Will he rip ME:A to shreds on tomorrow's Zero Punctuation?

Will he rip ME:A to shreds on tomorrow's Zero Punctuation?

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ZP's videos takes 1 to 2 weeks from release



Definitely. Other reviews cite a lazy story, boring dialogue choices and a messy game in general.

It'll make the 2017 'meh' award

Was hoping he reviewed Hollow Knight at some point.

Do you seriously think he would have a review ready for a game that came out today?
He's reviewing Nier Automata

Because he does what most reviewers dont, actually play the fucking game.

He's either reviewing hollow knight or nier this week.

Here's the thing: I'll watch the video and I'll laugh but I won't trust his opinion. It'll be entertaining but not informative. I never trust Yahtzee's reviews because he's a jaded old fuck. I'll actually wait to see what Dunkey says.

Or more likely, he doesn't get early review copies because he isn't a paid shill.

>Here's the thing: I'm a fag

he's a better reviewer than any that the large sites giving out highest grades like hotcakes, actually plays the games long enough to find discernable flaws and informs you about them

I always wondered if it was a conscious decision to review games two week after their release or if he just doesn't get early review copies.

I don't give a shit about any reviewers. That Dunkey thing was a joke. But specifically, yeah I don't care what Yahtzee says even though he's obviously not a shill. I don't listen to shills either. If it was up to Yahtzee I'd play five games a year. I'm not that picky.


Is it not too soon? PC release was not even a week ago

Yahtzee also intentionally shits on games just because that's the kind of reviewer he is at this point. He points out almost nothing but flaws in most of his videos even when he actually likes the game. He has to actually specify beforehand if he likes the game and is going to say otherwise in his videos.

Or at least that was the case back when I watched him like 2-3 years ago. Maybe he's changed since then.

You're right,
He actually complains for like 5 secs in some videos about the difficulty of obtaining some games if they aren't downloadable in Australia.
But he does get some early copies sometimes, depends if the escapists kick it to him though, since it rarely happens to him but happens with what's her cunt all the time

He's an Aussie that cares more about his uncreative and uverused "I'll be cynical while using a British/Aussie accen't. Everyone thinks cynical British people are absolutely hysterical." shtick than he does about being informative in regards to the game he is reviewing. He's """comedy""" first and foremost, not a reviewer.

Not botw...

I wouldn't mind hearing bad things he has to say about HK.

>hurr too hard
>hurr dark souls clone


Is he not doing Automata first? Pity, he even went out of his way to do a review of the first game even though it almost went under his radar.

>tfw he does a double feature for Hollow Knight and Nier Autotomato

Won't do that, he might do HK + another indie, but a Triple A game will get its own episode.

He always does. Even games he likes he has to shit on them, which is why I like his stuff.

he didn't like one of your games didn't he user

He buys all his own games

He's actually a Brit who left because he hated his parents and was chasing pussy. Now he's America for basically the same reason.

His style is first and foremost comedy, but that doesn't mean he isn't a critic, or that he's a bad critic. Name one mainstream videogame critic who isn't Yahtzee who does things like analyze what makes a good game by making three-legged theories about game design.

He's a critic, his mission statement is "To depict the majority of games as the bland garbage that they are, to highlight the few glittering belly dancers that rise above it."


>Because he does what most reviewers dont, actually play the fucking game.
He usually grazes the surface at best. If you actually played the games he talks about you'd realise how little he plays certain ones, MH Tri and Nier come to mind, but there are many more that you can tell he played for 10 hours or less.

No, I just absolutely despise the shitty "cynical brit" comedy shtick because it's absolutely terrible and has no comedic merit to it, relying purely on the fetishisation of an inaccurate national character and an accent by retarded Americans.
>hahaha he talks different
>and he's a cynical brit, haha, oh those brits
This is fucking garbage. Not comedy.

Yahtzee's comedy comes from his writing, not him being British. If his accent was the reason for his success, Mogword would not have been a funny book.

if you watch his twitch streams he sometimes tell what game is gonna up for review next

it's nier

I tried to get into Mogworld, but after reading it for a bit I realised that it just made me miss Discworld and it really wasn't doing it for me. Not a bad book though.

He's actually played a fair few games on PS4, since a few PC versions of games are busted on launch.

And Demon's Souls.

will he ever get away from the escapist?
Do people even watch anything on the escapist?

He's probably not gonna like the game based on the fact that to get the full idea of its story you need to play through it for quite a while, what with the endings A-E thing. He's always complained when the game is too lengthy.

The guy is basically about as casual as you can get without mobile games, and it's really noticeable when he gets things blatantly wrong. But at the same time he does actually play the games he reviews. Rarely well, but he seems to actually like games and his "hit or miss" comedy does have it's moments. Honestly I think he's an alright guy, just don't take him even remotely seriously about anything.

He's the only thing on the escapist.

It just came out yesterday. BotW was like, the first time ever that he had a timely review that wasn't a week or two late and not just because he used to live in Bumblefuck, Queensland, Australia.

I'm expecting him to praise it desu.

He's the John Oliver of video games. Pretty funny but completely wrong about almost everything.