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Needs to be lower
This isn't funny. Hundreds of developers put their blood, sweat and tears into this for years and all you can do is laugh
^^ xD
If they did, I don't see it, they literally fucked up everything other than combat, which is mediocre. Facial animations are literally all over the place, same as walking/running animations. Hell, this looks like an indie game at best, not a AAA game, I am happy my friends stoped me from buying it.
but why these 36 critics gave a high score if the gamers disagree?
Put simply, Mass Effect: Andromeda is the greatest game ever made. It’s not just that it is the deepest and most narratively potent game ever developed - and it is a truly deep narrative experience - but more than that, EA has finally found perhaps the only developer on the planet capable of doing its visionary work justice. This game is a true, genuine work of art, and anyone who wants to prove that gaming does possess an equivalent to the greatest novels, operas, theatre plays, or paintings, now has that very game to point to. Bioware Montreal is gaming’s Shakespeare, Da Vinci, and Welles, all rolled into one.
Somebody told me the world is gonna roll me
Shigeru Miyamoto always said, "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is bad forever".
There's no excuse for them putting out a game this unfinished in current gen marketplace.
This game could have been alright if they had just taken their time and worked out the bugs and just add at least a modicum of polish. But they didn't.
It's out and it has done something I never thought possible.
It managed to be so shitty, and so universally hated, that it has redeemed the ending of Mass Effect 3 in the eyes of the fans. People are legit going back to play the original trilogy to escape Andromeda, and when they finish going, "Well, the ending isn't great, but hey, at least it's not as bad as Andromeda."
>Shigeru Miyamoto always said, "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is bad forever".
He's wrong. No amount of time would turn Andromeda into a good game. It had a bad foundation - that of untalented developers.
>tfw to intelligent to be liked by gaymers
Has anyone actually looked up the critic reviewers posted? PC Gamer is the only one that sounds familiar, the rest look like plants.
That too.
I'm still astonished that the game was also shitty in just such a way, it managed to piss off both the far Right and the far Left.
The far Right hates that the games faults can be attributed to "diversity hiring", and the far Left is pissed over the shameless pandering.
For the first time I can remember, both Far Right Neo Nazis and Mentally Ill trannies can agree on one thing.
Mass Effect: Andromeda a shit.
wheres the clip of this? I need to see it
you realize a majority of those user ratings are from redditors that havent played the game and give it a low score anyway for memes. the game does not deserve less than a 5.
muh masseffect lore
fuck off faggot game is shit
they dun goof'd
Because it's not a completely unplayable mess that is riddled with critical, game breaking bugs or with design that is so fundamentally broken to the core that it's literally un-fuckable.
They put their blood sweat and tears into the wrong project then.
cause they cut themselves
cause 95 percent of the staff is morbidly obese
cause sjw filth cry all the god damn time over everything
i dont think this makes a good game user...
>not paying off your preliminary reviewers with bribes and freebee merchandise
cmon meow
It doesn't matter. It sold well because sjws and idiots gobbled it up and EA got to make a great end of quarter report.
Expect Andromeda 2 in 2019 to be worse and sell as well.
did you play the game?
these faggots should burn
slopping bodily fluids all over a game does not make it good, user
Nice touch with the gun.
Looks to me like they spent too much time building lego.
your grammar says otherwise
so many pop-ins and load-ins
like the dev team who made this game is incompetent
i have to play this game now. It cant be this bad. Specially with all the Sup Forums hate, you guys have shit taste 90% of the time
one user likened it to movie reveiws and it made sense.
most video game reviewers are literally whos who cant afford to piss off their benefactors and therefor stop receiving their advanced copies which makes for a bias and untrue reveiw
movie reveiwers were seperated long ago from this beholden atmosphere to the point where a movie is doomed if the reveiwer does not get the advanced copy.
once games make it to the same point as movies (review wise) we will then be able to trust the reviews of published writers
Looks like they didn't try hard enough, m8.
normally i would agree, but its not just Sup Forums this time that hates this crap
Sup newfag
>That user score
Jesus i was expecting 5 or 6 at worst
should have spent their time making it good
but what is the reason?
The animations? Sure they suck but the original trilogy had abyssal animations that were funny as well.
Is the plot really that terrible? Only ME1 had a decent plot imo but that didn't stop me from enjoying me 2 and 3.
And then the gameplay everyone says its pretty great.
I guess im just curious.
Yeah, well, give it a few days. Right now the majority of user reviews are a bunch of autists on both sides who haven't even played it yet giving it either a 0 or a 10.
is the forced tranny stuff really that bad in the game?
I thought of this when i made mine, because in reality
Puppys/Curlys wife=Mass effect
>that desperate clinging to stay in 75+ green section
listen to them shit all over it hahahaha
where the original trilogy failed at 1 or 2 things per game this game only succeeds at 1 or 2 things (and in a story heavy game, the game play being one of the ONLY things that went right would never save it).
thats a fuck tonne of failure in 1 game.
it's a trans-trender piece of shit
It's just one random character you can talk to on either your ship, or the hub station.
That being said, the less than 1 minute of dialogue this character had still managed to be forced, awkward, and trigger a bunch of trannies on twitter.
who cares? each dev still made at least 50-60k+. They're still ordering in a stuffed crust pizza for themselves on the weekends.
Yes even the big sites like ign, gamespot are giving it a low score. Polygon of all fucking places gave it a 7.5 and they are huge suckers for sjw pandering.
