E3 2017

E3 2017
What are your hopes?
Your dreams?
And your nightmares at this year's event?

I will post this everyday until E3. I will cling to the possibility that iDOLM@STER will be localized.

I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to hope in possibility that a new metroid game will be announced

I will post this everyday until E3
I will cling to hope in possibility that a new Devil Survivor and Zero Escape game will be announced

A good RWBY game.

Dragon's Dogma 2 folks, I work for Capcom marketing. Unironically looks great.

They should probably have a good series first.

never ever

Even so...

I will post this every day until Persona 5s delay becomes a ruse I will cling to the possibility it comes out before April 2017.

Armored Core 6 or a new From Software mech game developed with all their Dark Souls cash and co-developed with Kadokawa considering they bought them 3 years ago. From are a bunch of idea guys with no actual technical skill hence why they had to get Sony to make all their engines and Kadokawa Games have good technical skills but terrible direction since the only games they've made are a PS Vita JRPG and the abortion that was Natural Doctrine.

The thumbnail made me think the cat's mouth area was a big titty she slipped out under her dress with a weird looking nipple.

E3 will never deliver

I will post this everyday until E3.
If any of these things happen, I'll eat my shoe.

Reminder that the blazblue director flew to texas to talk with roosterteeth

Let it be known that Gundam Unicorn is easily the best Gundam series.


I'm not saying it's perfect, but it's the only one besides 08th MS Team that has semi-competent writing and pacing. I haven't seen the newer ones, but except for Thunderbolt they don't show much promise either.

New Shenmue III trailer.


>pls clap


Truth: They are going to lie to everyone, Show fake gameplay, disappoint everyone, and make people cringe for $250 tickets.

I can't wait.

I hope some crazy muslim makes a scene so that E3 is closed to the public from now on or even better doesn't exist after this year.