What's Sup Forums's opinion on indie Strategy RPGs?

What's Sup Forums's opinion on indie Strategy RPGs?

While we're at it, what about detective games?

No reason

>indie Strategy RPGs

Do those exist?

>indie srpg

like what?

I've seen lots of promissing AW clones that died. Isn't there one currently in development right now?

Expadations conquistador is pretty good. I have been thinking of making my own Sprg but dont know where to start.

>SRPG/Detective thread
Get out of my head, man.
I'd love to make/play a game that combines those things.

you mean Tiny Metal? looks promising, hopefully its not shit when it comes out in june

Bill it as a Shining Force spiritual successor.

But make it, you know, good. build on the character's personalities, and most importantly, no opportunities for grinding.

Bill it as a Fire Emblem fan game and promise to release the dev tools once they're finished to build hype, then never fucking follow through.

there's still room in this picture

I remember seeing something about the guy behind the early Fire Emblem games and Tear Ring Saga making one

i laughed more than i should

Vestaria Saga, and the first game is already released

>indie Strategy RPGs
never played any

>detective games
like... Ace Attorney? love it, most of the time, when it's not too ass-pull, specifically of the supernatural variation

I just want more games like Advance Wars. I feel like most turn based strategy games have too much army and resource management between battles. Even in Fire Emblem theres an emphasis on how you distribute EXP that matters form battle to battle. I want more turn based RPGs where each encounter is it's own self-contained thing.

Those exist?

>detective games?
I guess I'd okay with it. Too bad there's not many (Unless you dig up old games)

It's not necessarily indie, since Lucasarts made it, but I hardly ever see people talk about it. Fire up Dolphin emulator and play some Gladius, shit's great.

OP here, glad to see I'm not trying to get into an oversaturated market

Expect a game within a few months

Good luck trying to balance units and write strategic AI all by yourself.

Transistor was kind of not really a strategy RPG sometimes. I liked it.

Do detective games exist? I liked LA Noire despite the flaws.

>Writing strategic AI all by yourself
Hahahaha Kill me
There's two of us working on it but it's still ass

Have any suggestions? I'm also making an SRPG. I have 6-8 types of units and I'm not sure how I want to balance them. Different movement ranges would make sense (one unit is a golem), but generally units with less range are used less. I also want to have a deployment cost per unit. Like, you have 20 points to spend on deployment, and each type of unit takes more or less points depending on their usefulness.

>but generally units with less range are used less.

So why is that a problem? Do they die before they reach the frontlines? Increase their resists or their health or grant them immunities to things like debuffs, magic or CC. Give them abilities; allow them to bodyblock ranged attacks aimed at allies, cast slow on enemies to bring them down to the golem's speed, or have them deliver reflect-damage when they're hit.

It's up to you what their weaknesses and strengths are going to be.

>and each type of unit takes more or less points depending on their usefulness.
How does that work exactly?

Bought the banner saga 1 and 2 on xbone a while ago but still havent played them

Are they any good? I'm a sucker for Fire Emblem and played all entries in that series besides the DS and 3DS ones because I don't have either handheld so I was looking for something like them.

Story, combat, RPG, supports, are those games any good or relatable to Fire Emblem? No spoilers please

Presumably the units would be divided into tiers with higher tiers requiring more points per unit than lower tiers. You can have the mixed approach, the all-eggs-in-one-basket team, or the zerg rush.

If it's a different cost for every single unit though, that's basically saying "I recognize this unit is comparatively good/mediocre/bad and have no idea on how to fix it".

>So why is that a problem?
In Fire Emblem for instance, knights have low movement, so you can either move your whole team at the knight's pace, or ignore the knight and its good defenses to move your team faster. I'll think about it more though.

I have a basic shield and sword unit, a lancer who can attack 2 tiles in a vertical, a greatsword who can attack 3 horizontal tiles, a ranged unit (archer or rifleman or something), a healer, a golem, and a debuffer who can do things like make clones or control an enemy unit.