I feel like there's a good chance we'll drop below 75. The people who were given review codes were what EA assumed to be the most solid positive scores and they called the game mediocre. People who didn't get the game early or are just putting it off because they don't like the genre will probably judge it more harshly.
there are over 800 reveiws for the ps4 edition alone. there are only so many people who would give a shit to post a reveiw on metacritic and they already shat, wiped and walked away.
the score is here to stay.
>dat feel when I literally cannot remember a single character outside of your party members
Problem is Andromeda really IS Inquisition in space, except even worse because it's further refined aka streamlined. Game basically has no identity of its own.
At it will be their last check.
Everyone else may meme but thats because they don't know how fucking heart breaking to see your efforts of over 5 years boil into nothing because of poor management and lack of oversight.
>"far left"
No, they love that you can't make white characters. The center-left is pissed for gutting the gay options and how the presented their trans character.
if you scroll down there are 3 reveiws without scores and 1 unfinished reveiw, all negative. its not a true 75. more like a 73.
Mass Effect games were never about the gameplay - they were mostly focused on character interaction and story telling with mediocre shooting to get you from A to B.
During what little I played, the writing in Andromeda was absolutely atrocious. The dialogue is terrible and the characters are dull. Maybe the plot gets better 15 hours in, but I don't know. And the gunplay and combat encounters were nothing to write home about.
So if all we have left is a bland and uninspired third person shooter, why bother?
I feel really bad for the people who did things like Backgrounds, Set pieces and the combat. Those are all pretty good, if not best in the series, and it's this beautiful area that you get these shitty fucking shrek characters, and newgrounds-tier animation that inhabit it.
>These mentally ill mongs are now considered center-left.
>Mass Effect games were never about the gameplay - they were mostly focused on character interaction and story telling with mediocre shooting to get you from A to B.
This is really why all the positive reviews so far are shit. They praise combat, freedom in character building and multiplayer, but those are NOT primary reasons why fans play Mass Effect. Aspects that actually matter range from bad to mediocre depending on who you ask.
So what, just because it took some nobodies work i should feel sorry for them and like their product?
Duke nukem took over 10 years to develop, it was shit and everybody acknowledges it.
let it go
it happens
50 to 60k in montreal is likely to get you nothing but a cardboard box to live in and a half order of poutine a day
>Shigeru Miyamoto always said, "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is bad forever".
Meant to
there is no such thing as far-left.
user, jesus dude
>There's no excuse for them putting out a game this unfinished in current gen marketplace.
But user, Andromeda was delayed.
It was an alright game not worth 60$ maybe 40$, the motion controls killed it.
Too bad the blood amount wasn't lethal.
>freedom in character building
u focking wot m8?
who said this?
>cant create white characters
>cant make characters that dont look like hell
thats not freedom, thats bullpenning you into sjw "noone is perfect" bullshit
>backgrounds best in the series
of course faggot it's the only current gen mass deffect
>mentally ill mongs
It's people who don't want the government literally in their bedroom, so they automatically support things like LGBT rights and abortion.
The right is the actual abomination. The only thing they're right on is gun rights.
Skills, user. He means how you're not locked into classes anymore. Now you're locked into fucking annoying loadouts you have to keep switching to and from because someone thought three skills per each was a good idea.
and climate change and immigration
Gamespot gave it a 60, IGN gave it a 7.7. Eurogamer shat all over it in their review.
>It's people who don't want the government literally in their bedroom
your right but these are also the people that want to stand over everyones shoulder and demand that freedom of speech be destroyed in favor of preservation of feelings
i was all for the "if it does not affect me then i dont care" but now they are forcing it to affect me and thats where they can fuck right off
>When you're reviewing a 5/10 game but they paid for a high score
>climate change
Hope you don't live near a coast or a fault line.
The US immigration system was already the most stringent in the world. Something has to be done in Europe sure but the US doing crap like this is retarded.
>Story sucks
>Writing sucks
>Voice acting sucks
>Animations sucks
>Bugs galore
>Female characters are ugly as fuck
>AI sucks (Friend and Foe)
>UI sucks
>Fetch Quests everywhere (Inquisition and KMMOs say hi)
>Music is forgettable
>Gameplay is decent
>Graphics are good (yay pretty colours)
10/10 By Polygon
Brad is reviewing it and doesnt even want to finish it top kek
Polygon gave it a 7.5 shockingly enough
To those who bought ME:A
Are you depressed right now?
Cheer up! At least you didn't waste your money on Switch
that is some next level stupid
>hey lets make an rpg
>lets make lots of skills
>lets make sure the player cant use any of those skills to make meaningful combos
>thats a great idea! they will be so annoyed they will overlook our other failures!
at this point i think that infinity ward could have done this game better
Wasted blood. Their own fault.
They're failures. Plain and simple.
I remember seeing a review where someone said that the Ryders and their crew was superior to Shepard and his crew.
Any metacritic score on a game that's gained internet traction isn't likely to be that accurate, with bandwagon culture being what it is today.
You don't have to play the game, you don't even have to look at the game. For all the shit reviewers get about not even finishing games, I sincerely doubt the people who gave Bayonetta 2 a 0/10 for being a Wii U exclusive or Bloodborne a PS4 exclusive played the games, did they?
That said, Andromeda deserves a 3.9 because it's a piece of shit developed by hacks who should do the industry a favour with their hack asses and get the fuck outta town.
Man it feels like forever since we've had a blunder like this
What was the last big one, anyway?
At least with Andromeda, we now know exactly what a 5/10 equates to in big media reviews.
We should use this to weigh other scores from now on
Which reviewers are giving this a higher score than BotW?