So has Sup Forums already forgotten about this shitty TF2 clone?

So has Sup Forums already forgotten about this shitty TF2 clone?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Team based shooter automatically a TF2 clone
I mean, okay.


>superhero wiffle ball fight
It quarantines all the shitters who got snuffed in real FPS games

It's literally a more restricted TF2 with filler characters with forced lore and dumbed down gameplay which requires a fraction of the skill it takes to play TF2 to appease the casual market.

Not when Zenyattawatch is back. Now that Zen is buffed and Ana is nerfed we can go back to the Season 1 game where tanks melted, Roadhog was an squishy ult battery, and every time was high noon.

>forced lore
yeah sounds like TF2

We have three fucking threads at any one time

>TF2 takes skill
I know this thread is bait but come on.

>So has Sup Forums already forgotten
I really wish they would.

>dumbed down gameplay
>fraction of the skill
I thought we were talking about Overwatch, but it sounds like you're really talking about TF2.

Sick of it in 2 months flat. Had fun playing as Lucio (supposedly in his prime) and fucking around with the other characters, even got excited for Sombra.

Unfortunately, Overwatch is a drawn out soft-core pile of bullshit. I could care less about the best that it has to offer you offensively dorky trash that probably won't fit your head anyway I can do it again unimpeded the same time frame for the first time on the right #1188 was it funny that you are now my husband and I will be there in the morning and I will be there in the morning and I will be there in the morning and I will be there in the morning and I will be there in the morning and I will be there in the morning and I will be there in the morning and I will be there in the morning and I will be there in the morning and I think I'll have to pay for it


Sup Forums has constantly serious discussions about Overwatch, but the second the Sup Forumsermins are confronted about it they shriek and are quick to deny that half the board is playing it

nice bait
apparently he's a mobileposter hitting the predictive text buttons on his phone repeatedly, definitely as bait for replies since if it were an accident he would have noticed

shut up bitch I'm fishing for yous

I've been experimenting with the new nigger bot today, she's actually kind of fun to use.

Is this supposed to be entertaining or impressive? I almost fell asleep.

What are you talking about user Overwatch is a great time to do with it and the rest is a great time in my opinion is the best way for the next couple of weekends and will be with you will be with you when I get my hands on it to be the best thing about it

you have impaired memory?

Every character I liked playing got nerfed or made irrelevant by metafags so I quit.


>3. You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

I didn't post loli/shota pornography though?

Her kit is pretty straightforward, played her for the first time on king row's 1st point on defense and was practically unbeatable. I can see her replacing rein to some degree.

This is an overwatch general, it goes with the rest of the general threads.

Yeah Orisa is actually pretty good at the moment and I have a look at the moment you can also do not have the right place at the end w the same time as a new job and I am looking forward to seeing the next hero.

well I don't think it was that time that is not in my look at the end with the job in my back, but i respect your opinion

6s is so boring to watch.

So far (albeit with a limited sample size) she coordinates extremely well with Rein, and pairs with Mei's ice wall tremendously on certain koth maps.

I wasn't posting that to be an interesting video, so much as to display technical skill
if you want an interesting video then might be more up your alley, it has some fun moments

>claim games takes no skill

So how many of your are over 2500 MMR?

Even the fucking general for this game is below 2500, it's mind-boggling

>tfw in diamond

I dont think so, silver baby.
Diamond is shit anyways

>How many of you have the patience to heal slut for hundreds of games just to show a fancy number off to other autists

I'm GM and the game takes much less skill than TF2. I only play Overwatch because competitive TF2 is dead.

Does it still have massive air friction?

>technical skill
That demo is skilled no doubt about it but with "6s is so boring to watch" I've meant that atleast half of the stunts he had pulled off could be shut down by a decent pyro very easily.

>game takes skill
I'm posting this by proxy of another user who freely admitted the game takes no skill

But if you want further evidence, see the opinion of clockwork, a high level competitive OW player

time 1:25

I'm not one of those, but I think people by and large are just using a very imprecise way of expressing that. Each individual character has a pretty easy learning curve, and generally speaking the game does have a low and welcoming skill floor. To get that nth degree of utility out of anybody, you have to be really, really fucking good. Each character has a fairly limited sphere of influence and you have to be a master when there's only like three unique things you can do at a given time. The skill curve is just really wonky more than anything.

pyro doesn't get ran in 6s outside last user so that doesn't matter much

I am more talking about highlander.

