Is this card any good? new to Shadowverse

is this card any good? new to Shadowverse

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It's the central card in a gimmick deck that currently has a 36% win-rate.

It's a gimmick card that doesn't win often but it makes your dick super hard when it does. The fact that it's your first Lego shiny might mean that it's your Winged Kuriboh.

So it's shit, what about these other 3

Aurelia is good, everything else is shit, reroll

>mythril golem

k, what do I do then?

i play a fairy rush deck with fairy dancer and no cards over silver


Liquefy Jeanne and Pluto to craft yourself some roaches.

You can try playing mid/control sword. Also, you can ask for help in our discord

If you're in mobile delete your game's data and do the tutorial again for a chance of better cards.

You can make a wolf bolt deck with relatively minor investment, just need the ancient elves which are a staple in literally every forest deck.

Post all your legendaries, if you have nothing good you might as well start over before you invest too much time.

I'm playing through steam.

Just reroll on a mobile platform until you get a good Lego draw. Then link mobile account to Steam to overwrite the Steam account for Shadowverse.

There's no way for you to reroll on Steam.

What I can do with this?
Also I have 3 darias and a bahamut on the second page

Why are you not playing tempo rune? After Daria everything else is cheap

Thats because I got burned out of Rune after playing countless games with DShift

You could try a Nep deck then, it's pretty interesting. I don't think you need anything besides Nep and Mordecai

Does this game have mana? I fucking hate mana curve.

Nep might be dead next expansion. He better tried something else.

>Matriarch, Mary and Queen Vampire
Mid range Blood is a lot of fun. Request like 9 golds though and you'll need more Marys.

Don't you open like 40 free packs at the start nowadays? Reroll until you have at least 10 legendaries. Back in my day we started with 17 and I rolled until I started with 7, including 2 that I specifically wanted.

fuck i don't wanna get into weebverse but it seems like an actual well developed game with a strong community.

How often to they balance/change cards?

>balance/change cards
Pfft. Never. Iirc, they've only changed 4 cards in the game's entirety.
Expansions come every 3 months or so.

Oh shit, dragoncraft actually got a good card and it hard counters Nep.

That's a bit of turn off, I always felt like an Online CCG biggest strength was being able to re-balance things on the fly.
Is the meta not ruled by 3-4 decks constantly with no changes?

Sadly Discard Dragon is still too gimmicky and inconsistent, and Dragoon is ultimately too slow in a game that generally ends around Turn 7-8

It's fun as fuck to actually pull off, though, and the art is great.

>Lightning Blast
>Banish an enemy amulet or enemy follower

>Enhance (10): Banish all enemy amulets and followers