Is your body ready?



My body was ready in 2014. What the hell is taking them so long?

>Local detective prince: I am growing stronger

Stop liking and playing high school dating sims

Also could have imported

I've never played a Persona game and have no idea what they are other than a turn based JRPG. Show me something that will make me interested in this game.

>Stop liking and playing high school dating sims
>Stop liking what i don't like

>Also could have imported
Not everyone knows japanese dumbass

I'm not getting it because the fact that it's turn based. I know I'll get bored.

Buy a PSTV and play Persona 4: Golden instead.

>Playing the inferior game
Oh shit nigger what are you doing?

Do you like monster collecting except they're all from religious mythology and fancy menus?

>No more FUCKING MENUS memes
I want to go back

Imagine life simulation, school life dating, getting a job, earning a living doing finals and getting graded, time and year events, dungeon crawling and finding materials to turn to weapons and armor, dressing your person up, going out to eat, getting a coffee, seeing strange events at random times of the day line a ghost at midnight at the park, leveling up, fusing monsters you collect and use for combat, leveling themup and teaching them attack moves

It's everything in one game

It's amazing
Best jrpg ever

I preordered the standard version on Amazon. Now I see the steel book is the same price. Should I switch?


Is there another free theme for PS4 this week, or are they done with that now?

I didn't really care for P4 but I bought a PS4 for P5.

yeah i like the look of it, the red cover is much nicer than the blue PS4 frame to me

That actually sounds interesting. I'm playing more Japanese games lately and enjoying them way more than western games. Persona is a series that always makes weebs chimp out and this sounds alright. Any videos I should watch?


I'm afraid if I cancel it I might get screwed out of both.

Ready for Atlus USA to ruin it, sure. Atlus USA fell for the diversity meme.

Post your bros Sup Forums. Did your bro make it to P5?

Nah P5 is a fresh, standalone story, just be advised you'll be jumping in with the best game of the series gameplay wise so if you go back to the others they'll feel a bit dated.

I mean we're getting dual audio, and you should know enough Japanese do fix Fatlus USA's subs in your mind.

>Its okay because we're getting dual audio
Looks like Sup Forums took the cuck meme a little too seriously. Pretty sad that Neogaf of all places are upset but Sup Forums bends over.

People like you are cancer of videos games

Have you even played P1 or2? Oh silly me of course you haven't you're P3/P4 casual faggot

Why didn't you care for P4

I'd rather SMT demons stay out of Persona and not be ruined by it.

Yes I am. Go be bitch somewhere else

I didn't like that getting a girl to be your gf didn't really add anything new to the relationship, in fact it's pretty much the end of all development and the dungeons were copy/pasted rooms and corridors.

SMT demons have been in Persona since forever user

They just suffered through SMTIV so it can't get any worse for them.

That's the stupidest thing you could have done

>I didn't like that getting a girl to be your gf didn't really add anything new to the relationship, in fact it's pretty much the end of all development
Persona 5 doesn't change that
>and the dungeons were copy/pasted rooms and corridors.
Well I hope you like you large boring maps because Persona 5 has that in spades

The dungeons are great, well designed and filled with puzzles now but romance is handled mostly the same way.

Not him but i played the games 1 is ok but 2 is the most overrated shit in the fucking series, if atleast the gameplay was good

Are you retarded?

What's your plan to get this early?

>I didn't like that getting a girl to be your gf didn't really add anything new to the relationship
That's the same with P5
>and the dungeons were copy/pasted rooms and corridors.
Congrats the dungeons are actually presentable but the bad news is that it gets boring quick

Think Pokemon but with mythological characters in a more realistic setting.

Also purseowner has a penchant for bretty gud mysteries and twists, so I'd expect this to be no different.

>but the bad news is that it gets boring quick
No they don't.

Yes they do. The constant backtracking in the space dungeon was unbearable.

Yes shill-kun, everything about the dungeons are great

I guess we'll see. At least it looks like the game has colors this time.

now that persona 5 is drawing near what do you think of Yu as a protagonist?

GameStop sells preorders at 8:30 PM April 3rd so that's a good few hours before everyone else.

The only good dungeon is Futaba's dungeon, the next two dungeons after that are fucking terrible and this is not bringing up Mementos which is Tartarus 2.0

Game Yu or anime Yu?

Yu genuinely represents everything wrong with the franchise and I'm glad Joker has a personality at the very least.

Yep they're just very linear so don't expect any massive overhaul of exploratin

Now I know you're just shitposting

Jrpgs suck.

I'm not a teenager anymore so I don't have 100 hours to sink into a a shitty jrpg.

I can just look at the porn anyways.

Fight me.

Anime Yu is the good Yu, Anime is not canon therefore Yu is shit

East Coast?

I just know that this is going to be one of those games I hit levels of hype that shouldn't be possible for, only to play it for a couple hours and realize I'm just not really into this type of game.

