How would you fix Sup Forums

how would you fix Sup Forums


Remove the ability to post from mobiles

ban people who market EA, Ubisoft and Bethesda games.
Ban masterrace memers

Post IDs to prevent samefagging

every poster needs to go through therapy to make them less autistic and butthurt before posting

Merge Sup Forums with Sup Forums.

mysterious removal for 7 days

Ceterum censeo VideoGamesen esse delendam

It really isn't that big of a problem though.

But seriously why does anyone like Morrowind?

these threads are pointless because whatever rules we decide upon we don't have enough mods to enforce this shit properly

if hiro could spare some Sup Forums mods to send here we'd be slightly better off

Filter any post with any variation of "BRAP" into "I really enjoy video games"

Ban all platform wars faggotry, if you have ever had the thought cross your mind that you should make an autistic post about high pc frame rate or bragging about a console exclusive go fuck yourself
Build threads should also be moved to Sup Forums where they belong but troubleshooting game threads are fine

Thread IDs
Ban Sup Forums discussion
Ban rule breakers (console wars, e-celebs)

A temporary proverbial iron boot on the board.
For example posting something along the lines of
>xD i kno rite dis gam is utter shit!!!!111one lmao
ironically or otherwise, immediate ban. Then go from there. However flame wars shouldn't be a bannable offense, since they gave Sup Forums a lot of it's identity in the 7th Gen, and on a side note I still can't believe I'm referring to the 7th gen in past tense.
r8, h8, masturb8

Start banning anyone under 28.

Ban console war faggotry or provocative fanboy posts on sight
Video game discussion only

We need to enforce a special kind of ban where the user does not realize they are banned and can post as normal, but no one can see their posts and replies

This would be the ultimate way to deal with ban-evading shitters that take their slap on the wrist and then come back and shit up the board again after unplugging their ethernet cords

Range ban people with reddit/tumblr/gaf cookies
No e-celeb or streamer faggotry
Move LOL and filename threads to Sup Forums or /trash/


>Build threads should also be moved to Sup Forums where they belong

Fuck off we don't want your trash.

That's called shadowbanning, and is already a big thing on twitter and reddit.

IDs like/pol/ and Sup Forums

Shit works.


Ban eceleb threads

Fuck you we don't want them either, it always turns into people being autistic about parts and dumb bullshit like getting a 1070 over a 1080 is treated like raping someone's mother

no more e-celeb shit
no more console war faggotry
LOL threads are officially sanctioned

Just delete any OP with a meme in it

Wouldn't even take 5 minutes out of our mods busy, busy schedules of not doing anything

IDs haven't helped Sup Forums one bit.

>ban phoneposters
>shill threads are instaban
>should a video game have a general thread on Sup Forums instead of /vg/, and has one more often than they should, the threads will be banned and forced to go to /vg/
>ban shitposters who spam doujin/weird fetish/offtopic images when they see a thread that triggers them
>fire newfag moderators and janitors

Permaban any and all forms of animeposting.

Who decides what is a meme?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

No Phoneposting unless if you have a Sup Forums pass would cut down shitposting by over half instantly.

Yes they have.

Ban sonybros, they start 90% of console war shitposting

Better and more mods.
>Mods delete these threads despite Hiroshima saying they're okay
>Mods delete on-topic threads
>Porn threads almost reaching archive are almost regular occurrences
>e-celeb trash that aren't actually talking about videogames, just the e-celeb are apparently just fine

would be neat.

holy shit I think you might have cracked it
as long as it's physically possible I see no reason not to implement it

Tell people who constantly complain about a board that they aren't being forced to visit and post on said board


Fucking this.

but you're consolewar shitposting right now

Turn Sup Forums into a place where people love video games and don't shitpost endlessly trying to make the next hate brigade

I can agree with this.
Just ban anyone who posts Nintenbro, Sonybro, or whatever other stupid names people force

Phone posters are behind most low-quality post you see

Mobile posters can't be banned so they can shitpost forever.

Then again Sup Forums bans are a joke and are easily bypassed. That's why this website loses mods fast as hell because they realize that nothing they do matters.

Ban Russian and Brazilian IPs.

Perma-ban reddit posters

"Literally," "red-pill," "Now that the dust has settled," and "What's the Sup Forumserdict" result in permabans.

Consolewar posts and threads result in permabans.

Remove word filters, and bring back dubs. Abuse of the aforementioned results in bans.

SK threads moved to /e/, DoA threads taken to /s/.

Nuke Sup Forums.

If problems persist, begin a two-step process.
Step 1: Divide boards by platforms: /vn/ /vps/ /vx/ and Sup Forums is PC.

If this further shits things up, move to step 2.
Step 2: Nuke Sup Forums, move all vidya discussion to Sup Forums and /r9k/. I hear Sup Forums has some good vidya threads, and /r9k/ is basically Sup Forums-lite, so I'd rather turn it into a meme-filled shithole before letting it die.

Memes are obvious at a glance because they're always shit threads with no purpose
Quentiam delenda est

people can already get their posts deleted/banned for posting that. it's just that most people don't seem to report it.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>Correlation = causation

>Get banned
>Turn on airplane mode
>Turn off airplane mode
>Have fresh new IP to shitpost with

Makes it too easy to abuse.

