You all need to watch my schreems and support me so I can pay my bills.
You all need to watch my schreems and support me so I can pay my bills
maybe after i will have spare money, which is most likely never
I don't even consider DSP a human at this point.
what's his new sponsor?
he actually has some cool merchandise
i bought four of his new shirts
I can't wait for the end of his pathetic youtube career. The salt will be delicious.
Anyone else get their DSP tees recently? Great quality!
What went wrong?
His grandfather got his fortune told by a gypsy, but didn't like the results and refused to pay her. As a result, she cursed every male in his bloodline to fail miserably at their passions.
THE """""""""""""OFFICE"""""""""""""
how will leanna leaving affect the business
lookin good! i'm still waiting on mine.
Why do DSP threads get deleted faster than other off topic shit?
Usually they don't even get past 50 posts before the mods delete them. Meanwhile other shit can go for over 200 posts
When are you going to beat Ludwig, you faggot?
That's a bit of a dated reference, user.
check is in the mail, bro
DSP must be paying the mods to keep his threads up
the mods are DSP shills
it's the only reasonable explanation
>tfw no leanna gf