Does anyone feel this game is shit because it has too much content?

Does anyone feel this game is shit because it has too much content?

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*too little content stretched out far too thin


No, I feel it's great because it has enough content to always keep me interested and wanting to explore more.


Don't like the padding? Don't do it. If you want to just play the main story stuff and maybe a little of the side entrees, then go for it. Want to just stare at the title screen for a few hours? No one's stopping you. The game isn't just open-world-do-what-you-want-when-and-how-you-want, you are too! Boom.

> too little content stretched out far too thin

LOL, asif mate.

It does feel kind of empty story wise after you do all the main stuff and important side stuff
Now I'm just running around doing shrines and Koroks and its starting to feel kinda stale
Hopefully the DLC will make up for it

I haven't played the game yet since I'll get the Switch when the better games are available (Shin Megami Tensei, XBC2), but I'm going to say it's shit because it has a terrible soundtrack. Very disappointing.

The soundtrack isn't good on its own like say, a SMT game or Jet Set Radio, but it meshes with the game really, really well. I'd put it next to Nier Automata in this regard.

Ran into that as well. I attribute it to the lack of variety in the rewards the game offers you for exploring. You get korok seeds and occasionally shrines which give unnecessary hearts/stamina after the first 30ish.

Honestly, I don't feel like the game was made to stay fun with 100% completion in mind. I think the "right" way to play it and optimize fun is to do whatever quests and shrines and Korok puzzles you stumble upon on your way to and from all the main objectives (four dungeons, memories, Master Sword) and those are more than enough to prep you up for the final assault on Hyrule Castle. Going out of your way to find all shrines, and especially all Koroks, and/or upgrade all gear, is really just busy work that doesn't ultimately serve any purpose beside letting you play the game until you're sick of it.

> it does feel empty story wise once you've done the story

I too look forward to the DLC spice

>but it meshes with the game really, really well. I'd put it next to Nier Automata in this regard.

Nigga you are fuckin dumb

>I haven't played the game but I'm going to say it's shit


>I'd put it next to Nier Automata in this regard.
I understand the point you're trying to convey, but not sure I can agree with your comparison since NieR's soundtrack can stand alone, separated from the game for me. A better comparison would be Tokyo Mirage Sessions.

If you were forced to go through it yeah, but this is a game that you are not supposed to do what you should do but rather what you WANT to do.

user, you know what you did. Just stop.

This. It's not the kind of soundtrack I'd put on my phone to listen to on its own, but never once while playing did I think "I wish the game had more/better music". I felt like each piece perfectly accompanied its scenery and punctuated the events through which it played. It's not soundtrack of the year all year, but as a VIDEO GAME soundtrack, it does a fantastic job.

No, that's silly. The more the better, especially when you're not expected to do all of it. Keeps the sense of adventure alive.

That doesn't make any sense. Do you mean it's quantity over quality and they would've been better off making less, but better, content?

I think they put all their money into other things and totally skimped out on giving anyone any character.

I know Link is a self insert kinda thing but FUCK is he boring and bland as shit in this

>I'd put it next to Nier in that regard

Sorry but BotW can't even compete in that regard. Nier's soundtrack has so much presence while simultaneously not being overbearing, and there's not even so much as a single out of place track. It's also pretty great to listen to on its own.

Confirmed for never playing a Zelda game
Link has always been boring bland protagonist material

Honestly I'd trade half the combat and blessing shrines for a second Hyrule Castle-tier dungeon.

It is perfect for the kind of background music it is trying to be. When the strings kick in while riding a horse across sun-soaked plains, that is pure atmosphere.

there's a lot of content, but it's incredibly samey.

there's just no atmosphere, everything feels sterile and procedural.

Toon Link was funny as shit, dont gimme that. And that was three zelda games on its own.

Interesting. I thought they did a great job with the characters except for the voice acting which was terrible. The side NPCs were interesting and I actually cared about Zelda for once.

