I beat it fully, and it was totally worth it to me for the story.
If you wanna give it a go, look up a weapon unlock guide on gamefaqs, since you need to get all of them to unlock the last ending and it'll cut down on the tedium if you just get the story ones as you go through your first playthrough.
Don't play Drakengard 2. You're missing absolutely nothing.

Combat and gameplay-wise? Pretty goddamn awful. Mowing down shit with the dragon is dope, but there's archers that shoot you off it within seconds in almost every mission. Plus Caim (the MC) and whatever weapon he's holding (you upgrade weapons with kills in this game. And you need to upgrade all 65 to get the final ending) doesn't get experience for kills the dragon gets, so you pretty much need to be on foot for the most part.

This wouldn't be too god awful, if your attacks weren't so goddamn clunky and the fact you can't see enemies more than 5 feet in front of Caim. So you have to constantly open up the map to check if you're heading towards an enemy or not. It's fucking horrid. Also, fuck red armored enemies. Magic is the only thing that makes the combat bearable.

Music is so-so. It fits the mood and theme of the game, but I don't think it's memorably like Nier's (I can't speak for Drakengard 3, I'm moving to that after I finish 1).

I also can't speak fully to the story as I'm not done yet, but it's strong enough that it's keeping me on through the rest of the bullshit, so that should tell you something. I do wish they'd stop having these random no-names pop up and give voice lines like "hurry, help Caim!", though. You never see any ally or allied army show up (sans the ones you can summon, but they aren't the ones saying it so????) after it, so it's completely pointless. Really a weird design choice.

Emulate it and get the curiosity out of your system.

Why is everyone saying the story is good?

Parts of it genuinely caught me by surprise and made me become invested in the situation happening in the game as a result.

>And you need to upgrade all 65 to get the final ending
No, you don't. You only have to find them.

Ah, my bad. I haven't read much about the endings, so I fucked that one up. Thank fuck.

Best story, worst gameplay.
It was pretty decent in it's time.

Eh, I think it's worth looking into for some of the bizarre things it did with the story, but the gameplay's horrendous.

Nier > Drakengard 1 > Drakengard 3

Nier > Drakengard 3 >>>>>POWER GAP>>>>>> Drakengard 1

You play as murder.

Seriously, I looked at my play record in automata on my second playthrough and my body count was less than what I remember you wracking up in the first mission of Drakengard.