What did you think of the Max Payne trilogy Sup Forums? Which Max Payne game was your favorite?
What did you think of the Max Payne trilogy Sup Forums? Which Max Payne game was your favorite?
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“I might have laughed, if I had remembered how.”
You're killing me
My favourite will always be the first, 3 has some good gameplay but the story isn't as enjoyable for me.
1 was groundbreaking back in the day and 2 was a more polished version of 1
I have had 3 wasting on my hard drive for ages, I can't muster the enthusiasm to even start it
2 >>>> 1 > 3
Dead To Rights
You should. It's man on fire.
There will be a surprise MP4 teaser at Sony's E3 conference this year. Cap this
Max Payne 2, playing as Mona is fun
Also, that ass
>yfw Remedy did a full nude model for Mona because of that one shower scene where you don't see anyways anyways, but you can simply model swap to her nude model and Remedy even modeled her nipples and vagina into the model geometry and gave he genitals proper textures
Based devs.
3 > 1 > 2
1 > 3 > 2
I enjoyed 2, but it doesn't really match up to the other two. Also has the worst Max
3 had such incredible gameplay. The cutscenes, though.
What shit taste
2 > 3 > 1
2 > 1 > 3
People who dislike 2 probably suffer from homosexuality or something.
1 >= 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3
in all aspects except graphical fidelity
Anyone who thinks max payne 2 is the best is an obvious reddit fag and needs to get off Sup Forums and return where they belong.
Kill yourself.
When it becomes apparent how many redditors have infiltrated the board.
I mostly fondly remember playing through MP2 on Halloween 2003---moved my huge ass CRT monitor to my parent's front room (was 13 at the time) so I can hand out candy and play.
I can hear the argument that if I were to replay all three today I'd rank the series as 1>2> in terms of narrative but I'll always hold the pulpy tragic love story of Mona and Max in the highest regards.
>devs literally spoonfed us well textured nude models within the letter of ESRB law
Maybe you are the Redditor my homosex friend.
>best story
>tightest gameplay
>amazing graphics for the era that still hold up
Yet it's reddit because?
Face it, 1 is clunky as fuck and doesn't hold up. It's good but it's got such a slow start with shit tier weapons for the whole first third of the game. You also have those missions are the docks. The story is good but it's got just a bit to much conspiracy shit put into it for a Noir tale. Not saying it's bad though but I think 2 is more focused.
3 is just a weighty slow paced game with fucking qte tier shit when you get shot and have to do that "take out X guy to get back your health" shit. 3 had some okay parts here and there but Max played like an overweight faggot.
2 was the perfect game. Best weapons, level design, characters, most focused story and tightest gameplay feeling and shooting mechanics and also best reload with the quick reloads.
2 was my personal favorite
they're all solid games
the only problem I had with 2 was making Vlad the main antagonist, but that's only because I liked Vlad so much
KYS fuck off from the thread shitposter.
I replayed all three games just last year. 1's story is slightly better than 2, but the gameplay of 1 hasn't aged too well. Hell Max gets caught on objects if you try to dive over them which really lessens the possibilities in gameplay. 2 is still the best game though 1 is good too it's just aged a bit. These nostalgia blinded faggots would never admit it though.
while 2 was still good, I think it failed in terms of level design compared to the other two games.
1 had the church, the library, the car chase, and the final level in Horne's building.
3 (which I just finished this morning) had the nightclub, the office building, the cemetery, the police station, the panama level, and the airport.
2 just had...well, warehouses, apartment buildings, rooftops, cellars...but nothing of the same focus or interesting concept
2 had the funhouse
gggmanlives AKA our actual guy, made a pretty good summary of the three games.
After MP1 and 2, goddamn Remedy has fallen
Fuck off, 2 had level design better than anything in 3.
The only stuff in 1 I'd say competes with 2 is the derelict apartments, and maybe the burning restaurant.
2 had Vlads place with a much better version of Ragnarok that 1 did. It had the fun house, the hospital. It had a whole derelict apartment blocks complete with streets outside that a mob battle was taking place in (personally this is my goat level in the entire series, right before the captain baseball bat level). It also had the warehouse that blows up while you are inside, and the construction yard and the mansion.
2's level design struck me as something sublime. How to make something interesting out of the ordinary. I don't think it's something everyone can like, but it's a niche design philosophy that I love. The only other 2 games I can recall that had a similar design philosophy are FEAR and Dead Space 1. And those 2 games have faggots complaining about them as being boring too. But I think FEAR, Max Payne 2 and Dead Space 1 have some of the most well designed levels, greatest atmosphere and best art designs in gaming ever. Absolute level design kino and art design kino in those three games. I love them.
>our guy
>I died once and had to restart the game on easy so the game is shit
>our guy
>our guy
I know what you're talking about. 2's levels feel much more like real places than 1's, without forcing it by being super scripted like 3.
Although the condemned building / construction part does go on way too long.
They should have scrapped cutscenes altogether in Max Payne 3, it's pretty clear whoever at rockstar made it has zero writing talent, so why bother?
did you actually even watch the video? He says MP1 is in his top 10 favourites of all time, and that the difficulty, though sometimes crushing, is one of the game's greatest aspects.
I should replay the Max Payne games someday.
How is Quantum Break?
3's action is broken up far too often, it feels like a segmented on-rails shooter at times. it's ridiculous how much the game doesn't want you to play it.
golden rule of vidya for me, take control away from the player as little as possible
objectively correct response
not only is it criminal how much it happens in the campaign, but even in ARCADE MODE, it forces you to watch them over and over. it even stops the timer, how was that overlooked?
Nigger I played all three games for the first time last summer, and Max Payne 1's gameplay was great. Fuck off with the "aged poorly" meme
It didn't age badly, it's completely playable and pretty fun in parts. It's just aged poorly in comparison to 2 which hasn't aged at all. 2 still plays perfectly today and better than 3 even.
1 plays like dogshit and the story is stupid as fuck
>hurr we released these crazed psyched up addicts near your house so they killed your wife and kid lol
Give me a break.
2 is the game 1 wishes it was