Agreed. Usually Nintendo puts a lot of effort into Link, casting great VAs, giving him pithy dialogue, making him a tragic hero, and there is usually a redemption story towards the end. The only other character on par with Link's personality is Gordon Freeman. Nintendo really fucked up with BotW.

Best track, best trials, best atmosphere. I hope the DLC has more mazes.

More than that. Toon Link was in WW, Four Swords, Minish Cap, PH and ST.

I got a GREAT idea

Lets make the story 100 years ago WAY fucking more interesting than the game youre playing now! GENIUS

Seriously. I wanna play the game with the shit that happened 100 years ago. Not this empty boring shit where leaf people hide under every fucking rock all happy when the world is about to end

>the too spooky laugh that plays everytime you get lost in the forest

>Going out of your way to find all shrines, and especially all Koroks, and/or upgrade all gear, is really just busy work that doesn't ultimately serve any purpose beside letting you play the game until you're sick of it.

I disagree. I've completed all the main quests and I still enjoy finding hidden shrines while navigating the overworld, doing shrine quests and completing all the puzzle-focused shrines. I'm constantly getting engaged with the map, just analyzing pieces of the environment to find a lot of this stuff which I think is one of the biggest points of the game. It's immersive and the exploration in itself feels like a reward. A few of the regular sidequests are surprisingly pretty fun as well.

80 hours in and I found a village I didn't know existed (Lurelin). 120 hours in and I'm still finding stables I never knew were on the map. I STILL haven't found this "horse god" thing I keep hearing about.

I'm having a fucking blast.

It's that rare game that's better if you ignore the content and just do what you want. Don't go to the mission marker, don't plan anything, don't think, just fucking go for a wander.


lots of content repeated too much with no variability.

this games biggest flaw is a huge map with repetitive shrines and dungeons with no variation in environment, something that is a part of zeldas core gameplay

I agree but I still like that it's all there because I like being able to find all the things.

First playthrough is definitely going in blind and not worrying about it too much though.

Souls games use the same way of story telling and ya'll love that so much.

nigga did you just call me a parrot


>hey guys DARK SOULS lol

Souls games are actually good though

BotW is not

Learn the difference

Souls game except for 3*


3 is the best one though. It has the best bosses and individual areas in the series by far. Kill yourself my man.

I've been watching a lets play of this for the last few hours and I think it'd be more fun if the weapons didn't break all the time. They're avoiding huger looking enemies cause their good sword broke and they're stuck with some piece of shit club. It looks like you need to grind for shit to sell for rupees too cause you don't seem to pick up much. Getting into almost MMO territory in some ways. Holds me back from getting a system for this but we'll see how it goes.

I love both games and I can assure you they're both good.

It's the best 3D Zelda game ever, but the game is a little sparse on content. It lacks rewarding secrets, like the Ice Rod in LttP.

lol fuck off.

You're watching someone that doesn't know how to play if they're having weapon durability issues after the first few hours

Many many ways to remedy it or work around it

Honestly, the breaking weapons are a pain at first, but I like that it forces you to use weapons that you typically wouldn't. If anything, my biggest gripe is the extremely limited weapon space. Bows/shield space is fine, but no matter how many seeds you spend to expand your weapon space, you're always looking for more, simply because some weapons, like the ice/fire sword, aren't items you actually want to use, as they can help you survive hot/cold environments without needing to wear different armor (you want to wear as much climbing gear as you can when exploring, and as much sneak armor as you can when it's night).

I really can't believe they just made one fight for the numerous combat shrines and called it a day, at least I've only found one fight in them all.
How hard would it be to just arrange standard mobs in a couple different configurations for each one? That lizalfos ambush outside the spring of courage was good, just make more shit like that for the combat shrines.

Blessing shrines usually have a puzzle to get to them at least, really the only problem there is that their reward is given in a shrine instead of then and there, just gets your hopes up and wastes your time. They could still be warp points.

BotW is garbage though.

>Oh hey that formation on the map looks cool! I'll go explore it!
>Oh hey there was a shrine/korok seed there! Didn't see that coming!

