2011 was 6 years ago

>2011 was 6 years ago

Other urls found in this thread:



>I've been wasting my life on this site for 9 years
>I'm still the eternal newfag



> just remembered i started browsing this place in 2007
> realised that was a decade ago

what's special about 2011?

It was 6 years ago

You probably put your ketchup in the fridge, too.

I see you have mind reading powers

Smug man has no power anymore

>I remember finding this site when I was 12
>That was 12 years ago
I've spent half my life being a faggot on a Nippon chatroom.

I had a 2 year break to serve a mission, but I've over all been here the long haul.

>2014 was 59 years ago

i live in australia you slug, no way i want fucking warm ass sauce


>calling costanza smug man
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

Nice try. Shiggies and >2011 are old hat now
Memes don't die with a bang, but a wimper

a 200 pound negro lady

I just want to go back, user.

Is it true that Australians can't afford central air?


>started lurking in 2005
>started posting on 2007
>12 years on this fucking site
>I'm only 23
literally half of my life has been wasted here. everything is in shambles. all hope for the future has long but disappeared from my heart. I fear death, but this isn't a life.

>2006 world cup was 11 years ago
>it's been 11 years since my last girlfriend dumped me during the divegrass event
holy shit where did the time go


Meh.. I was like.. 16? I found this site like around 4 years ago. I've been here ever since to watch you guys talk about the latest games. Aside from the cringe and memes, there are some genuinely good, well thought out opinions, rants, and debates here. 10/10

>1973 was 59 years ago

>1882 was 5000 years ago

Today is the first day in 2 months that I'm sober

Same age. You do realize it's not the end right? You're still relatively young enough to do anything. Get off your lazy butt and do something

07newfag reporting in.
I miss all the funweird threads anons would make back then before we had to cover all our humor in 7 layers of irony.
>Sound threads, misnamed filename threads and template threads are no more.

suck my dick, faggot



What a teasing bitch


you started browsing when you were 11? what was wrong with you?

I was 12.

>his mic still sounds like fucking shit

What was the mission?

>arrow in the knee is a 6 year old meme
sometimes it seems like the days drag so slowly, then before you realize it you're fucking dead. I can't even remember many distinct days in the last 6 years, even the last year really

existence is the gayest fucking meme of all

I want to go back to 2011

tastes better lad

I'd put hot sauce in the fridge if it didn't kill its heat

>see that mountain?
>horses confirmed

>Todd will die in my lifetime
this is the worst

i keep mine in the pantry, but i've never been sure about reduced-sugar ketchup

Mormon proselyting mission

Does anyone even remember how 4am posting came about?
All I remember is protomen posting and some feels.
Also memes.