EDF! Thread

EDF! Thread
EDF! Thread

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Why do i feel displeasure seeing this? Hide this

>when there's a huge gap in levels in a weapon series
Is there a worst feeling?

For you user

>trying to farm Inferno Golden Darkness with a lvl 47 Idunn

>trying to farm armor as raider in shivering mountains

To save our mother Earth from any alien attack

Which mission was this again

Downloaded the PS3 game because it was part of PS+, played it for 10 minutes and uninstalled. How do people enjoy this shit?

>"hurr it's popcorn fun, turn your brain off!"

Piss off

DLC 1 mission 17

From vicious giant insects who have once again come back

Is that the one with all the hectors? I really need to play through the dlc

The game constantly ramps it up, early missions are just there to get you used to things, shit starts to get crazy later and basicly never calms down, also the dlcs have some tougher fights near the end, unless you're a babby that plays on easy solo or some other gay shit like that

I tried the pc versions of the new games. I think the original ps2 game is better in every way.

I will never not be salty that the new one isnt on the Xbone.

post mechs please, EDF has some nice mechs

Press f to pay respects for Air Raider

Proteus is best girl

EDF5 when?
I must defend the Earth from Immigrants.

nah its the one with all the tunnels filled with special ants and spiders


Every time, Air Raider does it to himself.

Maybe if we let him lay down long enough he'll learn from his mistakes this time and learn to throw his signals farther away.

i like mechs with ground piercing stabilizing pikes on their feet too

I havent killed anyone with my air strikes yet I wear, let me be in EDF 5 pls

My Space Laser destroyed the final boss, please let me be in EDF5!

I want to drive the new Laser Tank!




Is DLC 1 worth it if I don't need to farm? Played through Extreme Battle already, it was meh.

I like more of the missions in DLC 1 then in DLC 2.

I like the new green ants they introduced, and the one mission with all the dragons flying in a line was amusing

Is EDF actually good?

Define "good"

Is it worth dumping $40 on?

Depends on what kind of experience you're looking for.

Do you want a co-op focused shooter that's real silly with a ton of equally silly and awesome weapons, then sure. This truly shines when you have buddies to play with you, but randoms online usually suffice.

Do I NEED to play online to enjoy AR? It's pretty fun spamming the absolute shit out of whale shots but if anything closes on me I have to fall back on a shitty limpet gun that can't kill anything quick enough to stop me getting swarmed and rekt. Got to the first mission with dropships and called it quits on the class. Limpet guns were no good for taking them down and if I tried using mechs/tanks the ants just btfo'd it before I could do anything.

>game is only 37% off on steam despite being a port of a 2 year old game
>it has paid mission DLC adding on another $20
>it's probably only fun with friends

gonna pass gents

AR shines online because your non-AR teammates can distract all the bugs for you allowing your vehicles to truly shine, so yeah.

Go to bed, Nick.

Is Ranger the least powerful class?
He seems mostly situational, being best at cleaning up trash and taking out drones but falling short when shit really hits the fan.

>Tfw can't use anything as a weapon or stomp your feet down to create shockwaves
Wasted potential

>only good for fighting Erginus or tanking damage
Balam had a hard life

>People prefer the Balam over a fully functioning team of 4 operating one super robot
Proteus is overrated


>Call in a Proteus
>Teammates charge ahead instead of getting in

uhhh user, you can use the foot stomp, it's just worse than throwing haymakers at the ants

>DLC mission pack 1, mission 1 and 2
>EDF throws Balaam's at Bees and Gold ants
Later you have to fight an erginus without balaam support

What was the EDF thinking

New to the game and I've got friends playing high level missions with me. Am I okay or should I just not play with them until I'm on their level?

If you really want you could get some high level weapons and try to hang back as much as possible, either that or get an Air Raider to call in a high level vehicle for you so your hp and weapons arent as important.
Honestly it's up to your friends, mine dont really care about low level players but just remember that reviving someone always takes away half of your health, even if yours is miles above theirs

Hey, that first balam makes for a nice meatshield. You gotta give him that

that guy had the right idea

Helicopters are better at taking down erginus anyway

But helicopters can't throw punches.

Why wouldn't you want to punch the shit out of Godzilla in a giant fucking robot?

As fun as it is to uppercut Erginus, I hate it when they start running from me and I have to play catch-up. Why is balam so slow fug

True, it needs some kind of an overboost mode to catch up to that shithead when he leaps away. If they aren't going to give it a gun, they could at least give it that.

> Not punching everything

stomps are pointless when you can literally fist almost everything to death.

To be fair the darn thing was rushed out of production. atleast the later version have lasers

Actually the last Balam ditches the guns again for pure melee

I didn't like the last balam anyways

>have shitty laptop
>but have PS4
>decide to give this game a go after lurking about it for a while
>grab used at FUCKIN GAMESTOP
>it's fucking amazing
Jesus unicycling christ does the framefrate drop hard sometimes but goddamn is this a non-stop bug-stomping pile of awesome
>mfw first played 'Crimson'
Also what loadouts are fun on Fencer? Wave-dashing is already my jam

Reflector+Blasthole Spears are all you'll ever need.

Oh and dual High-Altitude Missile Launchers are nice I guess.

Which one was the dragon mission?

The one where all these dragons spawn in a line flying in synch, and them start flying in circles around your spawn. First time I saw it I laughed at how ridiculous it looked.