So say you have 20 points to spend. Shield and sword is the most basic unit and costs 1 point, debuffer and greatsword 3 points, and everything else 2 points. So you spend those 20 points bringing whoever you want. I don't know about what should cost what and how many points to have total, but that's a thing to test.

I've been working on one that I've occasionally posted in /agdg/ less frequently

I prefer the FFT model over FE though to be honest, at least in terms of camera angle, class system, multiclassing, passives, reactives, maps, and attack ranges.

What always bothered me about FFT was the overworld's random battles and the EXP per action system. So I've destroyed those in favor of Way of the Samurai's event system and EXP per battle/event instead. So I guess you could say that EXP rationing is something from FE that I've taken.

I have a feeling this webm's quality is shit, so I might post another shorter one

Play Disgaea, either 1 or 2 on Steam or D5 on Switch. I used to like FE but after playing Disgaea, it's impossible to go back because Disgaea gives you so many options to move and fight and all of them are fun.


There is an emphasis on positioning and blocking with "big" units (like Generals), but the map design doesn't allow for much advanced stuff like blocking chokepoints. So overall, no

It's a better RPG than most Fire Emblems, with better writing, so yeah

>Support conversations

Banner Saga isn't like Fire Emblem in the slightest

>tfw you can't into graphics but have the game logic all done.
Maybe I should just go full autism and do ascii. Not sure how that'd work in an FFT clone though


shit, are they any good at all then? would i be better off just reading a medieval fantasy book?

>shit, are they any good at all then?

Beautiful art attached to an okay game.

Banner Saga is the definition of "play only if you're tremendously thirsty for tactical RPGs." Or really, really love viking lore for some reason.

They're okay-to-good ish but definitely not classics like Final Fantasy Tactics, Jagged Alliance 2, XCOM, Fire Emblem 4/7/9/10, and Tactics Ogre.

Has anyone here played Invisible Inc?

I have it on PS4 but haven't made time to play it. It seems to have a lot of potential for good things. A friend of mine says it's good.

>Has anyone here played Invisible Inc?

Yeah, it's basically a cyberpunk heist film. Really good dynamic difficulty, you try to steal as much shit from corporations (money, hostages, experimental tech) but each turn you stay in their building, you make it more difficult for yourself to escape. So if you're a coward you can pick the low-hanging fruit and leave.

Definitely worth playing

the banner saga is the biggest meme RPG in the last 5 years

sucker you in with disney-movie graphics and you get a snorefest that makes the shittiest fire emblem game look like the sistine chapel in comparison

Good luck to you man. This is looking solid enough. It's encouraging to see this kind of thing posted here.


>mfw I'm getting distracted at 4am since Regalia beta keys went out

Battle Brothers hits 1.0 on the 24th. Get hype.

I remember loving the demo for that game on Xbox but never finding a physical copy.

Battle Brothers isn't really an RPG though, it's just Mount and Blade with a tactical turn-based layer

If it's anything I'd say it's closest to the original X-Com. Not quite an rpg, but individual units are all unique and valuable. Mountain Blade has a similar setting but the game is more Paradox autism with good combat behind it. Battle Brothers does a good job of making combat about individual characters while still being about management.

>If it's anything I'd say it's closest to the original X-Com. Not quite an rpg, but individual units are all unique and valuable.

yeah fair enough

it still seems good

>play battle moon wars
>Can't choose what Shirou's route upgrade can be
Why all of fucking why

Why not make more defensive type maps where you don't need to move an army across a battlefield? Or have fortifications on the map that need to be defended once captured or they could be retaken by the enemy so you have a use for a less mobile tank?

I'll probably have multiple capture points per map, yeah. Really, thinking about this is getting ahead of myself. I don't even have basic unit control working or anything.

>I don't even have basic unit control working or anything.

A* pathfinding

you're welcome

I know. I got stuck trying to implement it. That was months ago, and after doing some other things, I think I have a better grasp of it. I'm probably not cut out for programming.

>I think I have a better grasp of it. I'm probably not cut out for programming.

It's probably suicide to learn on an RPG, much less a tactical one.