>add another barrier character
>buff other barrier character
>don't go through with discord passing through barriers

Zen buff was the main reason I was excited for today, and it was the only thing they didn't keep from the PTR.

>maining a healer
>thinks it's the only way to climb MMR

Sounds boring to me, have you tried being good at the game?

>Boasting over being 3k
>g-game takes no skill

Oh I'm laffin.

At least no one has been adamant on always blaming their teams when they lose, yet.

>>Boasting over being 3k
He asked for "over 2500MMR" don't hurt yourself moving those goalposts

Sorry user, only Ana can have good things

Oversimple is not that much of a clone, its just a MOBAFPS with simple mechanics
You don''t call every game with ironsights a CoD clone right?



You know Valve has forced server owners to remove those intrusive MOTDs since fucking 2015, right? Might want to swap out your shitposting image for a fresher one

It's not goal post moving, it's that 2.5 is a barely average score and yet people struggling to maintain / achieve it.

You're not even worth a shit until you're over 3.5

I agree user that guy was a bit of a new one by one of the more I think the best of luck with the latest version of the most important thing is that the information contained in this email address and password for the first time in the UK in my life and work in the world of good practice and a few minutes to get the best of luck for the first one of a competitive team.

RIght now my only beef with the game is there's

Nobody enjoys shooting at shields all the time.

Blizzard only cares if their heroes are fun to play while completely ignoring the fun of other players. They keep forgetting to ask the question ''Will this hero be fun to play against?''

What is happening here?


Yes, because it was designed to have to have a tenth of the longevity of TF2 unless they constantly funneled out new content and at this rate they're releasing a new hero/map 3 or 4 times a year.

The community blew its load in like 3 months and exhausted everything the game had to offer.

Your entire post is utterly irrelevant

1: He asked for someone over 2.5, and I gave it to him

2: It's not my fucking image as you could tell if you actually had reading comprehension, literally even posting on Sup Forums is less of a waste of my time than if I had bothered to buy overwatch after the initial experience was such a letdown. Overwatch is a shit game, not worth time or money, I'm just here to remind you of that

3: In that same response I showed you Clockwork anyway so the MMR question is meaningless

A friend bought me Overwatch and I am really enjoying it.
I just don't have the time anymore to git gud at something and Overwatch is just really simple to pick up and play.

>tanks are a problem
>ana has been a problem since she was released
>2/3rds of the roster is useless
>durr lets add another tank cuz rein is boring

this game is a fucking joke


>compares winston to scout
yeah this guy's totally not misrepresenting the other side's argument

Why do TF2 fags hate Overwatch so much?

people think they have to "pick a side" in some kind of internet war
i play both games they are both fun in their own way

>the other side
refer to clockwork joined OW to make money from blizz tournaments, but is entirely unhesitant to point out to people that it's a shit game and cancer on the face of FPS, though he hoped at the time of that interview that it could improve (which so far it hasn't)

Played it last night after reinstalling it. Ended up with an usual amount of draws and an exact 50/50 win loss. Then I opened a loot box and got 3 duplicate sprays/icons and a voice line from Winston saying "How Embarrassing!"

Every time I play this game it really feels like Blizzard is giving me the finger constantly. I have to work so fucking hard in solo queue just to get draws.

Not once have I've heard 1 person on Sup Forums explain why its casual outside of the "I can't to a quad rocket jump so its shit", which implies that if you can do this exact thing in another game its shit

Sup Forums really does hate video games

>mercy's butt buddy dies
>get down to 2 health
Every single time.

Overwatch killed competitive TF2. All the people who were good at the fame and community figureheads left for Overwatch for the eSports money and the salty shitters are the only ones left.

I tried and tried again.

When I first started playing this game with my friends it was blast and it made comp bearable. After season 2 they all pretty much quit. I've seen people reach masters, and such even through soloQ, and I admit I could do better in my plays, I even started recording them to see what I did wrong. I studied the maps, I always counter-pick with heroes since 90% of the time I'm the only one who does it.

But this game match-making and balancing is pure fucking garbage. I don't know how some of you guys did it through soloQ, but I know you must've really wanted those high ranks. I even stopped playing ranked to practice some more but it really gets to the point that you really DO need good teammates. I don't know why streaks exist in this game, along with a whole bunch of other bullshit.

I'm tired of this shit, I could go practice in TF2 or any other FPS game and git gud and actually carry and see progress.

I made a terrible mistake buying this game, I don't give a fuck what anyone says; call me a scrub or whatever but I have never played a game that has made me so god damn angry before.

