
What are some games that let me play as a mercenary, Sup Forums?

Management/sim elements preferred but not necessary.

There's this.
It's pretty great.


My dude, have you not played Mercenary playground of destruction or World in Flames?


I'm assuming you've already played pic related?

Buddy, if you want some good mercernaryin you gotta play 7.62 High Calibre. Pretty much Jagged Aliance but in 3d

OP here.
PoD was great.
WiF was a buggy mess but I remember enkoying it a lot back in the day. I actually tried to reinstall a few months back and it's broken as fuck on modern PCs. Like, half the sounds don't play.



>world in flames
Don't do that

Modded Far Cry 2 is decent for the whole mercenary innabush thing

>Love Mercenaries
>sequel was bad
>spend years wanting another game to replicate the formula
>get Ghost Recon: Wildlands

MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries had a great management system.

WiF is ok. Maybe there's a nostalgia filter on my memories, but it was just dumb fun. I had the ps3 version and I remember the game sold pretty bad and I managed to snag a WiF t-shirt when I bought it.

Why play anything else?

I want a Freedom Fighters game again; god knows how badly it will get fucked up.

I never played Just Cause games but would they be close at all?

Fuckin, cant link right

>I want a Freedom Fighters game again; god knows how badly it will get fucked up.
>Homefront: the Revolution


Which Jagged Alliance is best? I just want to grab one of them to start with and see if it's good. It kinda sounds like they're all pretty much the same.

my actual african american

the sequel is gonna be so shit and it hurts me really bad

Jagged Alliance 2 with v1.13 mod. Definitive experience.

Oh god I didn't even think about Homefront

Not really. I mean, they have the "whacky blow-shit-up in an open world thing" but that's about it.

Also JC2's the only one that's actually good

I didn't know they were making a sequel until I hunted down the picture. What makes you think the sequel will suck?

its by the same fags that made mechwarrior online. Its gonna look really good, but its gonna be pay to win shit if they have any multiplayer. I also don`t really like the feel of the mechs in MWO desu

Spoonfeed pls

is that vietnam anothony burch?

It's some (probably dead) European mercenary in Africa in the 60s fighting in one bush war or another