Be me

>be me
>like warhammer
>eternal crusade goes f2p
>"we fixed tons of issues and many patches have come out"
>get into several hours of gameplay
>horrible netcoding, lag, server stability issues
>runs like ass at times even at lowest settings with powerful hardware
>freemium-jews you hard
>non-existent class and race balancing
>melee is still spam to win
>nauseating fov you can't adjust
>tiny selection of maps
>laugh and uninstall at last

What went so damn wrong with this game?

>EC is F2P now
I didn't know that
I paid 45 bux for this shit
End me

I am genuinely sorry for you and anyone else who spent money on this game.

>and all the problems listed are AFTER tons of patches

I can't imagine how shitty this must've been before.

It wasn't even that bad when I bought it, just clunky and low on variety.

Is the sound still terrible and weak?

I paid 100 dollars for age of reckoning

>run into the open
>downed by 1 guy standing 300yards off full-autoing his gun

Why though

was AoR really that bad?

I dunno what to tell you.

The community is kinda fun sometimes

>Play Orkz
>Entire team screams "WAAAAAAAAAAAAGH" in chat when an objective is captured or when we win
>Tell the loosing team they got KRUMPED

>tfw we will never get an actually good multiplayer 40k game

Probably Orks.

It gets even more fun when you unload 30 rounds into an Ork player's head and he doesn't die, then kills you in three hits.

To think I almost bought the 200 dollars pack for this shit when preorders first went up.

I wish Orks were completely integrated, Id play then.

I'm not much of an Ork person but the constant WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH is fun.

They should have deliberately created a model of pay2win space marines vs free to play orks.

It's actually a pretty enjoyable game if you're not a retard expecting Spesh Merheens with more factions.
I'm not even going to reply to your supposed greentexted list of shit because it is pretty obvious you haven't played the game more than one hour, given that half of what you said is wrong or a lie.

They should integrate the Guard. Guardsmen and melee stamina are the two biggest suggestions and have been for over a year, but the devs are completely silent, making vague promises that they'll add Guardsmen and maye Tau in the future.

>implying the game even has a future
>implying games don't go f2p to die

9 hours. Tell me how I'm wrong about any of it, especially when other players are echoing the same issues.

>Capping a point
>Clear all enemies
>WAAAAGGHH when near captured
>Cause a Mexican wave effect of WAAAGGHHs that continue until they're out of earshot

I couldn't even make it through the first match. The combat had no weight to it, nothing felt powerful or even good to use. It's a shame because a Battlefield: 40k would be awesome

Don't forget shit map design, animations, sound, and graphics.

The LMG/heavy classes are the only ones remotely fun to play, and even then they're still not very fun at all.

>horrible netcoding, lag, server stability issues
Netcode is great, you probably haven't realized you can set your server.
Lag and server stability were pretty expected since the game's playerbase increased by 400% just the last two weeks.
>runs like ass at times even at lowest settings with powerful hardware
You got cucked by the Nvidia meme, son.
>freemium-jews you hard
That's not true, it's actually a very honest f2p shit, since it gives you everything but a class and the ability to just choose which race you want to fight.
>non-existent class and race balancing
That's actually a lie, you had a better chance telling me how the devs have no idea how to balance guns vs melee.
I've been playing since beta and they rebalance everything once in a while if shit isn't working.
>melee is still spam to win
Oh, poor scrub.
You never bothered to learn what weapon durability is, what a parry is, what a guard break is or any other feature.
Go on, spam your shit, i bet it works wonders with other retards, but anyone rank 3 and higher will just destroy you.
>nauseating fov you can't adjust
You can change it in the .ini.
>tiny selection of maps
12 maps are too few for you?
Overall Eternal Crusade isn't a very bad game, just definitely not for everyone.
Only diehard wh40k fans will appreciate it.
I think you can fuck off with your cringy thread and go somewhere else, while we actually enjoy the few enjoyable things this game has to offer until the devs bite the dust.
Compared to what, exactly?
Go on, tell me what kind of other game like Eternal Crusade is actually out.
And don't you dare to pull out Space Marine because that shit is dead and has literally 10% of the content EC has.

I'm just going to hope that you're just shitposting. But battlefield for a start.