>Porn threads almost reaching archive are almost regular occurrences
Jewish mods?

Anime is pretty popular on reddit, ya dingus.

Ban all template OPs such as
>perfect X don't exi-
>this is your X for tonight
>now that the dust has settled
>is he /ourguy/?
>did you buy X's game?

They are always shit and doomed to be shitposting threads anyway

The more people come to the site, the more retards think shitposting is the only thing it's for. It's the reason slow boards are typically better quality than fast ones

Only correct answer.
Template threads in general have gotten worse.

You can do the same thing with a home connection. Just unplug your modem for 5 minutes.

We're on a site made for anime.

>popular things are popular on a popular site
who would've thought

Jokes aside, slow boards are better because of self moderation. People just ignore bait and shitposts and let them die.

ban everyone who thinks they can polish shit

Facebook was made for college and look what happened

I've felt like this is pretty much necessary on Sup Forums for the longest time now. Samefagging is rampant here.

Does anyone here wish moot was back?

This, also week-long bans on stealth anime or Sup Forums shitposting threads.


I'm so glad so many people agree that platformwars/consolewar faggotry is such a scourge on this board. We should all enjoy video games regardless of platform

I don't, fuck Moot.

Barefoot vidya girl threads daily

hi pol

Maybe if you fags replied to the threads actually about games instead of letting them die after like 20 posts Sup Forums wouldn't be so shit.

But no gotta post in the all the bait threads so you've got something to whine about.




You act like evading a ban on a pc isn't as easy as unplugging a cord then plugging it back in, I'm sure we've all done exactly that before

You can't

What fix? Sup Forums serves its purpose well.

stricter moderation all around


Sup Forums has gotten better lately

The most detrimental thing about Sup Forums was the Sup Forums /vg/ split. But the split was necessary. The problem with Sup Forums is not enough video games. But there are many Sup Forums posters who don't want to talk about video games. So they would go to Sup Forums and see the same threads discussing the same games every single day and get sick of it. Then spam and shitpost them as hard as possible to ruin discussion. But the people who wanted to talk about video games weren't going to leave. The would just shitpost back. This continued until the whole board was nothing but shitposting spamming.

Then the split happened. Everyone who wanted to talk about specific games left. And all that remained was the stuff that surrounded the game industry.
>console wars
>gaming politics
>industry rumors
The only thing left to discuss on Sup Forums that actually had to do with video games were hype threads about upcoming games and blunder threads. Which were completely filled with speculation. Then there was the big push to see the next Tortanic. It's a constant now. There are posters who come to Sup Forums to do nothing but post about which upcoming game will be the worst. You can see it happening now with Mass Effect: Andromeda. But there were at least ten titles previous to this that had the exact word for word discussion.

But lately people are playing games. People are posting about games. The shitposting has been cut in half. And I can only credit this to the game industry itself. The past year we've seen some pretty good games. Games worth discussing. And I hope it continues.

Waifufagging needs to be a bannable offense

3 day bans for Sup Forums shit

That's assuming you have a dynamic IP though which most people probably don't have given the large demographic of people that are still living at home.

Not to mention that majority of people here are pretty much illiterate, let alone know how to do anything past boot up a game.

But I'm not a waifufag.

Also if you hate waifufags you're either gay or reddit

I know but people are really lazy and the fact that they'd have to get up to unplug their modem and plug it back in would cut back their shitposting by a lot compared to just doing it in 5 seconds without having to get up from their phone.

Baiting threads, mostly involving the same games or console wars, have become way too common. It's an easy way for insecure faggots to get guaranteed replies and feel funny.
Perma ban for it.

Something seriously needs to be done about the console war threads. It's especially bad lately because a new system just came out. Holy fuck it's ridiculous. Also game comparison threads when the games have nothing to do with each other and it's clearly just starting a flame war. Like Zelda vs Horizon Zero Dawn. I've also seen some Zelda vs Nier threads which is even more nonsensical. It's just an attempt to bait a console war. These people need to be banned.

Just enforcing the rule against racism consistently would be enough. I've been banned for calling someone a nigger in a post insulting a Sup Forumstard.

Most ISPs do give people dynamic IPs.

Ban all the shill faggots

Waifufags are fine and all but footfags need to be gassed.

delete shitpost threads on sight

heres one now

Remove phoneposters and Tumblrites

>Sup Forums
>made for anime

You can get a three-day ban just for making a filename thread. 365-day bans for even saying the L word.

Sure, but most people are not aware that they have one let alone what a dynamic IP even entails.

/vg/ sucks, though. I agree on the other points.

More focus on GR6

Obvious shitflinging that's just civil enough to avoid GR3 is infinitely worse than all the shit that does fall under GR3

>Also if you hate waifufags you're either gay or reddit

No. Only fucking pathetic annoying faggots would shove a fucking cartoon girl in everyone's face.

You people need to be purged

>Most ISPs do give people dynamic IPs.

This is what ban evaders actually believe.

Feet are sexy and shouldn't bother you since it's just a natural part of woman's body

>using melee in morrowind
You're playing it wrong.