Play lengthy rpg

>play lengthy rpg
>grow attached to the characters
>credits roll
>last screen is a picture of all of them together smiling

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>play lengthy rpg
>grow attached to the characters
>credits roll
>last screen is a picture of all of them dead

Name ONE (1)


I always tear up like a little bitch at the end of an RPG.

Play Lufia 2 for a real tear jerker and maybe XV as a recent example if you enjoy the cast

>Crying over a bleep boop video game.

Does it?

>>play Darkest Dungeon
>>try to grow attached to the characters
>>Weald Champion level
>>every screen is a picture of all of them dead

>Lengthy RPG
>Characters go through a lot and become best friends
>credits roll and they all say their goodbyes
> final screen is a picture of them all together with the words "thanks for playing"

That's how I feel about Senran Kagura Beach Peach Splash right now.

>Only 2 more missions left in true route
I don't want to wait years for the next entry.

All die, but 3 are off screen
Bullshit really but they have this memory before their deaths.
Like they all know they are going to die and they hanging out in their last moments and it is this big somber, but emotional moment that the developers nailed.


Undertale (Genocide) is memetrash but technically counts in this case.

>finish rpg
>it's not even that long
>still depressed

>final credits show what the characters' lives could've been if everything hadn't gone to shit


>play lengthy rpg
>grow attached to the characters
>mc kills the party during the credits

>Undertale (Genocide) is memetrash
>trying this hard to fit in

>Being this much of an insecure retard

memes were a mistake.

>muh sad cow people

Furries go home.

>One of them is missing

>thanks for playing!
>we'll miss you

>play lengthy rpg
>can't stand any of the characters but still enjoy the story and the gameplay
>credits roll

Persona 4
Heh, no.

>Last sequence is watching the game delete all your data

Like almost every character except one. Despise that character so much you bench them forever. You have to fight a boss as that character alone for some reason. Fuck you Carol.

>playing waifu game
>slowly realize you're falling in love with someone that isn't real

What's this from?

Terranigma for SNES

Don't fall in love with computers, user, you'll only end your life in disappointment. I'm not a robot.

>play lengthy rpg
>grow attached to the characters
>rpgs are fucking boring
>never finish it

If it has interesting characters how can it be boring?

Fuck are you me? Why does it always have to be rpgs that have the most likeable characters?
Turn-based rpg is one of the most boring genres.

Thanks for the adventures guys.

This was my first time through FFX when it came out.
>All the late game underwater sections with Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku
>I had pretty much ignored them all game up to this point
>Decide to just run away from the fights in their areas since it takes too long to kill shit
>There's a boss fight and now they're even more underleveled

>And a special thanks to YOU!

Dude guys look I'm in the game

So is it one guy that draws all these WikiHow illustrations?

>play Persona 3
>grow attached to the characters
>feel like your world is gonna end when it ends

>start Persona 4
>can't grow as attached to the characters anymore
>like the game but feel like it doesn't drag you in anymore

I'm afraid for Persona 5, although it has been quite some time already and I'm not starting it immediately after falling in love with a brand new experience into a series.

I always preferred "Thanks for playing."

>Turn-based rpg is one of the most boring genres.
T-thanks japan

>take a genre that is the most tactical one that can be
>run it to the ground with long unskippable animations, padded hp bars, spoiler-heavy mechanics full of noob traps and trial and error, and routine gameplay consisting of repeating 5 attacks in order

his art is always on point, holy shit

>tfw the journey is really over

nepnep conquest route


>play lengthy rpg
>it's not very long
>it's barely an rpg
>start to suspect some of the characters are autistic
>awful character animations everywhere
>credits roll with no storyline conclusion

why is me:a so bad

Turn based combat should be quick and not drawn out bullshit like a lot of the later final fantasy games are.

Im not a 13 year old japanese girl so i have a hard time believing i can enjoy the cast of XV

its worth posting twice

there will never be anything like bitcher again

Have you ever tried?

>credits roll
>music alone is enough to give goosebumps and feels
>if that wasnt enough almost every character you meet along the way who surviesv/location gets a short little snippet showing what theyre up to, as the credits roll and that fucking music plays
Legend of legia has some next level post game feels

Sad Daiz is sad.

Not and RPG but this still hit me at the end

It's ok, user. Goro betrays you at the end.

thanks for reminding me, how good mass effect's end credits song is.