Repeat 200 times and you have what makes up the majority of the BotW experience. The sidequests are boring as shit, the 4 main dungeons are underwhelming as fuck, the music is mostly shit, combat is mediocre and everything can be easily cheesed with little effort. How is this game good exactly?

How is the ice rod rewarding? I can't think of any use outside of the Trinexx boss. The cape and cane are both infinitely more useful.

Looked better the old way where you start out with a mediocre sword and get a few upgrades as you go along and eventually the master sword without them breaking. Link is a sword and shield and bow guy primarily so all those clubs and crap are unnecessary.

You pick up so many gems in that game as you explore that you'll end up with 10/20k rupees easy, meaning never running out of all types of arrows & being able to splurge on elemental earrings & armour upgrades.

If the guys breaking his weapons he should use better weapons (try doing shrines or exploring) and he shouldn't approach fights like a retard.

Blowing up explosive barrels or using a boulder don't use up durability, neither does sneak attacks in stealth & he should be using a combination of bows & melee + the odd rune bomb.

He'll break heaps of weapons if he just mashes A on a big monster, you're rewarded the more skillful you play the encounter.

I don't know if you should get a console just for the game but the guy you're watching is either just starting out or is really bad at a Nintendo game....

Shrines, Koroks and enemy camps are alright but they get old pretty fast and that's pretty much all the game has to offer.

There's like 10hrs total of interesting shit that feels like Zelda total, in what they expect you to play for 100+hrs.

I found it useful to have a way to refill your magic with literally any enemy (you probably know what to do, but in case you don't: Freeze+Hammer=magic pot 99.9% of the time).

That said, the cape and the invincibility rod are also examples of worthwhile shit you get from exploring.

Going buy your style of over exaggerated reductionism, Dark Souls is 90% just dodging and mashing attack & Skyrim is 70% following a quest marker on the UI until you need to mash attach on things.

What's your point?

In fact all games are just a collection of 1's & 0's wtf do they honestly do differently you know? Not like shit posting on a Filipino finger painting forum.

> expect you to play for 100+hrs

Or.....since you only like 10 hours worth of the interesting content, why don't you do that 10 hours & then complete the game? That's still 10+ hours of all stuff you've chosen to do that you enjoy, how is that not worth $60? lol

Too little unique content is the game's biggest problem.
For some reason, instead of making a world around robust content, open world game developers make this "epic" world the size of Alaska and then sparsley fill it with mundane shit.
The game feels a lot like a Ubisoft game.
Did anyone really enjoy hunting Koroks?

It's a unique and permanent addition to your inventory at least as opposed to a health/stamina/space capacity upgrade or temporary weapon.

>900 korok seeds

>Dark Souls is 90% just dodging and mashing attack

The Souls games have things other than their combat that they do well you complete and utter retard. The only thing remotely good about BotW is its exploration. It was obviously the main focus of the game and it still only managed to be mediocre because of how samey your rewards for exploration are.

The durability system is take it or leave it for me. I appreciated the variety of options over just a sword and that it's something different than simply getting a handful of incremental upgrades throughout the game, and it was a lot of fun scrimping and scrounging in the early game and figuring out which weapons were better suited for combat and which ones were better using for utility purposes like mining, etc.

Mid-to-late game, though, it's basically nothing more than a minor annoyance that has no impact on the game at large. Even breaking the best weapons you have means nothing because you know you can just wait for a bloodmoon to refill your stock of royal/lynel/guardian weapons with ridiculous modifiers. The wands and elemental weapons become useless outside the fire ones for utility purposes. Really... this is just one of many ways of saying how poorly designed the game was in terms of scaling the difficulty/keeping it fun as you progressed while still being non-linear.

Ice Rod being mandatory makes it stupid. Should've said the Magic Cape.

That being said, BotW has some good secrets of its own like armor.

