What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Trillions of threads on Sup Forums about Mass Effect.

Of course user. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad the more a game is talked about the better it is for sales.
The worst thing that can happen to a game is absolutely no one talking about it.


They seem to have tried to appeal to players insecurities rather than their fantasies.

But he is one of the few things that went right, the gameplay is only redeeming factor of ME:A.

He left

There are TONS of people who think ME2 was better than ME1. That's what went wrong.

Dumb people and the nu-Bioware that caters to them.

it started downhill when EA gave bioware all the IPs to work on. me3 didn't even get a full 2 years for development, something like 22 months.

every moron can have game ideas. The engineers were the ones that made it smooth

Not made by Edmonton made by Montreal and full of SJW'S lead by Mac Walters the writer of ME3's ending doom from the start but since EA is marketing it like hell it will sell well

t. code monkey
He was in charge of the code monkeys in respect to gameplay.

It forgot the things that made it special

Hamburger Hepler and Manveer thinking workplace diversity and homosex is more important than making a good game.

>every moron can have game ideas
Why aren't you a game dev then?

The first three where utter shut Imo, cringe af dialog and wonky animations. Nothings changed so my guess is it all went according to plan.

He's back actually. Working on SWTOR though I heard.

Mirror Edge Catalyst was abandoned by EA at launch didn't know it released until December. Look at the reviews all mediocre.

lets not pretend this game was ever about something more than neckbeard fantasies


So what? He left Mass effect and Mac walters just fucked the hole thing up.

Absolutely this

more than 50% of the problems in ME3 stem from some design or story decision made in ME2

If EA hadn't acquired Bioware, ME2 would have been made in the same style as ME1 and they would have improved upon all the things that most consolecucks complained about, but no these faggots would rather have a shitty gears clone with light RPG elements

is Andromeda like inquisition a single player mmo?