Despite no one in the western media ever calling for change to Nier's character design, gamers still cling to their persecution complexes. I realize this is Reddit, but you faggots are just as guilty of this shit. And don't even get me started on how triggered you guys get over representation in games. Why the fuck does it matter if one character out of a huge cast is trans or homo. Representation doesn't change gameplay last time I checked. Or maybe you guys are just angry because you feel underrepresented. Like sure most games are littered with white straight male protagonists but whens the last time you got to play as an obese angry virgin? Kill yourselves.
Despite no one in the western media ever calling for change to Nier's character design...
gr8 b8 m8
suck a cock pasta faggot. Nobody, not even your family likes you.
You guys are just angry because its completely true and this isn't a copy pasta
>Why the fuck does it matter if one character out of a huge cast is trans or homo
"Homo" is considered a homophobic slur
ya blew it m9
Gay here and no it isn't , educate yourself faggot
You STILL haven't realized that the pro-SJW threads are just shitposts to trigger angry autists?
Jeez user...
Imagine being this mad. Well you don't have too.
Uh user it's literally just short for homosexual, you can't be this retarded...
two words to describe everything about you, bub
NeoGAF did and their whining affected the US version of Berserk in that KT won't release Casca's wet shirt costume. So there is precedent at least.
>Caring about a localized Berserk game
So paki, jap, nig? they're just normal?
I kind of agree with you user but at the same time this is super shitty bait, try harder
Sup Forums is like the right wing equivalent of tumblr. Sup Forums is even more so. Too many people on Sup Forums and tumblr that spend more time complaining about shit rather than actually partaking in them.
Tumblrites wished that comic books would be more SJW, and you know what Marvel actually gave them that wish. Look what has happened to Marvel's comics, their sales have been dwindling ever since. Why listen to complaints from people that don't spend money on the stuff you make?
Similarly, why should Bioware or any other usually western company that gets shit on over here listen to you guys? You guys obviously spend more time complaining about shit than actually playing video games. Hell at most, you probably won't even buy the games you guys'll probably pirate it at the most.
Just like the real life social isolation that gives you guys the level of bitterness you have, even in the games industry none of these developers that you spend hours complaining about give a damn about you.
>nig comes from a word that was already offensive to begin with
is it a new meme to copy paste posts from reddit or something
Kind of reminds me of the Tracer butt controversy.
For some reason everyone flipped their shit and blamed it on the SJW's even though it was kinda' just that one guy who made a complaint about the pose.
What the actual fuck is this thread
If only there was a solution to all this.
wait nigger isn't their normal name?
I really think most anti-SJWs don't actually look into what Politically Correct people say or believe and just assume everything they like is something they want to take away.
Cute pic user, got anymore?
OP here, thanks for all the (yous). I got the attention I was desperately craving tonight. Later! :)
Are you okay?
Despite no one on Sup Forums complaining about SJWs complaining about Nier's character design, SJWs still cling to their persecution complexes. I realize this is Reddit. And don't even get me started on how triggered you guys get over representation in games. Why the fuck does it matter if one character out of a huge cast has a cute butt. Cute butts don't change gameplay last time I checked. Or maybe you are just angry because you feel underrepresented. Like sure most games are littered with white straight male protagonists but whens the last time you got to play as a battle robot with a big ass? Kill yourself.