Name a video game character that could beat Super Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann

Name a video game character that could beat Super Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann.




Elder God Demonbane stomps if what I've read is to be believed, and Asura is Asura





Hey it's the Getter Emperor's retarded cousin.

TTGL has bullets that can shoot through time. I don't think Dio would be a match, and once TTGL's pilots realized Stands exists they'd all probably instantly develop their own through the sheer will of spiral energy.


Literally anyone that can teleport long distances and has superhuman strength/speed/magic, the pilots are helpless once you get in the cockpit.

ey mate



And while he's conjuring that drill like a faggot the other fellow splatters his brains over the cockpit. Anti Spiral were superior to TTGL in every regard and still couldn't protect the pilot.

Sora summons Genie and wishes STTGL away GGEZ



You can't make up feats that aren't in a series if you're gonna do a power battle

>say that name out loud
>feel dick shrink out of shame




thats dio over heaven, who can erase things from existence, not just stop time

Think he's applying physics to the ridiculous scale following the super galaxy gurren lagann transformation. They do have probability altering missiles however.

Oh wow, this same thread from 10 years ago.

>long distances
STTGL is 52.8 billion light years tall and still moves insanely fast, what characters in vidya can react to it, perceive that kind of size/distance, and teleport or rush to the cockpit?

Lone druid

>implying the genie has enough power to pull it off
>implying the genie has enough power to pull off anything
Why don't they wish for Kingdom Hearts?

Demonbane speedblitzes TTGL


Getter Emperor


With infinite time stop I don't think DIO can lose if he leads with it, otherwise STTGL completely obliterates him in one shot at insane speeds. DIO's only method of damaging it is to re-write it out of existence, which potentially may not work on Team Gurren given what happened with the Extra-Dimensional labarinth, that could also mean they say fuck you to his time stop, but that's just conjecture.
How in any way shape or form? Pucci can't scratch STTGL and therefore he dies to those missiles that hit every point of space time; can't out run those
They'd also need to know where Simon is, as I feel like otherwise they get impaled by drills

>STTGL is 52.8 billion light years tal
No it isn't, last fight is abstract and its size compared to that of the smaller robots doesn't come close to that scale.

>what characters in vidya can react to it
Plenty, given it's controlled by dumb humans.

>and teleport
Literally anyone who can teleport arbitrarily long distances, so lots of RPG characters. Licensed games like MvC would add more.

Pic related

>implying the genie has enough power to pull off anything
Genie's power in KH is literally 'any wish' and he's already shown he can teleport wherever, he'd smash them with shown feats alone.

>Why don't they wish for Kingdom Hearts?
Because canonically Sora doesn't like relying on Genie and it would break the plot.

Demonbane can't even touch Gurren Lagann when it's in that one drill form.
>they can't hurt you if you become drills


>Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is 52.8 billion light years tall, according to the official guide book from GAINAX (仕事魂). This makes it about 58% the size of the universe, which spans 91 billion light years.

>any wish
Genie did 9/11. Keyblades can't melt steel hearts.

>>they can't hurt you if you become drills
Like a hedgehog say?
It's fucking Shinji, goddammit

I heard you niggas want a buncha drilling morons to go screw themselves.

Destructive Capabilities: Elder God Demonbane defeated and sealed all Outer Gods along with evil gods such as the Great Old Ones (beings that existed inside the Shining Trapezohedron). As a result of displaying such power against beings that can very well erase any universe, multiverse, megaverse with their power, it can presumably destroy anything.

Any Getter can.

Newfag here, who is demonbane?


Deus ExMachina the character the series

Not made up, in the last fight they shoot missles both into the future and into the past. Its during the same fight in which they are standing on galaxeys and throwing them like frisbees.

Also spiral powers ability to continuously grow and adapt isnt made up either, its literally the entire point. With every revolution it advances further, always progressing, like a drill. That is spiral energy.

AKA it's unbeatable.

A big plothole wankfest


>people still think ttgl is unbeatable let alone even the most bullshit robot


I like how people always conveniently forget it didn't even beat Anti-Spiral on a straight fight and had to be saved by Genome the first time.

Elder God Demonbane (Demonbane's final form if I am not mistaken) is a mech of literal infinite size that slays Old / Elder gods like it's nothing and can summon infinite copies of itself
This is second hand information, so keep that in mind I may be wrong

>gurren lagann abilities
>become the drills
>bigger gundam lagam
>enough drills to drill
Truly the weapon to pierce the heavens.