HZD's plot

So basically, Aloy's genetic mom (Sobeck) helps this asshole Faro guy build these super advanced machines but leaves because she is tired of his shit, he gives them a super Ai
>It malfunctions and starts wrecking shit
>He asks for Sobeck's help
>She introduces project Horizon Zero dawn that creates another super Ai named GAIA that will use machinery to rebuild the world
>Some idiot gives GAIA a "delete button" called HADES
>HADES starts wrecking shit so GAIA creates a clone of Sobeck (Aloy) to stop it. Because to GAIA, Sobeck is god and can do anything.
It's actually not bad. What did you think?

Not bad? I thought it was awful.

>earth going to shit
>advanced enough to make ai
>only try single a single shuttle out to space

That's not mentioning the blatant sjw shit
>antagonists are white men
>protagonists are all women, including a Muslim female scientist from new Tehran, Sweden

This game would have been better with 0 plot

I'm all for nonsensical plot-lines. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Looking forward to the expansion, whenever that is supposed to be released. I would've at least liked to face some sort of humongous machine for a final boss, but it was still plenty fun as it was.

Except the Nora, who are led by women, have the most backwards logic out of all.

user, sit down and shut the fuck up when you haven't played it and are just repeating bullshit lies from other shitposters.

HADES was the "Oops we fucked up, Do-Over" button. Just incase something didn't balance out. That was fine.

I'll admit, there was a few over arching feel of MEN BAD, but i mean the bad guy to almost everything is a white old british dude, him being evil was fine, I don't remember the ratio of Male to Female Bandits though.

The alphas had a few guys in it, Including a Bro surfer guy.

Biggest issues i had were the sassy girlpower comebacks aloy had for everyone. She lived in isolation, Shunned from the tribe, She should've been mostly Autistic. Socially retarded.
I can understand her straight up not getting why guys think they're better than her, but to sassy one-up them was a bit much for me.

Side quest's were mostly trash though.
I had so much fun just fucking around in the open world though. Hunting and stripping down zombies.

>female protagonist


Should have made a Killzone 1 remaster.

sounds incredibly retarded

>Biggest issues i had were the sassy girlpower comebacks aloy had for everyone.

I think that mostly depends on your own choice of what you pick. Aside from those times, she wasn't really sassy.

the REALLY retarded shit is that after 100,000 years the old machines that were wrecking shit back in the day against the billions strong advanced human armies are somehow undone by a red headed retard armed with a bow and a slingshot

one of the last battles is her against the old machines and due to GRRRRRL power she manages to defeat them

>the REALLY retarded shit is that after 100,000 years the old machines that were wrecking shit back in the day against the billions strong advanced human armies are somehow undone by a red headed retard armed with a bow and a slingshot

don't underestimate centuries of rust and aging. That shit can make heavy metal armor weak as aluminum.

>there was a few over arching feel of MEN BAD

Well yeah

Women are the creators and protectors of earth and its children while men are testosterone fueled destroyers

I'm glad that a game reflected that for once

It wasn't 100,000 years but several hundred I believe. Only the Corruptors and Deathbringers were the old robots that destroyed the world in the first place and they were mostly few and far between. Most of the robots had been deactivated using the towers after GAIA finished decrypting their network (about 50 years after everything had been destroyed). The robots you mostly fight are ones meant for terraforming or new ones built by HADES.

Either way, Alloy is able to take them on because V I D E O G A M E S.

if im not mistaken the mechs you fight in the last battles are akin to what the advanced human armies faced. Theres a scene where they begin to suck up organics and turn them into biofuel

i just find the premise of a retard armed with a fucking bow defeating something every human in a more advanced age, armed with the most advanced weaponry absurd

heres a thought. Have aloy use the bow against organics- like humans/boars. And have her pick up old weaponry from the ancient times to use against the machines

this would create DIVERSITY of weaponry

but no, she just fire arrows at them

Guns are misogynist and patriarchal.

Corrupters, Deathbringers, and Titans are Farro robots.

Terraform bots are built by Hephaestus during 700 year period.

Aggressive Bots are built by Hephaestus in response to Farro bots being reactivated (20 years).

will we ever leave "AI fucks shit up" trope?
how about AI saves humanity ? or AI prevents catastrophe?
this shit is not only luddite it also beaten to death

She grows up in a world where the machines are hunted for parts and sports. The entire economy revolves around robot parts even.
It isn't as dumb as you think considering their 'primitive' weaponry is build for destroying machines. It's not like she just fires standard arrows a them. If you do, you'll do low damage. Point is, her weaponry isn't as primitive really. Just look at tearblast arrows. The arrow points are more high tech, her sling has various elemental effects and explosives. The rattler, tripwires and rope caster are more primitive than guns but not that primitive.

Also, Aloy deals the most damage by using the guns of the machines against them. So she does pick up old weaponry to use against the machines.

There's a difference when you're fighting only one compared to the never-ending thousands, if not millions, that were swarming the Earth before that.

She even asks herself the question how it was possible to fight that many robots and says something akin to the old world fighters being godlike hunters.

then the game HINTS at using the old weaponry but has a schtick going that you are BADASS HUNTER WOMYN

heres how it should have gone

>aloy: ive brought you some parts Sylens, what can you make for me? cause i know you have a knowledge of old things from the ancient times
>sylens: i can make you this "XXX gun" but if you bring me more widgets i can upgrade it or even make you more powerful weapons to use against the machines!

also i find it very amusing how a bow hunter has ZERO musculature in her/his arms. Nope, dont need any to draw back the bowstring.

So you consider that a game with an evil white guy is automatically SJW. Why are you ignoring Sylens then? He fucked things in the world with the Shadow Carjas, aiding Hades advancing the destruction of life, and causing conflict, disorder and pain with his actions over the years. And the fucker admits to you he would do everything in a beat to gain knowledge, knowledge its obvious he plans to save for himself, and fuck the world and everything else. And in the end, even knowing how dangerous HADES is, he will screw things up again.
You can say this game is SJW because Ted Faro was an evil guy who was white, but don't act like only white guys were evil. And it's not like the game pointed out "look how evil white men are" directly. Fuck, the big mayority of white men in the story are sympathetic and helpful.

So then you didn't play it huh user.
-1000 years
-Mankind didn't lose to the robots being individually strong. The scarab line is the lowest tier of doom-bot and is still a damn demon by the time the game takes place.
-Mankind lost because of the overwhelming numbers the machines had.
-In the logbooks you find, there's even an account of a soldier just laying down machinegun fire during a retreat from the back of a truck and taking out 3 scarabs.

Maybe you would enjoy things more if you weren't so goddamn illiterate.

It has tribal themes so obviously she's designed to be a hunter.
Why would you want boring guns anyway? Her weaponry at least feels somewhat unique giving all the different ammo types. Guns would just make the game dull.

It's an interesting mix of tribal and modern tech. All the bows and weaponry feel powerful enough to take down machines. Those short bursts of picking up a ravager gun to wreck everything around you feel all the more satisfying. Having guns would ruin it all.

step aside for the REAL lore

Yea Sylens is pretty much going to be the next badguy but he won't be a bad bad guy like he just wanted knowledge. And he will go whatever lengths to get it.

In all honesty Faro isn't 100% bad either, he just fucked up.

Fuck Dumpf!