Are you ready for the new season?

Are you ready for the new season?

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Fun game but super boring after like 20 hours.

6000 hours in and no plans to stop.

sounds like you just didn't git gud enough.

t. prospect

>The Neo Tokyo arena is being removed from our competitive and casual playlists.
Forget what i said, now i am!

i don't hate neo tokyo, but it should have never been in ranked.

is a controller better than M+KB for this?

I've actually been hating Starbase more recently, but mostly 'cause that shit appears non-stop while Neotokyo and the desert one seems to be more rare, i fucking had 5 matches in a row on that damn map for fucks sake
Hopefully the new Arena Like/Dislike system will actually work this time

About goddamn time


it's a love it or hate it game

I loved the PS3 original but I just don't have time to play like I used to, or rather I'd sooner use it on other pursuits.

I don't know if I really care about ranked, I like the variety of stages more than just endless Urban variants (I dunno what the modern equivalent is but it used to be that on SARPBC the one stage everyone played was Urban, and no one was allowed to pick anything else if it was SUPER SERIOUS COMPETITION PLAY.)

Give a new player who wants to learn flying the one tip that you think is the most important.

Almost out of challenger in doubles finally. Just gotta keep at it and hope I can do better next season.

Practice. Some good custom training packs for aerials out there, even the default training mode is decent.

When's the next sale? I'm cheap even though I liked SARPBC.

Play NiGHTS Into Dreams, then try to imitate that

I don't play this game super regularly, but I always play a couple games every weekend sippin' on some beers, never fail to have fun.

Change your air roll button to R1

Fucking this.
In casual playlists I don't mind, but it shouldn't have been in competitive in the first place
Starbase is also horrible. There is simply no way to accurately judge how the ball goes up the wall

Yeah definitely, but my controller broke yesterday and my new ones supposed to be here tomorrow, hopefully it gets here on time to start

What's your rank?

Challenger Elite
Will probably get demoted to Silver I or some shit

>tfw my favorite map is gone from ranked

Why even play anymore.....

Rising Star

Post your cars


This thread makes me wanna go back, but it's for the best that I left. I would always get angry whenever I lost. It's better this way.

I only get angry when I have retarded teammates. being in the middle of Rising Star has cut down on that for sure.

But yeah man, when I get a teammate shit talking me while playing like garbage I start to see red, it can get bad. Uninstalled it for a few weeks so I could cool down.

>I only get angry when I have retarded teammates
the only thing that makes me mad. I honestly don't give two shits if I lose.

3v3 or 2v2? I started out playing 3's but couldn't handle the amount of 2v2 faggotry going on. Now I can't even find a decent teammate when I queue solo 2v2.

fuckin kiddies i swear

new season starts? i wouldn't know.. all 150 hours i have in this game is 50h gameplay and 100h trading lol


what rank are you? once you get out of challenger it gets better

Technological retard here. How do I put a replay from PS4 version on my computer so I can get the coolest shit I ever did in webm format?

Anyone up for a casual late night Sup Forums game?

>animated decals

set it up

I play 2v2 exclusively these days, I switched from 3v3 just to try it out, now I'm so entrenched in the rotation that it's difficult to play much else.

room: vee
pass: rage

Stop being jelly


you know what they say about ironic shitposting

Ain't no way i'm not honoring the great Republic of Ghana

get in here

No one feels like joining?

fuck you anons i have to go to bed, work in the morning or else i'd be all over that shit

do one again tomorrow and i'm game

cmon we just need one more for a 2v2

tried getting in

unable to find room?

You don't

improve your ground game first and you can get to grand champion in every playlist without having to do CUHRAZY aerials

literally 90% of the game is being in the right place at the right time

10% of the game is flying to the right place at the right time

1v1 is the easiest way to progressively get better and learn new strategies as long as you can keep rage in check

I only have 700 hours and I am grand champion in every playlist w/ a 66% winrate

Prospect 3 but I don't bother with practice. :/

I'll never switch to a different car

this. Most losses are on account of bad positioning. People follow the ball around, don't see where their teammates or enemies are, go for hits that an opponent will obviously hit first, go for the same hits as their teammates consistently, etc.. If people spread the fuck out, rotated fluidly and went for intelligent hits the game would be amazing.

But how do you deal with players that don't do these?
If you have 1 or 2 teammates constantly going after the ball, what's the best course of action?