Because it's a badly designed game lowering the skill standards of the FPS market, guilty of extensive copying, with an obnoxious tumblr community? Are you seriously pretending there aren't plenty of reasons to hate it?

I'm in diamond too ;_;

Let's Q

i dont care about your dumb Sup Forums argument, the guy in the video is a dum-dum who, while better at tf2 than me, clearly doesn't get how overwatch works, or is just pretending to be an idiot cause, wahey, he's on a TF2 interview

lol yes it is boring AF

I've seen you make this very exact post with the exact same wording at least twice before, and I've refuted it before without mentioning rocket jumps at all. Stop fucking lying.

>Because it's a badly designed game lowering the skill standards of the FPS market, guilty of extensive copying, with an obnoxious tumblr community?
What was TF2 then? Literally the same shit but with reddit.

Cause OW completely eclipsed their game into total irrelevancy

>clearly doesn't get how overwatch works

>if you don't like this mass marketed, focus tested FPS designed for the lowest common denominator that I like, you hate video games!
To only list recent games in the same genre as Overwatch, I loved Titanfall 2 and I'll give Quake Champions a chance if the OW influences don't ruin the game

>Overwatch is a shit game, not worth time or money, I'm just here to remind you of that

So the fun people are having is fake? Good to know.


All your link shows is that he hasn't won a single tournament he's participated in other than the first one, really flimflams my jimjams.

Another case of a pubstar who thinks he can go pro.

competitive TF2 was never that big, nothing "killed" it because it didnt exist in the way that competitive exists for other games. it was never economically beneficial for one player to move to another country just for competitive like it is for many players in overwatch. tournament prizes didnt drop in the last 2 years at all because they were never that big.
the people organizing and casting TF2 tournaments often aren't even paid and do it out of love for the game

Overwatch has spoiled like milk while tf2 has aged like fine wine

>every post i make must include the word reddit reddit reddit reddit

Gency was the best thing to happen to the game

Look, Overwatch takes a lot of skill set and the other day and night and the other day that I have to pay a penny the same way to the top right hand side of the most important of the most important of this page to be able I was just the right to monitor all incoming calls from a friend of mine is the most popular and the other side and I am a beautiful person who is the best at the time to get a free email account

modern blizzard is shit, who knew?

oddly enough tf2 is still better, cause it has actual counters whereas in overwatch TANKS RULE THE WORLD

a tf2 spy would counter that but overwatch doesnt believe in counters!

yes you already posted that

now say it with me

"comparing winston to scout is disingenuous"

I literally used it once.
Milk turns into cheese

Lets not kid ourselves, if this wasn't the company that steals all their significant game ideas from other series I might be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

uninstalling overwatch and going back to TF2 was one of the best decisions I made in awhile.

It's bretty gud stuff. I am like to know if you are looking for a while. Your pc will restart several times. People are complete. I don't think so. I am not sure if you are looking for the last time I'll be in the bag. The butthurt she created was a good time to time. I have almost no chance of winning at the bar.

Stay mad.

>now say it with me
Okay, hang on, let me try

"Overwatch is a shit game and its adherents are retards who focus in on one poor example as evidence to say that a pro player knows absolutely nothing about the game, ignoring all other criticism"

pretty sure that's how it goes

because ow replaced tf2 for everybody except valve fanboys.

Let's be real, if valve weren't complete fags, tf2 would still be alive and thriving instead of rp, idle, and trade servers dominating the server browser while the ranked remains a joke.

OW didn't kill tf2, valve did, and valve fanboys don't want to accept that so they point the blame elsewhere.

>mass marketed
I didn't know basic capitalism was bad.

>focus tested FPS
what the fuck does that even mean

>FPS designed for the lowest common denominator
You're not even fucking explaining why its designed that way

>you hate video games!
Yes, if you hate a game and your only reason is "its designed for idiots", you hate video games


>I can't play more than two games at once
Well, you can enjoy having a really shitty matchmaking system at least

>i mean
>defending this shit game

>counter meme
thats not how TF2 works. only very low skill pub players would think that.
there are situational classes, no real direct counters.

>it's a Sup Forums boils everything down to their most constituent elements and makes a black and white war out of it episode
Goddamn these reruns are getting depressing.

I was wondering whether you want to do it for you to the UK and Ireland. So supposedly the best way to get the best way to get the latest version of the Colossus I thought it was a bit of a problem. Orisa I am a man who is a great way of organising emails into a single point of contact.

>I didn't know basic capitalism was bad.
Not that guy but this statement alone is stupid.
Read it without context m80