I liked SRPG better when they were all 2D. Now we have what? Disgaea holding that? Nothing else.

>I liked SRPG better when they were all 2D


The fact that the map is 3D means you can rotate the map, which means you can do much more interesting map design with obstacles and height levels and such.

That's one case where 3D helped the genre out way more

I think pathfinding is the biggest obstacle. Most other things seem pretty straightforward.

Yeah yeah I'm not talking about the map.
I thought that was clear since Disgaea does the same thing.

I heard Battle Brothers is going to cost more after release. Is it true?

some of them are ok

i prefer playing them on handhelds

i dont see myself as being able to sit down and complete ff tactics on original hardware or on pc but i fell in love with it when i played it on vita

Rondo of Swords

I wish I could do them myself, like Fire Emblem with true wincest, porn and better endings.

that's why I unironically hope that more come out for the Switch

I don't currently own a Switch, but Wargroove is already announced for it, as well as a Fire Emblem.

For me, aesthetic and art style are the most important thing in an indie game for me. I don't care how good something is, if it looks like shit i won't bother.
Make sure you nail it, OP, cause I'd legitimately buy your game as long as it looked good and wasn't shit to play

>For me, aesthetic and art style are the most important thing in an indie game for me.

Apparently some lads are working on a fanmade spiritual successor to Brigandine.
I'm really hoping it'll turn out well. The original was a bit too slow paced for me, mostly because it's a PS1 game, but if done right this could be one hell of a SRPG.

Are they gonna up the price for 1.0?

Because what we need is more scam artists.

Only oldfags remember this game

I always tell myself I will play this "next summer" every year

it's 2017 and no one has beaten tactics ogre let us cling together / the original fft.

i love the genre but no one makes games for it

h u m a n s o n l y

Not really, Kamidori is a well known eroge.

That said, there's too many god damn party members. I never know who I'm supposed to bring along because there's like fucking 10 of them, and that's before NG+ where you get all the good ones.

But user, the monsters in Brigandine are under the control of human generals.
It's also humans who summon the monsters to fight for them.


not only that, but there have been kickstarted games like Massive Chalice that say "we want to be the spiritual sequel to FFT"

and then they make fucking fantasy XCOM

If you haven't played Voidspire Tactics yet then get the fuck out of here.

It's on IGG

Buy this now, you fucks.

How big exactly is this game's emphasis on exploration?

That isn't a SRPG you nonce.

This? Seriously

There's a lot of hidden shit you can find by exploring and using your skills to manipulate environments, but there is more emphasis on combat than there is on exploration.

That said, it's a short game that you'll be able to finish in a single day without trouble, but it's put together incredibly well for an indie game.

Yes, seriously.
It's the best indie SRPG I've ever played.
The game's intro is a bit tedious, but shit gets fun once you get some abilities to start playing around with. Just give it a try, piracy is free.

Never finished all of those lvl 90 dungeons, got bored of the game.

>too many party members
also what's the point to add members that you can't even fuck

main girls were worse than side girls, romance being party of the main plot was bad idea

There was this turn based strategy game i once played a while back.
It was free but surprisingly good.
It had a main story line and a multiplayer.
It had alot of factions too.
It worked that you had a hero and your castle, to spawn more units you needed to have your hero inside the castle.
It had factions like, Eleves, Undead, Knights ect. ect.
Does anyone have any idea of what i'm talking about? I can't remember the name for the life of me.

>That isn't a SRPG you nonce.
In what sense does it not qualify? It's tactical squad-based turn-based combat with equipment management and character progression.


Aw sweet thanks.
Is the multiplayer still alive?
I remember having a few matches and getting rekt hard every time by undead shitters.

Me too user. Maybe something that starts off as a detective narrative, you have a menu to move from area to area to interview people, then when you have enough info you can go to an area where you clear an srpg style battle against thugs.

After that you investigate the area for clues, maybe even solve puzzles, then use your evidence to squeeze more info out of people, then another battle, and so on until you get to the real criminal.

Could end up an amazing blend of the two or a fucking mess with stilted pacing.