Sup Shill-kun

yeah, 30 minutes before they close. call your store to see if they do these kind of releases

Oh god not this shit again

>The two faced god of beginnings, ends, doors, keys, revelations, obfuscations, and the changing of seasons.
>Doesn't get any representation whatsoever despite having enough themes in common to qualify as a main villain.

Hell, he's fucking begging to be redesigned with the comedy and drama masks.

I'm getting the game, but I'm not really excited about it. I give myself maybe a 50-50 shot at not being disappointed by the game. Everything about persona just looks so bland and uninspired to me.

Yeah, i remember the time this guy took a thread to 300 posts by just spamming the word shill when he hasn't played shit

I was and then moogy said the story was shit and it killed my hype....

have you play p3 or p4? don't go throwing down $90 just to test a game see if there are any game stores around that still do rent.

how is this not out yet? i dont play persona but it feels like ive been seeing hype for this for like two years now.

I agree, maya was the best protag. P3MC had a personality because of his design and mysteriousness but Yu was just a typical self insert.

Shill-kun is going to be here until the game is release so get used to him going apeshit over anyone having anything negative to say about p5

>Font still not fixed
>Screenshots of translation have been stilted and off
>Free DLC is now paid
I'll pass.

eh don't recommend P3 or P4 to a newcomer when P5 is their best chance by far to really get into the series because of the improvements.

unless you just hate reading text in which case these games arent for you, youve gotta sink into them and enjoy

Agreeing with yourself?

Like you are any better

Can't wait for streamers to make MegaTen the next normie as fuck JRPG series

What's the new obscure JRPG that hasn't been tainted? Is Trails of Cold Steel any good?

>Not boring
Dude is 100% the worst protagonist in Persona and maybe even the whole franchise. He's boring, but everyone sucks his cock. He has less of a personality than Door, and he's a door.

Joker/Akira at the very least seems like he has something resembling a personality.

Here's your (Yu)

Fem-door was pretty damn good actually.

The Trails series is the best of the turn based JRPG genre, bar none.

Cold steel in particular has the best combay system. However, compared to the Trails in the Sky games, the characterization and written dialogue isn't as good.

In any case, I highly recommend it.


Fucking give it to me already

>best girl doesnt join party

Yes. My vagina is wet with anticipation.

>Joker/Akira at the very least seems like he has something resembling a personality.
He just smirks a lot...and that's it

>Can't possibly comprehend the idea that someone would dislike his self insert
>Begins claiming that people who disagree with him are paid shills in order to cope with the fact that Yu is a bland fucker with no discernable personality traits
You're baiting or you're genuinely messed up in the head. Either way, there's no point in responding to you

cold steel's battle system is just a rip off of neptunia's battle system though

I don't know, is Moh Shuvuu in P5?

From what I've heard he monologues to himself rather frequently and actually has a decent number of spoken lines. I haven't actually played the game so there's a chance that amounts of nothing, but we'll have to see.

>cold steel's battle system is just a rip off of neptunia's battle system though
This might be the dumbest fucking thing anyone has ever said on this board.

Trails of the sky was good but cold steel is generic anime trope bullshit. Seriously, a protagonist with amnesia with a secret special power. NBR liitle sister that lusts for his dick along with "even though we're highschoolers we have to save the world!".

game was fun though. Cold steel 2 was more so

I wish memes didn't exist, just thinking of this game fills me with cringe.

>From what I've heard he monologues to himself rather frequently
That's bullshit
> actually has a decent number of spoken lines
Moreso than the previous two for sure but not enough to give him a definite personality. Makes him being a mute protagonist kinda redundant at this point

>The Trails series is the best of the turn based JRPG genre, bar none.
>However, compared to the Trails in the Sky games, the characterization and written dialogue isn't as good.
Lets not get ahead of ourselves here, it's mediocre and the characterization is practically nonexistant. You can say they were holding back.

>"even though we're highschoolers we have to save the world!"
Nobody saves the world in cold steel, retard. They end a civil war and re-enact history. That's it.

feel free to go look up some gameplay videos familia

>the characterization and written dialogue isn't as good.
Just be straight with him and tell him the writing in Cold Steel sucks ass.

As far as turn-based JRPG combat goes, I feel that the press turn SMTs and Mana Khemia are better.

I'm a huge neptunia and trails fan and you're fucking retarded. Cold Steel and Neptunia have nothing in common except turn based combat and positioning. Neptunia combat revolves around moving your character every turn and then attacking based on the effect area of your weapon while you primarily utilize crafts in battle throughout cold steel.

what the fuck was her problem?

she has mild autism

That's disappointing. Whatever. Still an improvement, I guess. Hopefully they do more in P6.

>tfw the P5 artbook isn't on Sadpanda unlike the other artbooks


He's right though.