Is Battlefield wh40k?
The answer is no.
Fuck off.
This was never meant to be a Battlefield game, the old devs promised us Planetside 2.
They got fired in block after they realized they couldn't make what they wanted to make and refused to change things.
The new devs salvaged what they could in what we have right now, a Battlefieldesque game, nothing more and nothing less.

>The LMG/heavy classes are the only ones remotely fun to play
Burn Heavy Bolter scum.

Whether it is 40k or not is irrelevant. That is what it must compete with, and with planetside 2. It's a shit game and you either worked on it and are booty blasted everyone thinks its shit or you have some serious sunk cost going on.

>netcode is great, you can set your server

The netcode blows whale ass. You get headshots out of nowhere, do no damage when unloading point-blank into someone's head, and character models often slide and rubberband, even with low ping.
>cucked by nvidia meme
More like cucked by the mobile game development team having no idea how to optimize a game for PC.
>honest f2p shit
You're cut to 1/3 progression and are extremely slow at it. Plus the best weapons in the game cost real money. It's not that bad, but it's still some shit.
>oh poor scrub, weapon durability, parry, guard break
There's Melee and Parrying Blow. That's as deep as the melee combat goes. Dark Souls 40k it ain't.
>you can change it in the ini
But not in the actual game.
>12 maps
For a "huge MMO shooter with massive battles between 4 factions"? For a game that was $50 at release? Yes, yes it is way too few.
>only diehard 40k fans
I've played 40k and a selection of video games for the past 10 years and going, and I hate EC.
>cringy thread, let us enjoy the few things the game does well
"us" as in whom? I hear nothing but criticism or lukewarm apathy for this game. Who's enjoying it beyond the novelty of Orks going "WAAAAGH" in chat?

>space marine has 10% of the content EC has
And that 10% is several times better and more enjoyable than all of EC's content.

I didn't think it was that bad, the server side lag was the worst issue I think. Never got much of it when the game was in the first few opening months, low level pvp was fun as fuck.

>an indie game must compete with a AAA release

>an indie game
>made by a prolific mobile developer
>published by Bandai-Namco


>There will never be a Red orchestra with Imperial Guard vs Lost and the damned

I just want to operate as a Cadian, is that too much?

It wasn't terrible, but it was an incredibly bog-standard mediocre MMO that put on a high price tag for the license. Beyond the races it felt less like Warhammer and more like any and every other fantasy MMO you ever had played or could play.

>the best weapons in the game cost real money
Storm bolter, Plasma cannon, Power fist and stalker bolter are all in loot boxes.

>That's as deep as the melee combat goes
Then why is it so easy to murder F2P players with my Raptor class? Surely if they parried, I'd be stunned and be more or less dead.

The game is crap, but it was so much worse before.

>The netcode blows whale ass. You get headshots out of nowhere, do no damage when unloading point-blank into someone's head, and character models often slide and rubberband, even with low ping.
I never had these issues, it's probably your connection or you playing on usa\european servers while being on the opposite.
>More like cucked by the mobile game development team having no idea how to optimize a game for PC.
Most retards complaining about the framerate are either blatantly lying about it or not tuning down some retarded options that aren't exactly compatible with every system in an UE4 environment.
>You're cut to 1/3 progression and are extremely slow at it. Plus the best weapons in the game cost real money. It's not that bad, but it's still some shit.
That's a lie.
Shop guns are only cosmetic, they do less damage than actual vanilla ones and you can't even modify them, giving you a net disadvantage for using them.
I'd guess you understand this, if you played the game, but you didn't.
>There's Melee and Parrying Blow. That's as deep as the melee combat goes. Dark Souls 40k it ain't.
You have no idea how it works.
I'm wondering if you even touched the tutorial, since it explains you very well how the melee works with every single weapon.

>But not in the actual game.
Of course not, it's a third person game, why would you modify the fov?
>For a "huge MMO shooter with massive battles between 4 factions"? For a game that was $50 at release? Yes, yes it is way too few.
That's your opinion.
>I've played 40k and a selection of video games for the past 10 years and going, and I hate EC.
Again your opinion, not an argument.
>"us" as in whom? I hear nothing but criticism or lukewarm apathy for this game. Who's enjoying it beyond the novelty of Orks going "WAAAAGH" in chat?
Us as the 1000 idiots who used to play the game and have to deal now with the huge amount of retards coming in, shitting everywhere, reviewing the game negatively because they're butthurt and whatever.
>And that 10% is several times better and more enjoyable than all of EC's content.
Off yourself.

