We can all agree that this is the best souls like game ever?

We can all agree that this is the best souls like game ever?


Nah 3 has the better base game. The only things exceptional about BB are in The Old Hunters.

If the Ringed City is good 3 will be the best game in the series even when including DLC.


Setting and world: yes
Idea of replayability through chalice dungeons: yes
Actual execution of chalice dungeons: shit
Multiplayer: absolute shit

So, like every other game fromsoft has made, it has parts of it that are really good and parts of it that are trash

I really wish some other company would finally do one of these games the right way, with good singleplayer/story, good multiplayer mechanics, and good replayable / randomly generated stuff.

Just make Path of Exile as a souls game instead of a diablo. It's so easy but they keep fucking it up.

Fuck off shill. DS3 is fucking disgusting garbage.

>multiplayer absolute shit
Only mechanic wise. Bloodborne PvP is objectively best PvP because it's based entirely on knowing your active frames and iframes extremely well and hyper armor. And co op is great because PvE is great. What else can you say?

Yeah but the fast healing is trash, and the fact that it is always 2 or 3 vs 1 is trash, and the state that allows a player to be invaded being so easily avoidable is trash.

BB=DaS>DaS3>DeS>DaS2 + DLC > DaS2

>better than anything

BB has
>only 3 good bosses
>shitty as fuck chalice dungeons
>terrible gem system that makes people farm in the chalice dungeons if they want to pvp somewhat competitively
>mediocre second half after Rom
>terrible pvp system

Yeah nah 3 is better

nah son

Oh almost forgot BB also had terrible build and weapon variety before the DLC

ok pcbro

Will we ever get Bloodborne II Sup Forums?

>Setting and world: yes

DS1 is still the king

Probably in 2018 or 2019 if were lucky. I really want a sequel


DS1 had the best atmosphere experience, but the actual world and "what's really going on" was fairly generic

Aint got shit on "werewolves caused by drinking the blood of alien cthulhus from another dimension"

DS1 fags need to die really. you come into these threads and give no input other than HURRR DURK SOULS 1 IS BEST EVERYTHING

BB fags need to die really. you come into these threads and give no input other than HURRR BLUDBURN IS BEST EVERYTHING FUCK PC

you got it the exact opposite, bloodborne is leaps and bounds ahead of DaS1 and even DeS in atmosphere, while the concept of exploring the decrepit domain of fallen gods is much cooler than generic van helsing/lovecraftian settings

And how many people playing soul like games will play PoE as a souls game with that skill tree ?
And the interaction betwen skill are retardedly varied that some combo between unique and skills result in unexpectedly behavior that even the dev themshelves cant forseen it, I dont think those kind of shit will exist in any of 3D games in next 10 years or anytime soon.

>someone doesn't think my game is the best thing ever so he must not have ever played it!

Epic XD

Healing can be parried. If you fight a player who is good he will make it more difficult for you to heal. It can be very tricky to actually get a heal off on good players. You might have to resort to tricks. I like the healing. It's all about who can punish the best and not let their opponent heal during a critical moment.
It's not always 2v1. You can get 1v1s a lot in the designated dueling areas like nightmare frontier or mensis. Some people gank there but it's very rare. When you actually invade people progressing through the game you're often the only one with chalice gems so that evens the odds significant.
The bell system and bell maiden system is part of the mechanics which admittedly are quite awful.
Bloodborne PvP best PvP. I stand by it firmly. DS1 is "backstab and mechanic abuse" the game. No fun unless you are skilled at that type of play in which case it's deepest PvP, but objectively broken and not well designed.
DS2 PvP is actually very good, and it approaches the perfection of Bloodborne PvP, but falls short because there are more options which are easily taken advantage of, and you have guaranteed high damage parries (LONG window to punish) and backstabs. Still close match.
DS3 PvP sucks balls. Too many iframes, rolls cost nothing, curved swords and straight swords do too much damage, after the patch great swords are pretty unbalanced as well.
Bloodborne PvP is balanced and fair. There are only a few things which are truly unbalanced like bullets not costing anything to spam and the saw spear being a cut above every other weapon slightly.
Pic related is my favorite weapon to PvP with.


new best i guess?

Nice meme m8 upvotes XD.

What if

instead of the complexity of the PoE skill gems and tree

you had the complexity of the wide range of weapon movesets

like what already exists in souls

I am not talking about u but sadly there are many people that do that. Hating on a game when they haven't played it, even more when the said game is a one -platform exclusive.


Also it had become my top-3 most favorite vidya ever after PS:T and Fallout 2.
Sorry Morrowind, BB is better


BB > DaS > Nioh > DaS 3 > DeS > DaS 2 > Salt and Sanctuary > Not playing a videogame > Lords of the Fallen

DaS1 has a better world/levels, DaS3 has better bosses (in terms of quantity)

>we can all agree


>sorry morrowind
I felt the same when I played BB. Sorry old friend, but I love another...

I just got my ps4 and started browsing Sup Forums. I had no desire to play this game or any souls games until I came here. Now I'm craving it, but muh backlog.

>(in terms of quantity)
1) that isnt true
2) that isnt even a good point even if it was true

bb was on sale I think, about $20 for the complete edition. Now will be a good time I wud say, even u do not like the game u won't end up losing $60 on it.

Bloodborne x Dark Souls crossover when?

>what is DS3

I can't even for the life of me start ng+ for DkS3. There's just something about the game feels so damn bland.
Only good thing out of the game was Nameless King and Lord of Cinder? Forgot what he's called.

What I'm saying is while BB has a few amazing bosses (probably the best in the series), a lot of bosses are just trash. DaS3's bosses have a more consistent quality.

thats basically the problem for me with ds3 in general, the game is just kind of a slog.

