Heres that playstation you wanted, son

>heres that playstation you wanted, son.

>tfw no new sakura taisen

Great taste dad.

would be a cool gift tbqh

I am ok with this.

>yeah, let's not localize our biggest jap seller for the rest of the world, that'll help
fukken sega

>there are people who would actually hate this or the Card Captor Sakura pink GBC

I always liked that small screen that is used for the Dreamcast controller and maybe it's because I had a Pocket station memory card and I actually played games on it (Chocobo quest)

how do I get into sakura wars?
are any of them in english?

The last one, it's on PS2/Wii
Everyone says it's shit, but I enjoyed it.

but virtua fighter 3tb was localized?

Only the last one got localized

I'm a little sad looking at myself.

When I was younger I would've probably thrown this into the garbage for being girly as fuck, but now all I can think of when looking at this pink console with an anime girl on it is, holy shit this is great, I want it and sakura is cute!

when did I lose my way?

name a sexier console.

>The guy who owns the small convinience store in my neighborhood knows everyone, so he knows I'm a fucking nerd
>One day he asks me to check the PlayStation he gave his son for Christmas because it wouldn't play any games.
>Agree and go into his house to check it.
>It was a fucking Dreamcast
>Try to explain to him that the console wasn't a PlayStation, but he refuses to listen. He gets mad and asks me to leave.

So, yeah. That shit happens OP.

any of them actually fan translated?

>says SEGA and Dreamcast right on the console and the controller

I don't think I believe this. Stupidity is one thing but that's just too much.

Sakura, Erica, or Gemini?

>never played Sakura Taisen
>fapped its doujin thousand times
>I know every girls' name
I'm proud of it


france has the coolest mech

Theres actually good Sakura Taisen doujin?

considering he said he ran a convenience store it makes it somewhat believable.
Imagining an Indian guy getting genuinely upset that you're calling his playstation a dreamcast is pretty funny.

thanks, father
But I want that for real, is it expensive?

Fuck I miss the Dreamcast. I miss all the weird shit that came out on it and the arcade like graphics most games had.

Also the VMU was fucking boss.

P.S. Favorite logo color?

Literally the saturn

I had a pink DS because it was the only available locally and with a discount too.
Ordered a chink case later and replaced it, but I wish I didn't - the new case was fucking shit, barely fit and fucked up the touchscreen.


>american console
>euro controller

First one on pc in russian

Probably when you started coming to Sup Forums.

Orange, Naruto is the best.

my favorite was blue but I'm more nostalgic about orange

>in russian

cyka blyat

Good thing I know Russian.

dreamcast accessories arent region locked except for the light gun controllers and thats because of columbine.

its impressive how many great games sega was pumping out for the dreamcast. the north american launch is still the GOAT

I'll bet he regrets that now. Can't even afford to move out of Hell

This is exactly what happened. Take in mind I live a third world shithole in South America. People didn't know what a "Sega" was 15 years ago (I doubt they know even now) and for most Dads every console was a PlayStation. Only if your Dad was knowlegable enough he would recognize the "PlayStations" and the "Nintendos".

>Killzone 2

Don't fucking remind me. What a joke that campaign was.

>dude let's just kill/retcon everybody from the original cast except the black guy
>everybody thought Rico was funny right?