>like Warhammer

Post your army or you don't like Warhammer. Seriously. You tertiary fans are fucking disgusting.

I'm an old fan of tabletop and I wouldn't recommend getting into anything Games Workshop does.

>And that 10% is several times better and more enjoyable than all of EC's content.
Forgot this one, yeah this is yet again your opinion with no arguments or data to backup your facts.
You're full of shit, mate.
Game's aint a wonder, but it's fun and enjoyable, especially since it's f2p now.

I just want to operate as traitor guard again .

Hia GW

My army has been dismantled over the years, and I wouldn't consider for a second spending a few hundred to get a new one
Fuck gw anyway

Imperial Guard or Sisters of Battle?

Let me guess, evil Jews and all that? Totally ruining everything despite prices barely going up in 30 years? Despite the fact their new CEO has brought back everything people liked about old Games Workshop, including their specialist games? Stopped sending C&D to fan projects? Opened up licenses to all levels of developers when before 'video games are bad for our model business t. Tom Kirby'?

I have around 20k points worth of Lizardmen. 2.5k of Ad Mech. 2k of SoB.

Fuck off. People 'liking the lore' because they can read it for free on 1d4chan or Lexicanicum or by torrenting the books (HAH even you fucks don't do that) is what caused WHFB being driven into the ground because nobody played it after Herohammer and then the CEO fucked it up even worse. But now AoS is actually back in the Top 5 Wargame Sellers, people start crying how shit it is... despite most of them having no reason to dislike it other than 'the Not!Earth and Not!Earth Countries are gone'. Hate AoS if you actually have WHFB armies that you 'lost' (and even then you can still play WHFB and GW still sell 8th Edition rulebook) or because Bretonnia and Tomb Kings were dropped for being the worst sellers of a terrible seller. But most people don't and repeat what others spout.

That I can cope with. What I can't cope with is people who haven't put a fucking penny into the hobby moaning that shit is happening to 'their setting' despite them not having anything invested other than internet bandiwidth.

As for 40k games? If you like the setting, you'll like pretty much all of them. But no, people think a niche setting is going to sell millions if it does X or Y.

Why the hell did you dismantle them? You can get an army for $75 now. No excuse.

Ad Mech, SoB, Blood Angels, CSM and Lizardmen/Seraphon and Dark Elves/Aelves. But I've not used CSM or BA since like 5th.

daemoness nudity removed. gw is dead.

>You can get an army for $75 now. No excuse.
Don't lie like this to me. I miss my 40k days. I would drop that in a heartbeat.

A prime example of how not to UE4

every game using the UE4 engine runs like shit
that engine is fucking steaming shit as of now, even that gamebryo abortion is better

>their new CEO has brought back everything people liked about old Games Workshop, including their specialist games

Show me Battlefleet Gothic or fuck off.

It really doesn't though, because I've played plenty of other games using it without the issues that Eternal Crusade has given me.

It doesn't even look all that good on UE4.

>i like the game and you don't therefore i am right

I wish they could've just built upon the Space Marine engine

Not an army, but looks nice.

That's a hell of a post user.
Shame I didn't read past the part where your baseless impotent rage kicked in.

To be fair I did skim it and it seems like you should go fuck yourself or something, if you want the tabletop to stick around. pay GW, if you want other people to pay for the tabletop to stick around, pay them to pay GW. I'm going to do what I want with my own money and time, and if that means enjoying GW related stuff without throwing money at the overpriced tabletop models then that's more of a you problem than a me problem.


>You never bothered to learn what weapon durability is, what a parry is, what a guard break is or any other feature.
>Go on, spam your shit, i bet it works wonders with other retards, but anyone rank 3 and higher will just destroy you.
See here's the thing, it works on a 1v1.
But you really can't do much against 2 or more JPAs teleporting around all over the place due to the netcode. Plus your own teammates trying to melee them and clang you instead.
This is prominent vs CSM as they seem to always have one full squad dedicated to such faggotry.

Man it feels good to know I'll never be this autistic and delusional

>CSMs melee spamming to move forward faster than running
>you can't run away if one gets near you
>you have to accept your fate and die in two sword strikes

And the devs claim this is balanced.