I just hate all the fucking cheaters in rocket league lately. I was so close to getting rising star before the season ended but nope everyone had the fucking aimbots and visual trajectory mods on full blast and I'd get a retarded teammate that had never played before 95% of the time. Fuck rocket league.

says a lot about the skill ceiling in this game that 700 hours is still well within "only" territory.

play goalie, bruh.

rocket league sucks

Sorry about quality but I play on potato

Switch your boost and score board button, this way you can keep both thumbs on the sticks while you boost with L1. It takes getting used to but your aerial control will go up.

>hiding name
why? we're not here to judge you.

>Got Parallax and 15 keys for carrying some goldies to blue
Ah, the perks of gitting gud

wait, boost as L1? Is B bad?

All Star

Rocket League actually has a decent skill ceiling.

I have 250 hours in it, and nearly 700 in SFV but I don't really know anything about the highest levels of play in either game.

I was one of the highest ranks (attainable not on the leaderboards) in RL pre-season 1 and I'm in the top 2% of all SFV players but the gap between good and great is absurd in both games.

3v3 is too chaotic. solo 2v2 is most fun.

Takumi is bae

What's the course of action for being in a game with an AFK/crate farmer on your team?

hi bronze

Learn how to fast aerial, just jumping and boosting is so much slower.

I don't wanna be associated with Sup Forums people, I'm sorry man, I know most of you on Sup Forums are good people and I have some friends I've accidentally made here but sorry

jump and boost at the same time right? is this why other fucks always get to the ball before me?

It's difficult to boost and jump/powerslide/air roll at the same time.

not him but if you have to boost using B it requires taking your thumb off the stick. personally not a huge deal. switching the air roll button is much more important for the same reason i think

Yes because if your thumb is on B then you can't press X for rolls or A for second jump or use your right stick, also look up youtube video for pro camera settings and use them because they help

remapping your boost button to the l1/r1 is unorthodox. remapping e-brake and air roll is more common and makes more sense

I've already remapped air rolling to R1. L1 is voice chat, so i can call people faggots.

im definitely using pro tryhard camera settings too lol

This is the one thing that helped my aerial game immensely:

>that body is literally the only thing I want from champions crates and the game keeps fucking me
pic very related

that was my point, homeboy.

L1 is boost R1 is roll an drift

I have my shoulder buttons for acceleration, boost, brake, and air roll. To me this is optimal for the reasons listed above. If you value shittalking so much then just do quick chat.

>can hit crazy aerials
>can do off-the-wall tricks
>can air dribble
>cannot for the life of me ground dribble

Literally what the fuck. There is something wrong with my brain when I can do the air one but no the ground one. I've spent triple the amount of time doing ground dribbling than air dribbling, and I still cannot get it down.

you can get it for 1-2 keys on /r/rocketleagueexchange

neo tokio has much more space on the ground floor now, it's going to be temporarily removed from playlists but it will return

anyone challenger elite div 1/2 that wants to play doubles and maybe his rising star before the season ends tonight?

us west


>wanna play some hoops

If only there was a way of resolving that.

i hate starbase even though it has the most large boosts spawns. It's just so fucking ugly and I hate that announcer.

From worst to still pretty awful:

I don't have voice on. I have teammates that struggle with the basic concept of how to play the game.
why do people hate wasteland? starbase and aquadome a shit, and that's pretty much it.

Fuck I haven't played this in two months now, ended up playing CS:GO with my friends

Pretty much everyone that isn't a noob uses R1 for Boost, L1 for air-roll/drift.

Don't you have friends user?

Super champ here, I use L1 for boost and B for air roll. will switching R1 to roll promote me to grand champ?

ball chasing is the worst and a clear sign that they are noobs or more rarely but just as bad, a good player that is all moi moi.

i would feel the veigns on my head about to pop when i went to a corner to center and suddenly i get all of my team mates jumping on top of me. who the fuck are they trying to center to if we are ALL in the same spot?

that starts to disappear at higher ranks, the best way i managed to get around that is to always be on the opposite side of the field / max mid-field and always expecting that they fuck up and the ball comes to our goal. lots of times the other team is also piling up on the ball as well and you have free long goals just for being on the defensive.

speaking of defensive and this is a personal tip to everyone who wants to take it, NEVER stop as a goalkeeper.
i'm always doing circles in place, in and out of the goal, paying attention to my position and possible shots to the goal just in case the car is turned in a bad position. if you lose momentum, you wont be able to do shit.

those goddamn curves, user