I enjoyed it a lot on the first playthrough, but then I started ng+ stood there for a while in cemetery, reflecting on locations and situations that are ahead of me and just quit the game.

Bloodborne has the weapons, combat and enemy (including boss) design of all the games and I don't see how anyone could argue with that. Lore, setting, art direction and music are more subjective but I'd say Bloodborne is the best there too.

So I assume anyone who still thinks Dark Souls is better is a PvPfag and I discard their opinion.

i've been trying to respond to this for a bit, but i just can't bring myself to agree with you, though i like what you're saying on paper. bb had some stupid bs bosses, thats for sure, but idk, ds3 didn't really have any memorable ones to me. like whats a memorable boss in ds3. only good one i can think of is the giant tree, and the demon king how he just gives up basically and has no energy at the end of the fight. other than that its just some big guys in armor with some flashy swords, over and over and over, and when its not its basically easy. aldritch was okay i guess. oceiros was memorable for screaming OCELOT but his fight was pretty lame.
like, even if you ignore the gameplay, the bosses in bb are just more memorable to me. fighting logarius on the roof, fucking micolash, who while easy in ng is actually hard in ng+, rom was a trip, i think ghermans fight was insane even though it was kind of easy, just atmospherically. fighting that guy in the graveyard was wild, the witch of henwick was weird and creepy. idk, just all over better i think. yeah there were some stale ones, and i get that ds3 was a sequel so maybe they felt they could just rest on the inherent lore implications of each boss, but they just didnt have much character overall when you actually played the game.
i'll admit thats my opinion though.

PvP is literally the best thing about dark souls

No AI enemy can ever match the thrill of facing off against another human intelligence

>tfw started playing witcher 3 after this
sooo slooow and shit I cant stand this.

No, the first few hours are great and then quality drops to the ground. Also no build variety whatsoever and simplified everything

The PvP in these games has never been good and probably never will be. You're playing a very timing based game on a p2p connection which is annoying enough on its own, and also leads to stuff phantom range and lagstabs. Before and after every duel you have to sit through another loading screen, coupled with the fact that duels end after a player has taken 2-4 hits, means you spend more time finding matches than actually playing. Add in the fact that the weapon balance has never been good in these games either.

thanks i tried to write this but i suck at writing. good post, explains it perfectly.

no facing some shitter isn't really as fun as killing ludwig or maria

especially if you engage in faggy "duel" pvp instead of invasions

>tfw too much of a pussy to beat this game because anything horror-related scares the shit out of you like a little girl

Hold me, Sup Forums

>tfw BB is the best thing From Soft has done since DaS1 but they're overly rushed development cycle keeps them from going all out
>tfw Nioh is where the Souls series should've been years ago

The Old Hunters is god tier though

kys faggot

Nioh shits all over Bloodborne

its ok user its just a game


This. Can't wait to make soulsbabies cry on Sup Forums when i juggle lock their scrub asses.

that implies that anyone will play nioh pvp

>better than the best PS4 game


>better, deeper gameplay
>better multiplayer in that playing co-op isn't a game of fucking twister

you better believe people will play Nioh pvp

Lmao keep crying soulscuck Niohbulls are here to stay

just for reference, i was born in 90

As a lover of survival horror, Silent Hill was one of the only games that allowed me to ask numerous questions about the lore and get realistic answers given research and curious pondering. i used to say that games werent made that way anymore because of the focus on online multiplayer, microtransactions, and a general distaste the new audience of gamers have for storylines (COD and BF = major cash cows)

I could elaborate, but bloodborne has me pondering day in and out about 'why'. i trace answers back to the stories that inspired the creators and i feel like i know them better, the way i came to know team silent.

Its a beautiful work of art and no matter what happens, its underappreciated. i love this game and i have only beaten it once. but i have lived in it for hours and hours.

i heard dark souls has a tight lore but its nordic focus has trouble blending with japanese/american culture. bloodborne does this blend much better and its extremely effective.

Low quality bait. Kys, good user.

Bloodborne could have been perfect, if not for the shit multiplayer, seriously, vials can't be punished at all, they're too fast. Everything else is 10/10 tho

Dude if team ninja srsly went all out to create nioh then I don't know how they are hailed as great devs.

>disagree with the hivemind
fuck off

>i love this game and i have only beaten it once.
so have you really even beaten it then user?

>disagree with an obvious bait and retarded opinion.
>hurt Durr fuck off
Fuck off and If u find time then kys.

And you called my bait shit, jesus.


Low effort.


Good combat. No build variety. DeS still best. Bloodborne is the Diablo 3 of these games.

um sorry dude but you're not allowed to criticise bloodborne on Sup Forums

It's good but not the best.

oh yes, you have no idea. im studying this game more than i should be. Im trying savoring every last detail as i slowly progress and tell myself the story up to that point in my head over and over. its the most interactive story if done properly. If i beat it over and over its will be more memorized, instead i still get some of the original charm intended by the creators.

Bloodborne pvp is terrible lol.

nope sorry you have to say bloodborne is the best game ever made and ever will be made or ill be to forced to shitpost you to death

No, it lacks depth and is held back by 25fps with fps drops in certain situations all the way down to 15, chromatic abberation, frame pacing issues and still pretty long loading screen, compared to what an SSD gets on PC with DaS3 (3 sec loading time).

This is the definitive list that nobody can ever refute.

DaS:PTDE 1440p 60fps HD modded > DaS2:SOTFS > DaS3:TFFE > DeS > BB:TOH.

shit list. objectively wrong.

Bloodborne and DS2 and just Babys first Souls game.

How does that even make sense in your head considering that DS2 and Bloodborne are the hardest games in the souls series.

That isnt even true and you know it


he did say in the souls series, and since technically none of these games are actually hard despite muh difficulty fags, in a way hes right.