Not him, but if you don't get at least 1 hour of enjoyment from the game per 1 dollar you spent, it's a poor investment. It's one of the reasons I typically avoid Nintendo games, as they almost never drop the price on their games, and the only recent game with any story to it that hits that sweet spot Xenoblade X and BotW for me. That said, while I still think BotW is the best Zelda game I've ever played, its value pales in comparison to Xenoblade X (stopped after 180 hours, but still had stuff to do), Nier (150 hours on my first platinum of the game - and I did it twice due to the gamesave deletion needed to get ending D), and I suspect NieR Automata will be the same way (20 hours in, just got ending A - the prologue isn't even over until you get ending B, from what I hear, and there are a total of 26 endings).

Yeah enemy camps are so boring despite the variety in physics and options for experimentation that allows me to approach them in multiple ways.

Shrines are so boring despite most of them having different puzzles that can oftentimes be solved in multiple, clever ways. Shrine quests like Eventide Island and all the different environmental puzzles are so tedious.

It's just so boring! I can't stand all this samey content even if it's different!

I like Koroks a lot. They're my favorite open world collectible.

What armor are we talking about? I'm aware of 2 pieces of swimming armor and the climbing set. What else is there?

I found a set of rubber armor that protects against lightning and some random parts like the barbarian set that gives you a permanent attack boost. Also a guardian resist circlet that had a pretty cool location in a sort of guardian graveyard.

> 60 hours for an average game to be worth it

Fuck all games in existence give that much fun except for old Nintendo games, MMOs, open world games, RPGs, shooters & games you can replay ad infinitum.

Although most people are getting 50-150 out of BoTW easy, my point was simply the guy isn't forced to do 90 hours of content he doesn't like.

I feel like it's bloated with too much content.

Korok sees are a really shitty draw, especially when half of them go towards absolutely nothing.

The problem with Breaht of the Wild is there are no... super bosses.

Theres no super difficult challenge where you need to actually do half the stuff in the world. You can quite easily do enough shrines, and the 4 dungeons to get 13 hearts, and then go grab the master sword and rape calamity ganon.

You don't need 3 full stamina wheels. You don't need to farm the Ancient Armor set. You don't need to build up Tarry Town.

It's all fucking fluff because the main questline is so easy and theres nothing challenging after it.

i enjoy koroks when i come across them. I think i was to 100% completion though i'd probably hate them. Of course if you do end up 100% koroks the game literally gives you a giant golden turd as a reward so i don't think that they think you should want to do that.


It gives me the same feeling I got from the original Assassin's Creed's flags.
An insurmountable mountain of shit that without a guide you could never locate them all in a timely manner.

I am absolutely certain that you are not supposed to hunt Koroks due to the fact that you can't locate them with the radar, combined with their sheer number and that your reward for finding all of them is (literally) shit.

It's something to do as your explore the world from point A to B. A way to get you to engage with the environment rather than just having you stare at the minimap and hold forward.

I don't care about time spent playing/money spent or whatever bullshit rationalization people come up with.

The fact is that it's both an open world and a Zelda game and it fails at being both by making 90% of the game filler.

Sure you can go straight for thr beasts but wouldn't that be a waste?

>Too little unique content is the game's biggest problem.

Every fucking time someone says this I have to genuinely wonder if we played the same game.

The vast majority of the 120 shrines have unique puzzles. Navigating to those shrines feels like a puzzle in itself at times. The shrine quests are all unique and involve a myriad of challenges.

You can't just reduce everything to shrines and Koroks without analyzing the mechanical content that involves interacring with said shrines and Koroks.

you mean too much shit content.
Yeah i am with you fuck your koroko seeds this shit is retarted and if you actually enjoy hunting 900 of these i have other games you might enjoy like every ubisoft open world shitshow ever.

If you can beat it easily within 4-5 days of playing 1-4 hours per day, you're money ahead to just rent it.

You can argue that shorter games can be worth the 60 dollar price point, but when I can scrape all enjoyment from that game over a single rental period without breaking a sweat, then it's not worth the asking price of 60 dollars.

$/hour is a basic bitch metric for measuring whether a game is worth it.

Some of the best games of all time can be beaten in an afternoon.

