Why are there some people who don't like Wind Waker?

Why are there some people who don't like Wind Waker?

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Because they have taste.

I think a lot of teenagers who were kids when they played Ocarina of Time blanched at the cel-shaded graphics. They wanted the franchise to grow up with them and weren't ready to accept a cartoonish vibe.

Some people love the sailing, others hate it. It can be pretty samey and constantly changing the wind is annoying.

The Triforce Fetch Quest and the unfinished end game are infamous at this point.

Still it's one of my favourite games, top 50 at least.

my buddy is a sonybro and a normie and he says the artstyle is too kiddy. We're not friends anymore.

Are there people who play game depending on artstyle?

I can't believe

The game has serious flaws, and is a step down in challenge and level design from the N64 games. This is coming from someone who's favorite 3D Zelda is Wind Waker, if not my favorite as a whole.

the art direction turned me off. i keep telling myself one day ill give it a chance, but i probably wont.

don't hate it but everything past leaving zelda in the basement is difficult to play through

The Wind Temple is the one really good temple, and the final act is GOAT though.

WW Link is my favorite design. All the other ones are edgy tryhards, while in WW he's like hell yeah let's have a crazy fun adventure!

Blah blah blah sauce

I actually like the art style and characters, but the game play leaves something to be desired. It worsened the trend of zelda games degenerating into bullshit where bosses do quarter-heart damage. Its fans tend to be noticeably more obnoxious than those of other zelda games as well, which is starting to sour my perception of it more and more.

How is a sprite "edgy"?


Linkse,ual actually

Sonybros only play mature games for mature gamers

It was okay, but the sailing fucking ruined it for me. And I've only played the Wii U version with the Swift Sail, I don't even want to imagine playing the original.

because they are not mature?

Can someone redpill me on the unfinished business?

Because of something called opinions.

Just look at all those sharp 90-degree angles on the pixels!

There's no 'unfinished business' when it comes to zelda.
Mainstream Zelda games always had plenty of time to be developed.

Gay pedophile

people complain about constantly changing the wind
fucking really of all things
you're complaining about repetitive micro tasks in zelda
maybe if your routing wasn't literally all over the place you wouldn't need to change every 2 seconds
holy fuck

>guess I need to fly north
>daa, daa, daa
>daa, daa, daa
>da da daa da dada daaaa, daaaaaaaa
>shit I need to fly north west
>great I got the thing. now I need to sail south

i love windwaker, its so cheerful

I'm going through MM right now and I'm waiting for it to get challenging
OoT definitely wasn't

People who enjoy video games tend to enjoy well thought out dungeons and interesting overworlds.

WW's hallway dungeons, and flat blue endless field was neither.

the one that recycles deku leaf usage from the forest haven and is centric around using the command melody? no

It's good for a one off, but it spawned horrible games after it and inspired bad art direction in the console ones as well. TP shouldn't have been the one off. WW would be appreciated more if Aonuma didn't make toon link his waifu.

The hard part is never coming. The game is a complete joke in terms of difficulty, a trend which worsened with WW and again with TP.

>WW would be appreciated more if Aonuma didn't make toon link his waifu.
What the fuck did you say

welp gotta change into deku mask to dive into the flower
i'll need to change back into goron form so i'll leave that in and just switch out the arrows
okay made it to the top, oh wait what's this false wall, let me pull out the lens of truth
oh shit it's a fairy
pull out arrows again and wear the fairy mask to attract it
welp time to change back to goron form to actually do the ground pound time puzzle here

Is that image what I think it is or is it just a sad Link sleeping?

please tell me that's a picture of him getting fucked

you can skip the mask animations in MM

you can't skip the song animations in WW

see the difference?

I love windwaker but god damn I hate autists who spam dumb shit like this

There was 12 rupees placed near him

so 3D Zelda games were never difficult?
I mean I agree TWW dungeons never pushed the envelope, but it seems it's a mark against the entire series than just one title

you still need to do a lot of juggling around of items in the start menu
I'm playing it on Wii U so I can only imagine how much worse re-opening the menu is on other systems

Long boring sailing distances, easiest puzzles in the series, easiest combat in the series, BotW did everything it did but better. Obsolete game.

Not really, no. For virtually any enemy in the 3D games pre-BOTW, targeting and holding shield makes you goddamned invincible, and when you do get hit, it's maybe a quarter heart or two. Part of the reason people defend BoTW combat so hard is because enemies actually start dealing damage when they hit you.

