Stop making so much noise. My autistic girlfriend is sleeping

Stop making so much noise. My autistic girlfriend is sleeping.


>Can't even render a MLP blanket over her
Bioware is shit.

I honestly do love this meme

Whats the deal with legos? I dont get it. Something to do with autism?

Just an attack on masculine traits.

>default breast size

Yeah, I think it is still pretty fresh and funny with ME:A looking so terrible.


Time for a cup of jello (vertically poured) almost applied to mouth, followed by some Lego before nap time

*rubs your Legos on my testicles while you're asleep*

Lego is a stereotypical toy you buy for children and adults with autism

It's even used as therapy in autism schools/clinics

Something to do with focus and mechanically minded

Scott is a meanie and a bad brother :(

He placed a rotten egg in Sara's cryo chamber so that she woke up to the most awful smell.

I had whole cities and space bases made of legos as a kid.

Should I be worried?

>as a kid
You're fine, probably.

I heard he runs into the bathroom while she's showering and flushes the toilet! Scott is mean! MEAN!


Stop it faggots. You are unironically making me want to have a cute autistic girlfriend

until they start yelling at you for the littlest things.

I think she would be into pic related

Someone should do an edit

>"no conqbro no! You let her sleep because it is her bedtime and so is yours. Now go to bed conqbro you can play lego castle with her tomorrow and if you be good I'll take you and her to go eat and play at chuck E cheese place."

You sound like you speak from experience

Why is this almost depressing?

>the image looks just like my room/bed

When the fuck did lawbringer become conqueror's tard watcher?

What about the peacekeeper?

The lack of Peebee trying to molest Autistic Sara disturbs me

Ever since qonqueror got diagnosed with autism.

>treated for aspergers by a nurse, back when that was an actual diagnosis, because I liked swingsets and video games
I wouldn't worry about it too much. All those diagnosis do is give people an excuse to be an unproductive asshole. Look at people who cry for attention about how their depression stops them from using a toilet two doors down.

>Tfw Sara looks like me
>Tfw Sup Forums keeps shitting how how Sara looks and only likes her in the context of her having autism


I think Sara Ryder looks cute. I think Sup Forums's just shitting on the animations. Her facial structure isn't bad.

Pics, you fucking autist.

>being male and looking like that abomination
you might want to never tell anyone that ever again because that's embarrassing

And the disability tugboat.

trannies out

Pls don't dox me.


Why does she only have 4 fingers?


Autism duh

>someone actually saw this and thought it was acceptable in any way.

This should be a thing, with Scott aggressively encouraging Peebee to do it.



No, Peebee cucks Scott. She forces him to watch while she has sex with Sara.

I kinda feel like she would prefer Mega Bloks over Lego.


It's popular with everyone


Shouldn't it be "autista"?

Scott doesn't care, he just likes tormenting Sara.

>Dave Autista


If anything, he would try to cuck Sara by flirting with Peebee or at least pretending to be since Sara just wants to play with her legos

look closely at where the 4th finger should be, the ring finger on the right hand.

I used to have these guys.

No Legos are 10/10 regardless of 'tism.

All i'm seeing is a weird fish fingered abomination.

The finger is bent down, dumbass

No, you just don't want to admit that that chick has a fucked up hand. Look closer retard.

please be bait

>Unable to tell shitty, weak bait.

>5Gb of video memory

>acting like a honest-to-god retard is bait now
When will people stop doing this

All i see is 4 fingers?

It's fitting given the original topic of this thread.

You are right, i lost track of what thread i was in.

No lewd pls.


all them legos

>autistic womanchild sister
>depressed, jaded brother
>humanity depends on these

Is this how the mass effect series goes down? In a fit of incidental autism?

Anzu is a girl

oh shit, what's up Torb, haven't seen you since the Star Wars The Clone Wars general

>depressed, jaded brother
>not a manipulative tormentor, basically dennis reynolds in space

Love my coagulated blood in a bottle.

Nothing like a bite of maple syrup before going to sleep.

ontario pls


>fucking peasants can't understand how space manipulates things like space dust on space boots and space wine (which must be drank in a very specific way when one is in space) and claim that it's subpar animation, not flawless research and execution.

fucking plebs.

>when your fans are so desperate to play a game they make up one about how your female player avatar is autistic and your male player avatar is sadistic and basically write fanfic instead of play the game that supposedly you spent 5 years on

this really is something else.

>this thread

she tilts it on more of a fucking angle when shes sitting down than she does when shes goes to take a drink

She's pretty autistic if you always go for emotional replies.


No, she's not.

Autistic people LOVE Lego. There was this autistic guy at my highschool and he would just avoid doing work and play with Lego on the floor in every class. If teachers tried to get him to do work he'd throw chairs at them so in the end they just gave up and let him play with his Lego.

I'm going to bully her and you can't stop me!

No, but she can.

By that logic all women are autistic.

True, time to fix her.

Is she like trying to manifest her autism as some kind of psychic attack her or what. Is this some kind of variant on that Biotic shit.

What's with the hair shadow?

It's obvious she wants to challenge you.

>I will build a lego castle with my mind! Hnnnnnrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!

>Sup Forums only likes sara because she has autism


I own a lot of Lego, including some Lego Movie sets. I have a Pikachu plush toy and others too. I also (somewhat regretfully) own that Minecraft action figure.
I don't have Sonic bed sheets, but i do have Star Wars ones.
How far along the spectrum am I, Sup Forums?

What would her deck theme be?


oh that reminds me in this autism thread

splatatatatatatatatat splatoon! splatoon!

>playing children's card games in space
It's just like one of my Japanese animes!