Breath of teh Wild is good. For maybe 20 hours. Everything after 20 hours is easily just collecting stuff for teh sake of it, rather than doing it because it powers you up. It's the same in NIER automata

>20 hours to complete branch A.
I beat the whole game in 20 hours. Nigguh what are you even fucking doing.

A lot of those puzzles are piss easy, though. That's the problem.

I like how the weapon durability impacts the game, if only because being told my weapon durability is low, chucking said weapon at a fucker, and then picking up his weapon and fucking him up with it feels great.

welcome to the zelda series, enjoy your stay

>Worth it.
If by "worth it," you mean worth playing, you're right. If by "worth it," you mean "worth buying at $60 dollars, rather than renting for ~1 dollar per day," you're wrong.

>shrines are all unique
No, most of them use the same few gimmicks, and are designed to be a dead simple easy to grasp puzzle that takes maybe 5 to solve, 8-10 if you're really struggling.

>A lot of those puzzles are piss easy, though.

I mean you're right but you could also say the same about most puzzles in the franchise man.

All Zelda puzzles are piss-easy. At least some of these had an element of clever design in that you could solve them in multiple ways.

lmao if you consider Nier to be a great value just because it takes a long time to platinum

It is a good value if I enjoyed platinuming it. Which I did.

Consider what the developers could have done if they had created robust content like the divine beasts first, and then built the world around them rather than making the big world and attempting to populate it.
The traversal options in this game are pretty great and the amount of control the player has over Link makes the large open areas with sparse content bearable, but if everything was 25% closer together, the game might not feel so empty.
I did all the shrines, but I find myself asking "that's it?"

The lack of proper dungeons really hurt this game.

>all those great electricity puzzles in the desert

>that one that had you connecting a grid to light up two switches to open a gate

>came to a point where it felt like I was missing a piece to complete it

>get the crazy idea to drop my metal broadsword and connect the terminals with it via magnesis

>it works

If only there were more shrines like that.

>no variation in environment
Never mind having played the game, have you seen screenshots?

It has more than enough to do, but at times it feels like there isn't enough progression to keep me motivated to play it.

At least in Morrowind you could gauge how OP you got by finding weapons and killing bitches or finding new factions left and right, or in xenoblade and dragon's dogma there were tons of reasons to go exploring, and navigating the worlds didn't take up absurd amounts of time. Then you have the witcher games where you could betray and ally with people and watch political shit unfold which kept players engaged. They don't really have that in BotW. They got the exploration part down, but there's no substance besides the memories. Which do a terrible explanation of filling in the gaps at times.

Enemy camps get old pretty fast. During your first hours with the game they are important to stock on arrows and gear but after you get to the better stuff and focus on Shrines it's neither fun nor rewarding. Problem being that you are always dealing with the same enemies with the random recolors that take forever to kill and can 1-2hit kill you. By the time I was done with 2nd beast I just avoided confrontation all together.

Shrines are too simplistic and short to really go anywhere, lot of interesting ideas are wasted on a one time room and the whole 120shrines are poluted by trash like another empty room with the same enemy rehashed over and over again. Some of the outside puzzles are a pain in the ass to deal with because when you are not fighting against the broken physics you are given some very cryptic clue that will just make you go online.

So open fields, several Icy mountain ranges, a fiery volcano, a jungle, more than a couple of forests, a watery wonderland, and a vast desert qualify as "no variation in enviornment?"

I'm not choking on the dick of this game, or anything, but there's TONS of variation within the enviornment.

The game doesn't feel empty at all. There's literally a puzzle to solve or something else around nearly every corner.

I don't know what you guys were expecting. Sure, the puzzles weren't super challenging or anything but they were never challenging in the series anyway and there's just more to find and interact with here.

>forest place, volcano place, ice place, water place, desert place, spooky castle

user they haven't really changed anything in terms of 'Variation" from the other zelda games.

The other problem with enemy camps is that once you start encountering silver and black enemies, you are guaranteed to break at least one weapon in the confrontation depending on the amount of silver enemies.
If you like all the weapons in your inventory then there's no reason to bother fighting them.

wahahaha what a joke you are, user