Oh god, the RNG in this game was so terrible.

The good stuff. Got Shadow Dragon and Rondo of Swords around the same time, and Rondo was significantly harder between the two, even when it lets you grind. Played it so much I eventually forgot Shadow Dragon even existed.

Y'know, I seem to remember an old disgaea clone made using gamemaker. Really well made. Sprites were poor, but considering he did all the coding and sprites themselves it was an impressive accomplishment. Let me look it up.

I used to play a lot of them, I doubt 90% of Sup Forums even knows the game but vampires dawn deceit of heretics was one of my favorite ones.

Then I discovered HoMM 5 TOTE, HoMM3, Disciples 2, Kings Bounty etc and never looked back.


Turn based Tactic>SRPG

I don't dispute it's tactical. But so is Starcraft, so is Arma.

>with equipment management and character progression.

This is the issue here. Having stats doesn't mean it's an RPG, just like Football Manager 2015 or Call of Duty having stats doesn't make it an RPG. Unless those stats are used to tell a story (in the way D&D does), it's not much of an RPG.

That's why I call Invisible Inc. a turn-based stealth tactics game, not an RPG

Anyone playing FE9 Japanese Hardmode, get ready for bullshit.

Was that game called Shattered World: Beneath A Stone Sky? I stopped playing it after realizing it was unfinished, but I liked the effort put into it, and I was wanting games similar to Disgaea/FFT on PC.

>Then I discovered HoMM 5 TOTE, HoMM3, Disciples 2, Kings Bounty etc and never looked back.

Yeah, I guess if you like small, flat tactical maps and disgusting hexes

I had to actually push myself to tolerate Expedition Conquistador's battle system because it was so bland. Ugly-ass environment built around hexes, boring movement system, flat everything, meh. The rest of the game (survival, diplomacy, etc.) was so much better than the battle portion.

A tactics game should have a good battle system. Most of the hex-based ones are terrible at it.

There was at least Chroma Squad though it didn't really click with me.

What old game should I emulate?

>Shattered World: Beneath A Stone Sky
Oh yeah, that's the one. Didn't realize it was unfinished. Only played the first couple of missions in the castle.

Only now realized that GMC's archive of old gamemaker games has been abandoned. Thankfully somebody archived all of them.

Nah you just have shit taste.
>Expedition Conquistador's battle system
Besides comparing that to the likes of HoMM 5 is already proof that you have no idea what you're on about.

>Disciples 2

Meant for

>Disciples 2
>a tactics game


Starcraft is strategic, not tactical. Tactics are employed during individual skirmishes. Strategy is employed in preparation for a campaign. The latter is what is going on in games like StarCraft. Hence the term RTS (real-time strategy).

Which is why it's incorrect usage when people in threads like this think that srpg stands for strategy rpg, when the correct terms are simulation rpg or just trpg for tactical rpg, since those games are tactical battle simulations.

srpgs are a type of turn-based tactics.

Turn-based tactics vs. Turn-based strategy are the two primary genres that all of the other turn-based tactical or strategy subgenres fall under.


GO PLAY OPEN XCOM, THE EIGHT CIRCLE MOD, DIVINITY ORIGINAL SIN AND JAGGED ALLIANCE 2, AND LEARN HOW TO DESIGN GOOD TURN BASED COMBAT (tips: action points and turn based on singular characters instead of sides are a must, also, what makes a game good is freedom of decision based on deep choices, not complexity, in other words better to have three useful abilities than 40 no player is going to use.)

Wizardry 8 is pretty good too, although it's like you control only one character, as you move all the group like one entity.

>deep choices

one in the same, you're misusing words

what you're arguing against is quantity vs. quality, not "complexity." having 40 skills, of which 37 are useless duplicates, is not "complex." it's a quantity.

I agree with your sentiment and rhetoric but you're using the wrong words

I try to play good games, whether or not they are "indie" is not a factor.

Battle for Wesnoth is god tier and I guess that might be considered "indie". I'm also interested in Shouzou Kaga's recent games but I don't think they'll ever be translated.