This so much, I hate how people are spouting BotW has the worst combat of 3d games when you can easily beat anything that comes your path in the others.

It's not that they're hard, it's that you actually had to try. In WW, you really don't.

You know what I said. Aonuma loves pushing Toon link and I for one hate looking at that faggot. Of course memers love him bc "let go" ebin memes xDDD

It's overall a good game with that Zelda charm that you can't find anywhere else, but don't be mistaken, it is heavily flawed.

The first issue is the overworld: The Ocean. It's designed to be this vast open amazing environment and is instead a slow, tedious, boring, and not so subtle load screen eliminator. It'd be nice to have some other things to do while sailing, but for the most part there's no point in taking part of sea combat since the rewards are basically just more tools for sea warfare. The non-quest islands themselves are neat, but they're rarely worth your time and usually just contain a rupee or heart piece. Occasionally they'll have a fairy on them, but it's just an upgrade to an ability you already have. Which leads into the next problem.

The combat is horrendously easy. Never have I seen a game baby a player so much as it does in the wind waker. The parry system makes it so enemies can basically never touch you and the amount of healing items and fairies in the game are at an all-time high. Besides that, even just a hit from the master sword will stun most enemies therefore eliminating most if any tension from a fight. The end duel with Ganon is neat but the game is basically just mashing buttons up until that point.

The dungeons are the worst in the series. This seems to be a common opinion around here but they really are terrible. They lack focus and feel all over the place. Forced stealth is so out of place in a Zelda game and I still can't believe they not only approved it but reused it for Skyward Sword. Then you've got two dungeons that are glorified escort dungeons that have you retreading the same ground often. It's very poor design and visually it's very dull.

On top of all this you have the shit with Tingle, almost zero new items, only 1 real town, tons of (literally) empty space, and the goddamn triforce quest.

Source: I replayed it recently and goddamn.

But then isn't there a reason that Aonuma keep pushing him? It's not like he's personal sex slave of aonuma

-the ocean seems amazing at first but its really empty.
-the king stops you from exploring early, making the game linear.
-all rewards you get on the random islands are just rupees (useless). i even did that tile puzzle island thing completely and it was also the reward.
-not enough dungeons.
-triforce pieces hunt was filler.

also something kinda cool. did you know the gc game has a distance blur filter? its super apparent if you're running the game through component/hdmi.
using a gameshark/gecko code, you can disable the filter, making the game look abnormally clear. only downside is while sailing the distant islands/towns are obviously just a single sprite until you get close.

>It's not like he's a personal sex slave of aonuma

Idk some about him must get him off since he's everywhere, either that or he treats him like his son or something, nip devs have weird attachments to their creations man.


wind waker is my fave

I think there were two dungeons cut. I think there would have been full dungeons instead of the fire and ice mini dungeons. What they had of them was used in Twilight Princess.

I'm surprised nobody else said this but the game seems to actively discourage exploration with its inventory system.

After the deku tree dungeon I started exploring, filled my wallet to 200, then proceeded to uncover 660 rupees just to toss them back into the ocean.

Between that and the spoils bag, this was the most frustrating Zelda in the series for waste.

The art style is fine and it helps it age better than other Zeldas but that's the only pro I have for it

I found this is disgusting too. it's just bad



Explain to me how you had to "try" in OoT. The hardest I think I've ever "tried" was using the bow on poes.


Thanks user. I don't seem to see that particular picture in that compilation, but knowing the artist is good enough.

>and the goddamn triforce quest

What did people even dislike about the triforce quest? I remember it being one of my favorite parts of the game...

replay the game and you tell me. It's such a fucking grind.

>i didnt like this part it was BAD!
>why didnt you like it?
>lmao haha u tell me rofl hahaha

I dont know why i even come here.

