I work at an MMO company in Silicon Valley. I have half an hour. Ask me questions...

I work at an MMO company in Silicon Valley. I have half an hour. Ask me questions. I will not answer anything that gives a hint to who I am other than the two lines above.

In a scale from 0 to 10, and based on your own point of view about the string theory, how cute are you?

I'm about a 4. I've heard some girls say that I act like a "big, kind bear" but I'm fat and ugly, so.

I understand.

What's your position on cute floral summer dresses?

Adorable. I wish more girls wore them. I knew a good christian girl in college who wore them every day, and she was the sweetest thing.

are you a game master or some sort of in game conflict resolution/customer service rep? if so what's the funniest/most ridiculous thing you've dealt with

otherwise, what do you wish you could do in your current position that you can't

Why do videogames suck these days

What is your most favorite sci-fi movie?

No, I'm not a game master.
I wish I could get a gf (male). Only marketing chads get qts

Because the consumer made them suck. They begged for Fallout, GTA, and LoL clones and they sure as hell have gotten them over, and fucking over, and fucking over.

Tron: Legacy. And if that doesn't count since it's a cartoon, Star Trek DS9. Come at me janewayfags

What do you think about the current state of the bigger MMO's?(wow, ffxiv, eso, gw2...)

Are you only into traps or also cute guys

Rei or Asuka?


What do you do at this company?

ya ever beat off to the r34 of whatever game/games your company puts out?

Do you ever order pizza and then you're like "ahh this isn't the taste I was after" when you bite into the first slice and wonder if you should stop ordering food on impulse?


Do you like your job? Do you like playing games?

Dogs or cats

Why is your company in Silicon Valley? The whole appeal of being stationed in NorCal like that is for innovation. You make MMORPGs, why not relocate to some place cheap and drive higher net profit?

So if you are gay, what do you think of this whole push for LGBTQASPXJFJGJ whatever video game characters that's been going on for a while now?


I think it's unfortunate that WoW still dictates the market. I think FFXIV is a good step forward, and from what I understand Black Desert is still doing fairly well. In order to thrive, though, they need to shift away from the WoW model. GW2 was a short, small step in the right direction, but fell prey to being absolutely fucking boring. I think action-y games like Tera and B&S are the future.

Both. I'd like to have anyone care about me. But sexually I love traps and cute guys.

Asuka. Got a thing for bitches.

I don't do customer service.

No, though there's a whole lot of boobie-based art that comes with the game.

All the time. That's how Papa John's works.

Yes, although I'm getting sick of a few of my coworkers.

I still play games occasionally, but I often find it hard to sit down and dedicate my time to a non-multi-player game.

Dogs, I'm super allergic to cats.

We've been here a while.

It's boring and shoe-horned in to places where it doesn't need to be. Characterization should be based on personality, not skin color and gender.

That being said, I don't think it's AWFUL that companies do that shit and I'm not making threads about it. It's just a waste of time, on all fronts.

Moreover, I think the anger/support of this stuff is nothing more than a marketing scheme. Your racism and sexism and their diversity quotas are nothing more than marketing.

I am a cute guy
Post kik!

This is bait.

Good taste user
delet she is merely misunderstood

Go fuck yourself

Do you think we will ever see good MMOs like Asheron's Call ever again?

she took it up the ass from blacks