Game has no lore

>game has no lore
>you make it up in your head as you play.

Souls games?


>Game has lore
>It has no bearing on the game's story at a basic level and only diehard fans try to study it

>game procedurally generates the lore when you start a new game


Counter Strike
Seriously tho, in my head cannon, i just like to imagine that rifling was never invented in that world, so that's why weapons fire all over the place instead of your crosshair.

based dorfs


I always cringe at these people pretending these games have lore

>Making up lore for procedurally generated games.

Souls lore is just the biggest pleb bait
It's shallow af dogshit but presented in a obscure enough way that brainlets flock to it because it makes them feel smort

I did this with Sega Genesis games

This is why I like old JRPGs. They have huge fucking holes which you can fill.

Great game.

As it should be

doesn't counter strike have somewhat of a story?

>game has lore
>you weren't paying attention, or just forgot it
>unconsciously develop your own headcanon
>revisit it years later
>realize your headcanon is superior to the reality

Why even play a video game then? Just bash two sticks together in your backyard and pretend it's a boss fight. Same damn thing

Sticks don't supply a challenge

Subspace Emissary

gameplay > story/lore

>your headcanon is better than the actual canon

Fucking MGSV...
I heard the audiotape where Skull Face gets burned by the rapeseed oil, so I did some research and discovered that China is one of the largest producers of rapeseed oil in the world. It would make sense that Skull Face would be a child around the time of the Japanese occupation in WW2, so I thought that this would tie into Skull Face's hatred of language because of what he suffered because of the Japanese. It could've even tied into a hatred of Kaz, or something with Eva and the Chinese Philosophers but instead they just went with
>lol he was in eastern europe or something i dunno fuck you