Toukiden 2 is better than Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and MMX

Yes I also played the 3U on Wii U. Yes I also own the 3ds version

I completely disagree.

How did this even happen? Was she paid to kiss the birthday boy?

>tfw this dude and the girl are probably like mid 30's now

feels bad

yea but is it better than Monster Hunter Frontier

Frontier Switch Axe & Tonfas > everything else

how long ago was this picture of mew2king?

>better than Mega Man X
fuck off no it isn't

>not knowing M2K

Though I have to wonder who the girl is. Like, yeah yeah she's a teen blah blah blah, but she's probably the best-looking girl to have been in Smash. And she's legal now.

He obviously meant Might and Magic X.


>And she's legal now.
She's old and busted now

Someone told her to do it, and he was probably overacting as a joke. She was like 19/20 in this pic as well.

>That pretty girl's kiss was never real :(

Why live?

Who are you OP? Bold claim but it's not difficult to be better than MHX. That's shit. I think Toukiden is still different genre than Monster Hunter so they don't directly compete with each other...

Post some screenshots from Toukiden 2? It's hard to find a decent let's play on PC. I'm thinking about getting the game but I have so many other vidya which are not even properly started yet.

It was a real kiss. Someone told her to "cheer him up", but his reaction was fake IIRC.

Well I never received such kiss anyway. Not even fake ones.


remember that cute girl that everyone wanted to kiss but she only dated chads?
She is a pothead liberal now


Holy shit I actually wrote that without even knowing
I just guessed based on the fact she is not that ugly but she is not 10/10. And also she begs for attention.
I stay home 90% of the time since I was 18 and pretty much I know more about people than the so called "social outgoing"


Na, its not, because aesthetically its fucking rubbish.


the face of narcissism.

Why is pete dorr so creepy?

the one on the right is cute

Would fugg.

Though thot that looks goth looks hotter IMO.

>that goth girl that was always trying to tell jokes about death and blood to impress other people is now dating a mexican drug dealer and working in a new mexican beauty parlor suburb

yes you also have shit taste
