Thoughts on this game? I really enjoyed it

Thoughts on this game? I really enjoyed it.

Sequel when.

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Sequel got leaked just the other day.

fantastic until chapter 10, then everything falls apart and it gets pretty terrible.

great atmosphere. true successor to re4. the last third of the game sucks just like re4!

haven't played it but
>shinji mikami
probably worth it


WHAT, source please!

Man I love crouchwalk stealth

Might've been on Gematsu or PC Gamer. Don't feel like checking, but info of it being in development came out at a bare minimum. No promo images or anything like that, though.

Loved the premise, but feel like things kind of devolved into samey shooting galleries as things went on, and Sebastian and his partner's stories didn't tie into much of anything.

Doesn't help that I completely ran out of ammo and couldn't proceed during the final stretch of the game.

I-is Mikami going to be working on it?

it was okay

Unknown at this point but we can only hope.

I liked it, but I'm able to acknowledge it had a fuckton of problems.

So what's it like? I have always tempted to pick it up but never do for some reason

dropped it somewhere around the part where there's water and cars and guy in the cape teleports behind you constantly

it had some great moments before that and some really bad ones. overall far better game than re4 which i did finish.

Kind of like RE4, but with some trippy scene transitions, and semi-stealth mechanics.

like re4 with a really great crossbow, great stealth sections, interspersed with severe drops in quality and some pretty atmospheric highs.

Main game is decent but starts falling apart. I got the DLC for cheap as fuck and i'm finding it to be fucking terrible.
>no fighting
>hide and seek simulator
>slight story about the female detectives motives that are pretty obvious

Haven't finished. Might not at this rate.

Here's what leaked it if anyone's curious.

How unforgiving are the stealth segments? I'm terrible at stealth games but I want to try TEW. Are there difficulty settings?

I liked it alot. Didnt really care for the story but the gameplay was top notch.

The stealth segments aren't too complicated, it's not Metal Gear Solid, pretty simple. And yes the game has difficulty settings.

Heh. I play MGS games on easy. I really suck at stealth games. But that's good to know.

>Thoughts on this game?
An incredibly fun action horror game that was highly reminiscent of the PS2-days. Always focused on action, constantly putting you in new environments, and tons of replayability. Also the DLC was excellent.

Not surprising considering Mikami made it. Man just knows how to do action games.

they've pulled the dream-like shit happening again and again too much

You gotta give it a break or it eventually becomes boring, because shit is always fucked up so you stop caring

This game was great

Optimized like garbage, ran like shit on my computer, but even playing at 45 FPS letterboxed on a 144hz monitor, I still thoroughly enjoyed it in its entirety and completed it in a matter of days.

Given an extra year, this could have been "perfect game" material, but even as it was upon its release, it was pretty much as good as a modern resident evil 4 could get with how poorly games are made these days

Anyone else legitimately surprised its getting a sequel despite the sequel bait ending. I really liked it personally, felt like a good AA game in a generation where there really isn't any,

I really didn't think Bethesda would give it another shot.

the stealth is as straightforward as it gets, and is in general not really required in any measure to beat the game.

I'm so happy right now, man. Fuck. I loved TEW and now we're getting more.