Post games that existed

post games that existed


I don't see anything but some fog??

Why did Nioh have to be so mediocre?

Fucking Team Ninja, every time.


>has a few relatively minor flaws


No, I never said it was completely unplayable shit. I said it was mediocre.

But it's not ?
It's a good game

Dunno. I barely played it, I killed like 4 bosses and haven't bothered playing it again. I really liked the first demo when it came out and was psyched but yeah.

What ?


Dead game


Mirrors edge catalyst
Niggerfield 1


ah, yes. the game that finally killed nintendo.

Strong argument for the worst sequel in the world

I forgot all about this game.

I wonder why they stopped making those games

>tfw nintendo fell for the open world procedurally generated crafting simulator meme

Icon was so bad it killed the franchise

Na For Honor has a good Player Base for an experimental fighting game

because of Icon

>getting tricked by PS4 marketers

It would be a good game

But user, I didn't buy it.

This game barely existed to begin with.
>223 current players

Calm down, fanboy

It's weird to me how people thought that the years it spent in development were years spent actually working on the game and not years it spent shelved as the team worked on other projects.

Games don't take this long to develop, no matter how sophisticated they might be.

Fight for New York is the closest a game ever got to a 10/10 for me

My only criticism is that Wu-tang Clan isn't a major part of this game

> evolve has more players in this month than battleborn

Holy fuck, Randy. That is just painfully embarrassing.

Fuck, meant to quote

its hardly unplayable, it's just very boring

>sales equals current player count

sure thing bud