This is a Korok. Say something nice about it

This is a Korok. Say something nice about it.

*le drops rock on head*

the cutest!

I like your leaf.



Fireproof wood.

They burn if you burn down the deku tree.

can you really do that?

only in spirit

>get all 900 seeds
>your reward is a literal gold turd poop

Zelda is dead.


Based Nintendo mocking OCD autists

lol it is funny though, the korok "seeds" are poop too though, the item description says "it has a distinctive smell" its just small, the big korok "seed" you get its that size because it came from hetsu.

They seem so completely unaware that some of the places they are hiding are so bleak or black humorous, i can't help but find them endearing.

I don't see what the problem is. Completionists deserve to be shit on.

That's amazing though
>Congratulations, you read some guide showing where every single item you only needed about 10 of was.
>Here's a literal turd

This is Link! Say something nice about her(male)!

Finding enough to get max weapon storage is enough.

They don't burn in the volcano areas. They're nearly as tough as cucoos.

Imagine if a good item, like the ability to fly or something, was hidden behind 900 koroks. Then people would feel like they had to actually get them all. I know this logic didn't convince you, so go ahead and type the rebuttal, and I'll begin preparing the counter-rebuttal in advance, you cancerous piece of filth who wants to ruin video games.

>tfw Kokiri will never make a comeback

Haha you found me. Now you get to suck my dick.

That's way more than enough. You don't even need to upgrade your shield slots, just go get the Hylian shield. Once you have about 5-6 extra weapon and bow slots that's already more than enough. Collecting koroks is so utterly optional.

Exactly this. No respect for some shitty little kid who got mommy to buy him a guide, did one of the most autistic collectathons in video games, and then he isn't happy about the "reward".


How many seeds to you need to fully upgrade your inventory?

They're adorable. The inn-keeper in their village is especially cute when you ask if you have to pay.

Around 450. So about half of them.

a little kid says that they drop things for you, and then says something about "their droppings"

Suffice it to say, the fact that someone wrote the dialogue calling them droppings isn't a coincidence


if there's one thing I don't mind seeing the return of from WW it's korok's.

How do you get from Saria and Link... to that thing?

>Say something nice about it.
No. Too busy getting the cool stuff to care.