>they're teleporting
>m-muh netcode!1!
Are you fucking retarded?
Either you're a third worlder living in africa or something or you're just unable to set a server preference in the options.
I bet my shit you're trying to play on servers that are 1000 miles from you.
>muh teammates clanging me help pls
That's exactly why you just don't spam melee against something or a group, you blithering fucking retard.
You're just one of those level 1 shitters going around thinking they're hot shit without actually spending at least 20 hours understanding and learning how the game works.
>hurrrrr durrr game's shit cuz it ain't battlefield hurrr da durrrrr eks deee

Read the post again, carefully this time.
And they don't even have west coast servers.

>read my post c-carefully please!1
Yeah no you can fuck off.
You're a literal shitter who is trashtalking a game he barely played or bothered to learn.
It ain't gonna stick, sonny.
Fuck off.

get a faggot of this load, guys

Less "dismantled" and more "crumbled away". It's been quite a while, and during moves and general forgetfulness, the army has been slowly whittled down

Yeah I'd probably buy that

It's complete shit and I'm glad I avoided it up until F2P (and even that is still arguably not worth the time wasted dealing with the horrible server issues)

Orkz are the only redeeming factor because it's people who are out just to krump win-or-lose and voice spam. Those guys know how to have a good time even in such a crap game.

>You can get an army for $75 now

>500 points worth of models when a proper game is 1850

Yeah sure. An """army""".

You're an idiot.

I'm so glad I didn't buy it.

But now I'm stuck playing retro games on a completely upgraded PC when my old shitty one could had done it.

The ork gameplay is acceptable, so I'm not too upset.

Yeah OP has valid criticisms, and I hope they get fixed, but I won't be terribly disappointed if they all don't get addressed.

>Totally ruining everything despite prices barely going up in 30 years?
This is blatantly not true and you know it. An older Space marine tac squad is about $12-13 in today's price as they were about $5-6 during their time. I understand the increase in detail, but at the same time the products themselves are made of cheaper material as well. It doesn't justify the cost to go up to $40 almost quadrupling.

>including their specialist games?
Where BF Gothic? Epic? Armageddon? Etc?

>Opened up licenses to all levels of developers when before 'video games are bad for our model business t. Tom Kirby'?
In return for what? A fuck ton of shit quality 40k video games? There have been two main stnadouts, maybe three actually worth playing total since the post-Dawn Of War 2 period where they have really started pushing for games.

>People 'liking the lore' because they can read it for free on 1d4chan or Lexicanicum or by torrenting the books (HAH even you fucks don't do that) is what caused WHFB being driven into the ground because nobody played it after Herohammer and then the CEO fucked it up even worse.
People liking the lore != people liking the mechanics. WHFB had mechanics that were harder to get into than 40k plus it also had some of GW's shittiest models as well along with some of their best.

>You can get an army for $75 now.
It's $85 (set GW site to US and look at Start Collecting!) and that's also just about 285 points or so worth of army that's not even necessarily all quality (ex. who the fuck actually would use a Dreadnought when there are far better equivalent options for SMs today.) Not really much of an "army".

>What I can't cope with is people who haven't put a fucking penny into the hobby moaning that shit is happening to 'their setting' despite them not having anything invested other than internet bandiwidth.
People moan because they REALLY want to spend some money on this thing, but it has some glaring flaws that's stopping them.

It's actually an okay game for a F2P, not like there are a lot of free battlefield-esque games out there. Can't imagine paying even $10 for it, though.

>What went wrong

Remember those big promises before the Alpha hit? Like new planets every month? Dynamic Tyranid attacks? Constantly changing world map like Planetside 2?

Yeah, the devs who promised that quit before the game even went into Closed Alpha.

To make matters worse, the devs who were left got strapped to Namco, meaning they HAD to get the game out not just into EA, but onto Consoles too. On top of that their release dates got fucked over by publishing and the devs pretty much were left out to dry.

This also means that they'll be working on the game for awhile though, so it's possible for them to pick things back up. However unlikely that is.

Planetside 2 is more indie than EC.

>If you like the setting, you'll like pretty much all of them
Doesn't make EC good.
I'm the one man on this board who loves Deathwing though.