Some people don't like the artstyle

Some people don't like the design of toon link (probably because it looks like bad moeshit)

Some people don't like the terribly linear dungeons which so blatantly show the player the answer to the puzzle that they insult the player's intelligence

Some people don't like braindead combat which is entirely consistent of holding r and pressing a when the screen tells you to by having a big audio and visual signal to do so

Some people don't like that even if you somehow struggle with this combat system you won't have difficulties anyway since enemies do pitiful damage

Some people don't like the vast blue nothingness of an overworld

Some people don't like the terribly paced narrative

Some people don't like the hamfisted, contrived, characterization the game tries to force

Some people don't like how it essentially created the need for timelines in general and a downfall timeline specifically

Some people don't like the uninspired boss battles

Some people don't like the vocal, autistic, fanbase that tries to claim that every game they like takes place in the adult timeline despite the evidence and that WW is the pinnacle of the series in virtually every respect

I personally, actually like the game. Before BotW came out it was in my top 3 of the 3d games, but I recognize it had many flaws and have also realized that trying to discuss the game with anyone that ranks it as their favorite in the series is impossible

Greatfish Island (Bombs), Fire Island (Bracelets) and Ice Island (Iron Boots) were supposed to be dungeons but never got finished

You better not be insinuating that WW is in any way more difficult than either of them. That is not to say that OoT or MM are difficult by any means, but WW is insultingly easy.

What's actually pretty funny is that you can do half of the things you listed in the amount of time it takes to change the wind once.

>come in thread expecting link lewds
>people are actually discussing the game
color me surprised

>Go find these scattered charts (fun, for the most part)

>now collect thousands of fucking rupees and have Tingle translate them (slog)

> Next, you just need to sail to all these remote points across the entire map to get them (Fuck off)

The real problem is that it has to be done all at once and can't be done earlier because they lock them behind needing late-game items. Had they made it an optional thing you could have stumbled upon or done most of it gradually as you progressed through the game to break up the main quest would have made it much more tolerable.

Because nobody see it as a lewd Link, but just crying Link

Well, for starters in combat you had to do more than just hold r and wait for the screen to tell you to push a so you can do an unstoppable parry attack. Many of the enemies in OoT do way more damage than even the hardest hitting enemies in WW. The combat is much faster paced and footwork is more important because the enemies are more mobile. Many enemies actually have the same skillset as the player meaning that the combat is more engaging due to requiring a certain level of reactivity from the player. Items can be used situationally.

Now for dungeons. You could actually carry more than one key at a time, meaning you had to decide where to use it. Many dungeons, notably the forest and water temples, had huge open spaces explorable from the beginning requiring you to explore the temple and get a feel for it to know how to progress. Puzzle solutions weren't zoomed in on the moment you set foot into a room. Some dungeons, notably the water temple, required spatial awareness in understanding the architecture of the temple as a whole and required the player to use cognitive ability in knowing how to manipulate said architecture to advance. Many dungeons weren't just corridors

All off the top of my head

It get's easier to do when you collect treasure from treasure charts on you back and forth journey to do all the things needed to get a triforce piece.

I could understand why the whole thing might drag on harder than normal for most people that probably neglected treasure charts or did a lot of them early.

>thread picture got deleted
It was nothing to do with shota porn, at least its cropped well

Not him but he literally says

>It's such a fucking grind.

That is what he disliked about the triforce quest. That is what I disliked about that triforce quest. That is what many people disliked about the triforce quest.

Your reaction though, of either lacking the ability to comprehend his response or just ignoring it completely and then trying to act high and mighty is exactly the type of shit this user, , means when he says "Its fans tend to be noticeably more obnoxious than those of other zelda games as well, which is starting to sour my perception of it more and more."

Because it's an incredibly tedious game. After replaying it recently, it was actually worse than I remembered.

Everything in the game is a boring slog. Traveling, dungeons, especially sidequests. The trading sequence where you have to go between the same four assholes over and over again and the Nintendo Gallery are some of the worst things I've ever been subjected to while trying to complete a Zelda game.

They're paranoid about that kind of thing and wrongfully delete stuff like that all the time.

- Ocean is too big for its own good
- Treasure charts are literally delayed rewards
- No thought required in dungeons, just keep walking forward
- No memorable bosses except for the last 2
- Ghost Ship is the biggest letdown in the entire series
- Triforce quest is literally double padding to make up for the cut dungeons, this was partially fixed in HD but it still feels like a waste of time
- Changing wind direction and the boat speed were awful, both fixed in HD too

I won't deny that it's a comfy game with charming characters but it's not even on my top 5 Zeldas and barely makes it to the top 10.

But then do they delete shark porns? I haven't seen they delete them

>Toon Link has such shit moves it kills him


They're paranoid about shota i mean. At least in my experience even cropped non-porn that is just funny and suggestive gets deleted. It's ridiculous yeah and things might have changed but i havent seen it.

>its got nothing to do with shota!
>all that stuffs cropped out!

It's a shit game. Every other Zelda game but II and CD-I shit is better.


Post Zelda songs


>having no friends