I've logged 120 hours and I'm fucking done with this game

I've logged 120 hours and I'm fucking done with this game.

>melee is completely broken, especially bayonet charges which almost never work
>hit detection is fucked, especially since last update
>enemies randomly spawn on dead teammates, resulting in you being fucked
>often spawns you nowhere near your chosen spawn point
>Calvary is an absolute mess when it comes to hit detection and getting stuck on terrain
>vaulting system is broken as fuck
>weapons totally unbalanced
>no fucking content
>bullshit laggy broken menu system
>battlepacks are all skins
>medals almost never work and often disappear
>latency compensation screws players with good connections
>team balancing is totally ineffective
>almost all rounds are now totally lop-sided
>almost all of the bugs present at release (spawn or revive with no gun and the like) still not fixed
>massive clipping issues
>often can't find any servers

Fuck this bullshit. Fuck Dice. Fuck EA.

They haven't made a decent Battlefield since BF3. This series needs to die.

Other urls found in this thread:


Forgot to add:

>toxic playerbase who refuses to acknowledge that the game is broken as fuck and constantly sucks Dice's dick
>90% of players have absolutely no idea what they are doing and simply run around the map or sit in the spawn and snipe while never doing anything to help their team or using any kind of strategy or thought.

>buying a Dice game past bad company 2

>120 hours

Not stopping after 10

BF3 was OK. Not as good as BFBC2, but acceptable. Everything after that was garbage.

>Dice can't make games for shit

No surprise here. And when they try to fix things, they just make them worse.

Well said

>>vaulting system is broken as fuck
DICE has made like 3 or 4 fucking games on Frostbite, with few changes in between, so HOW THE FUCK CAN THEY KEEP FAILING TO FIX VAULTING?

Git gud

>enemies randomly spawn on dead teammates, resulting in you being fucked
This. This is the absolute worst shit. Enemies just appearing from thin air after their team is dead. what the actual fuck

Pretty much. Skipped BF4 and BF1 will be my final DICE purchase. The game is regressing and I doubt it gets better from here.

>DAMN IT THIS GAME PISSES ME OFF. *plays for 120 hours*

Any game that lasts me 120 hours is well worth 60 dollars.

>hit detection is fucked

But it's not

>literally no mention of how the update actually killed the game
>no mention of auto restocking grenades leading to untold levels of spam (which was done to nerf grenade spam?)
>no mention of nearly every large map ruined due to trench fighters being the strongest Aircraft in modern battlefield yet due to zero counterplay options
>instead you complain about fucking melee

Kill yourself

I could deal with the first AA nerf

but the second AA nerf caused me to stop playing. Infantry is the worst its been in any Battlefield game.

All those things are true, but hit detection is also totally fucked after winter update. Also, melee was touted as a major part of the game but is irredeemably broken.

I only paid $30 for the game and I rather enjoy it. It's far from the best multiplayer FPS I've ever played, but I still get enjoyment out of it from time to time. Buggy at parts, but worth the money imo

I am gud. Have a pretty decent k/d.

Hate this game with a passion. Wouldn't even buy it at $20.

>hit detection
>implying there is such a thing in BF1

Also, like 8/10 character models are black/brown even on Euro maps because muh diversity.

*throws 4 grenades in 15 seconds

Spoken like someone that has no idea why people are playing these types of games.



Best is coming breh

The majority of your issues here are either more or less irrelevant in the grand scheme of the game, or truly an example of you needing to get good. That said some of it is totally valid-it is fucking mind boggling how stupid and bad the player base is.

Being successful in this game doesn't really rely too much on "skill" all it takes is a modicum of intelligence to score points, how multiple level 30s and above don't understand for example, that you need to fight ON THE CAP and not outside it, is beyond me.

Ultimately I think the game was skewered by its pacing. You run fast kill fast die fast-there's no fuckiking team voice chat so no ones ever communicating, it just turns into this headless chicken shit show where a few players tend to dominate. Like a fancied up call of duty with tanks.

There's also not enough intraclass utility, partly because weapons are so limited, both by class and by balancing issues. Half the guns in the game aren't worth considering.

>decent k/d means a good player
